girls what type of circumcition do you prefer
a. a loosly cut one
b. a tightly cut one
c. not at all cut
and for the guys witch one do you have
Quote by Buz
I am so very glad that I was circumcised soon after birth. I recommend that you have your baby boys circumcised. Tthey will appreciate it when they grow up. They will also appreciate that they don't remember it being done.
Quote by clum
What exactly are the advantages? I'm uncircumcised (as are most men in the UK) but I'm very happy with things "down there" and have never had any problems.
Quote by Xicana
I enjoy uncut men. I have been with a circumcised man and it was also interesting, but uncircumcised is better.
Maybe I'm just bias because I am going to marry my uncircumcised man
Quote by Magical_felix
But why is that? I can't imagine it feeling different once it's inside your pink pussy paradise. Or is more fun for blowies, like something to nibble on or some shit? Or is it purely for aesthetic reasons?
Quote by Shylass
I read somewhere (a medical site) that for the lad who is not circumcised, the foreskin acts as another sensation during penetration, and slides back and forth on entry and withdrawal, which is a plus if the vagina is slightly bigger than normal. But then again, without it, the whole head is free to feel everything.
So either way, I don't see that it makes much difference other than looks when flaccid (hate that word!), less cleaning by seconds, and cultural/religious purposes. I still find it hard (arf arf) to see why a woman should have a preference on it, unless she is thinking of getting somebody she knows one for their birthday, or something.
Quote by Magical_felix
Because people just like things a certain way. Some girls like foreskin, some don't, some just don't care. You like ginger cookies better than chocolate chip ones right? Same shit. I mean I don't like big ol' flappy loose vagina lips hanging way too low swaying back and forth at the slightest movement, flappin' around like a flag in the wind. I like them a bit more... I don't know... Not so flappy. So why wouldn't a girl feel the same way about a schlong?
Quote by clum
I've never seen an uncut dildo so I take your point but I imagine it's just harder to make.
I accept your premise, DD, but I do not accept your conclusion.