Where do you get inspiration? From other writers, or music, or art work, photography, or... something else?
When you're in a slump but don't want to call it 'writer's block', what do you do to deal with it?
I will occasionally have an interesting erotic dream that I'll draw inspiration from! Or I'll just let my mind wander during those favourite moments of realizing you're awake but not quite ready to get out of bed yet. As well, I tend to draw on sexual fantasies to lull myself to sleep... Somehow much of my inspiration comes from moments spent in bed, now that I think about it.
Otherwise, I find initial ideas or triggers for a storyline through conversations with other writers and I'll let things evolve in my mind when I reflect back on them.
Books and movies help inspire me when I'm lost for words.
Also, as Dancing_Doll mentioned, if I'm stuck in the middle of a story, I'll often go to bed and sleep on it. I come up with some of my best ideas that way.
My long ass commute...if I don't have a book ...I leave my mp3 player on and I start creating storylines and characters in my head
My dreams and secret fantasies and from things I have read about.
Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom" I get my inspiration from dreams, or the theme of a certain conversation for example somebody might be angry and that triggers a feeling in me, and I just get a blank page up on my screen put some music on and off I type.
My inspiration centers around one man that I have been literally captivated by. I have intense sexual fantasies about him daily and never get tired of them. When writer's block comes, I step away from the stories (not the fantasies), until I can find the words to write again. The positive is that I love thinking and writing stories about him. The "negative", is that he's the only subject that I want to write sexual stories about.
I suppose that most of my inspiration comes from the fantasies that I find particularly arousing. That said I can also find Inspiration in day to day life, from "People Watching" and from reading the work of others.
Over sexualized memories of ex girlfriends. Really slutty ex girlfriends...
Inspirat from ion comes from dreams, music, or even conversations that I have had from my friends. I don't really suffer from writers block. I just know sometimes when a good story is ready to be penned!
"Writing M/M turns me on..."
My main sexual interests are (I leave you to guess), Domination (of myself by a female), Reluctance (a five year struggle before she finally gave in), Older Woman (I was 17, she 41, and it lasted for years) and Interracial (mainly Hindu and Arab) since I have experience in all these. Being able to call on actual past experiences (I should have been locked up in my teens!) is the most useful of all tools, particularly the ability to recall conversations or responses.
I was very close to my sister if you know what I mean, and my daughter is always very open about what is happening at her college, which often suggests a story to me.
I have always had the greatest respect for call-girls, (it is a trade like any other and one to which which many young men need to resort in a dreadful repressive society) and engaged in conversations with them. This has been a very useful way of obtaining information and confessions from women about sexual matters which are otherwise hard to come by.
I never write about sex in a lurid manner since I find that any evident effort to spice up the narrative is counter-productive and tends to make the material unreadable.
I write about variations on things I've ACTUALLY done or things I WISHED I'd done when I thought about it afterward... Some of the genres I write in are absolutely fantastical in my actual head and mindset, yet I enjoy letting my imagination explore situations I could never consider in real life... In that way, my writing is an opportunity to explore fantasy in fiction that I really can't explore in real life... And wouldn't want to, in truth...
But I like having a forum for exploring those ideas, and I'm THRILLED when other enthusiasts appreciate the work and say kind things....
xx S
What moves me to write? Feelings mostly. Some imaginary - some real. As a reader, take your pick.
Honest answer? I do not know.
Answer I think is neat... I sit infront of my computer and the words just appear on the screen. Which is sortof true. Last week I woke up to find my body curled around my lap top and the active document was a combination of a new romantic story and a grocery packing list for when I got to Canada in July of 2011. If you are thinking of, "He slid his hand over the swell of her firm hot pot seasonings hot and tradition" you get the idea. But I would love to know where they come from!!!
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!
Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China. A long-ass commute, overhearing someone's conversation on the train on my way somewhere. I pull out a pen and a notebook to jot down some ideas. If not, I wait until I get home and start otlining/planning my story beofre taking to the laptop.
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