Quote by WannabeWordsmith
While that may be true, we have a zero tolerance stance on plagiarism of other literary content here, so it seems in keeping to extend that to "plagiarising" song lyrics in stories. Plus, in the unlikely event that somebody does take umbrage to their use and lawyers-up, the site doesn't have the resources to fight it. It's safer for the site owner to adopt a zero policy on lyrics too.
Common phrases are usually exempted. I'd like to see Lionel Ritchie claim he owns the copyright on the line "I love you" from Hello, for example
Song titles and artists are generally fine as long as they're not fanfic.
good points for sure. i didn't mean to imply that lifting lyrics is okay as long as you're under the radar--while i think it's unlikely anyone here would get sued over a brief mention of an identifiable lyric, a technically copyright-violating work doesn't have to be incredibly profitable or well-known to end up in a lawsuit. i could foresee a situation, for example, where an artist might object to having their lyric used in an adult story, and sue for that reason. i wouldn't necessarily agree with that, but they have that right.
you're right about common phrases. i think even if a story somehow identifies that lionel richie was singing "i love you," that's still almost certainly not infringing.
my main point remains--identifying that a certain song is performed by a certain artist isn't infringing, because there's no copyrightable material there. you're also correct however that while it might not violate copyright, it could potentially violate one's right in one's own self (i can't remember what that's called, in legal terminology), depending on if the artist is portrayed in a certain light. just mentioning them, however, should be fine.