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Sprite's Pet Peeves - writers should check this out before submitting stories - it's just go

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Her Royal Spriteness
ok, so, i love you guys, the writers. i do, even when you drive me insane, which you do, sometimes. so i'm going to drop little bits of advice in here from time to time that i think is important. not following it won't stop you from being published, but follow it will probably get more people to read you. so here goes.


this is the laundry list: Hi, my name is Pat. I'm 5 foot 5 inches tall, weigh 130 pounds, have blue eyes, blonde hair, and 34C boobs,etc, etc.

at this point most reader fall asleep or skip to the next story.

2) multiple chapter stories. it's a proven fact that mutli chapter stories suffer from diminishing returns. 1000 people read chapter one, about half of that come back to read more, and each time, a little less (unless Dancing Doll writes 'em, then all bets are off).

SO... if you're story is so long that you need to break it up, as in it's over 10k words, do it. If you're breaking up a 5k story into 6 chapters, 800 words each, you are screwing yourself. write the whole damn thing, don't get impatient, and then send it in as one freaking story. BOOM.

3) proof read and edit. YOU don't want to put yourself out there with mistakes nor do you want to get rejected for them. we don't want that either, so make sure it's as close to perfect as possible when you send it in. yes, i will fix typos or little mistakes, but i'm not going to re-write the thing for you (i actually did that one, taking a straight story into a lesbian love fest - i spent a month on the bench for that one - oops!).

word of advice - i've been doing this for a long time and i know who you are if you're sending in stories - that means i know who sends in clean stories (Hi Master Jonathon!) that i can get up really fast (thanks to those of you who do, and you know who you are), and i know who sends in stories that i have to constantly send back. so do the other mods. at some point, they see you in the que and go 'fuck that, it's going to be another nightmare, i'm skipping over them). sorry, but that's how it happens - you make this harder then it needs to be for us, you go to the back of the line. simple as that.

4) we appreciate thank yous. we get a lot of them. sometimes i'll even form friendships cause of those. don't be shy, it's super easy to do. i almost always respond to those with at least a smile, too (hi Kornslayer!). smile

5) if you have an issue or a question about a rejection, an edit, anything, PM me or one of the other senior mods. as some of our writers can tell you, i will bend over backwards to make you happy and fix or explain the issue as long as you do your best to be patient and respectful. i have no illusions about what we do here - it's called Lush Stories for a reason. you guys, the writers, make it work. the other stuff is just extra that everyone enjoys, but yeah, we like to make the writers happy.

that's it for now. feel free to comment, ask questions, or just be silly and like i said, i do try to respond to everything as much as possible - in fact, my personal PMs often get put on hold in favor of "house business" (hi Kiera! sorry! )


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
oh, another one.


unless you're e.e. cummings, please please please, don't try to make poems into shapes, or get fancy with the formatting - it messes up the publishing process at best and it just looks... funny.

left edge, people!


Mary had a little lamb
it's fleece was white as snow
and everywhere that Mary went
the lamb was sure to go

NOT this:

little lamb

it's fleece was

as snow...'

you get the picture. it's writing, not creative design. thanks smile

cranky rachel

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Lady GlitterGiggles
Thanks. I think this is something everyone should read.

I can honestly say, my "rejects" always come with an explaination. Lol. Usually very nice suggestions. Thanks to all MODS
Mana wahine

Thank you for posting this, it was super helpful. Thanks also to all the mods who do such amazing work for this site.
Active Ink Slinger
This is great advice sprite, and it's things I have learned to - i.e. the "laundry list". In fact, if I can interject a personal experience, describing any of your characters using a numerical label is a bad idea (this was brought to my attention by one of my readers). Rather than saying she had 36DD boobs, just say she was well built, she had an ample bosom, or she was built like a brick sh*thouse, and let the reader use their imagination to fill in the particulars.

As for the multi-chapters, I agree. However, I tend to go into a lot of backstory and set up as anyone who has read me knows, so single chapter stories are hard for me! LOL! But I don't publish anything less than 3,000 words unless it is in a special category - Flash - or for some challenge or competition so no worries from me there!

And yes I am all in favor of "Mod Appreciation" - in fact, I owe you a thank you for the mention in this thread. I do try to send in clean work. I'm not always successful, but I do try. But all of the Mods and Administration of Lush deserves a HUGE thank you from us readers. Their job is not an easy one and it is done voluntarily. So when we submit a story we need to remember to show a little love once in awhile ((hug))

Master Jonathan
Quote by sprite
ok, so, i love you guys, the writers. i do, even when you drive me insane, which you do, sometimes. so i'm going to drop little bits of advice in here from time to time that i think is important. not following it won't stop you from being published, but follow it will probably get more people to read you. so here goes.


this is the laundry list: Hi, my name is Pat. I'm 5 foot 5 inches tall, weigh 130 pounds, have blue eyes, blonde hair, and 34C boobs,etc, etc.

at this point most reader fall asleep or skip to the next story.

2) multiple chapter stories. it's a proven fact that mutli chapter stories suffer from diminishing returns. 1000 people read chapter one, about half of that come back to read more, and each time, a little less (unless Dancing Doll writes 'em, then all bets are off).

SO... if you're story is so long that you need to break it up, as in it's over 10k words, do it. If you're breaking up a 5k story into 6 chapters, 800 words each, you are screwing yourself. write the whole damn thing, don't get impatient, and then send it in as one freaking story. BOOM.

3) proof read and edit. YOU don't want to put yourself out there with mistakes nor do you want to get rejected for them. we don't want that either, so make sure it's as close to perfect as possible when you send it in. yes, i will fix typos or little mistakes, but i'm not going to re-write the thing for you (i actually did that one, taking a straight story into a lesbian love fest - i spent a month on the bench for that one - oops!).

word of advice - i've been doing this for a long time and i know who you are if you're sending in stories - that means i know who sends in clean stories (Hi Master Jonathon!) that i can get up really fast (thanks to those of you who do, and you know who you are), and i know who sends in stories that i have to constantly send back. so do the other mods. at some point, they see you in the que and go 'fuck that, it's going to be another nightmare, i'm skipping over them). sorry, but that's how it happens - you make this harder then it needs to be for us, you go to the back of the line. simple as that.

4) we appreciate thank yous. we get a lot of them. sometimes i'll even form friendships cause of those. don't be shy, it's super easy to do. i almost always respond to those with at least a smile, too (hi Kornslayer!). smile

5) if you have an issue or a question about a rejection, an edit, anything, PM me or one of the other senior mods. as some of our writers can tell you, i will bend over backwards to make you happy and fix or explain the issue as long as you do your best to be patient and respectful. i have no illusions about what we do here - it's called Lush Stories for a reason. you guys, the writers, make it work. the other stuff is just extra that everyone enjoys, but yeah, we like to make the writers happy.

that's it for now. feel free to comment, ask questions, or just be silly and like i said, i do try to respond to everything as much as possible - in fact, my personal PMs often get put on hold in favor of "house business" (hi Kiera! sorry! )


Thanks. ?
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by sprite
i will bend over backwards to make you happy

Dis is true.
Quote by sprite
i will bend over backwards to make you happy

Most women bend over forwards to make me happy, but, no, backwards is just as good.

Seriously, thanks for this thread. It's really helpful and informative for a new member like me. Any advice offered is much appreciated.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
ok, so, i love you guys, the writers. i do, even when you drive me insane, which you do, sometimes. so i'm going to drop little bits of advice in here from time to time that i think is important. not following it won't stop you from being published, but follow it will probably get more people to read you. so here goes.


this is the laundry list: Hi, my name is Pat. I'm 5 foot 5 inches tall, weigh 130 pounds, have blue eyes, blonde hair, and 34C boobs,etc, etc.

at this point most reader fall asleep or skip to the next story.

2) multiple chapter stories. it's a proven fact that mutli chapter stories suffer from diminishing returns. 1000 people read chapter one, about half of that come back to read more, and each time, a little less (unless Dancing Doll writes 'em, then all bets are off).

SO... if you're story is so long that you need to break it up, as in it's over 10k words, do it. If you're breaking up a 5k story into 6 chapters, 800 words each, you are screwing yourself. write the whole damn thing, don't get impatient, and then send it in as one freaking story. BOOM.

3) proof read and edit. YOU don't want to put yourself out there with mistakes nor do you want to get rejected for them. we don't want that either, so make sure it's as close to perfect as possible when you send it in. yes, i will fix typos or little mistakes, but i'm not going to re-write the thing for you (i actually did that one, taking a straight story into a lesbian love fest - i spent a month on the bench for that one - oops!).

word of advice - i've been doing this for a long time and i know who you are if you're sending in stories - that means i know who sends in clean stories (Hi Master Jonathon!) that i can get up really fast (thanks to those of you who do, and you know who you are), and i know who sends in stories that i have to constantly send back. so do the other mods. at some point, they see you in the que and go 'fuck that, it's going to be another nightmare, i'm skipping over them). sorry, but that's how it happens - you make this harder then it needs to be for us, you go to the back of the line. simple as that.

4) we appreciate thank yous. we get a lot of them. sometimes i'll even form friendships cause of those. don't be shy, it's super easy to do. i almost always respond to those with at least a smile, too (hi Kornslayer!). smile

5) if you have an issue or a question about a rejection, an edit, anything, PM me or one of the other senior mods. as some of our writers can tell you, i will bend over backwards to make you happy and fix or explain the issue as long as you do your best to be patient and respectful. i have no illusions about what we do here - it's called Lush Stories for a reason. you guys, the writers, make it work. the other stuff is just extra that everyone enjoys, but yeah, we like to make the writers happy.

that's it for now. feel free to comment, ask questions, or just be silly and like i said, i do try to respond to everything as much as possible - in fact, my personal PMs often get put on hold in favor of "house business" (hi Kiera! sorry! )


1) I'm guilty of this. mostly because the description allows me to see the lady or guy in my mind & therefore write better about them. but I'm going to try to do better and just say tall...or firm medium size boobs...etc. instead of the laundry list. it a 15 year old habit so it'll be hard to break. most of the time the girl I'm describing is a real person.

2) I agree with you so strongly that I'm going back through over 10 years worth of stories (over 500) and re-writing to remove multiple chapters.

3) I'm one of the guilty ones here but not by choice...I'm dyslectic & no matter how many time I proof read...I see it the way its suppose to be rather than how it is...UNTIL you point it out. then I can see it wrong & correct it. I have a friend that when he has time edits my stuff & eliminates part of my problems. But alas not all. so since for me its a medical thing over which I have no control I hope you can forgive me.

4) thanks you would be more forth coming if it was easier to respond back when we receive a rejection/acceptance notice. I appreciate even the rejection notice because they are usually accompanied by good advice.

5) I'm not sure how to PM but I'll make a point to find out because I do have questions. for instance I just wrote a story where one guy plied another with alcohol so he could get in his pants. is that an acceptable scenario on lush? now when I have a question I can PM you.

I've saved this post for future reference
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by mranonymous7

4) thanks you would be more forth coming if it was easier to respond back when we receive a rejection/acceptance notice. I appreciate even the rejection notice because they are usually accompanied by good advice.

5) I'm not sure how to PM but I'll make a point to find out because I do have questions. for instance I just wrote a story where one guy plied another with alcohol so he could get in his pants. is that an acceptable scenario on lush? now when I have a question I can PM you.

I've saved this post for future reference

4. Just reply to the rejection/acceptance PM. It goes directly to the mod who dealt with your story. Easy.

5. As long as the guy being plied can still consent to the activity (isn't completely trashed and at no point says no or doesn't want it), then it's fine. Consent, consent, consent. Always consent.
Quote by mranonymous7

1) I'm guilty of this. mostly because the description allows me to see the lady or guy in my mind & therefore write better about them. but I'm going to try to do better and just say tall...or firm medium size boobs...etc. instead of the laundry list. it a 15 year old habit so it'll be hard to break. most of the time the girl I'm describing is a real person.


3) I'm one of the guilty ones here but not by choice...I'm dyslectic & no matter how many time I proof read...I see it the way its suppose to be rather than how it is...UNTIL you point it out. then I can see it wrong & correct it. I have a friend that when he has time edits my stuff & eliminates part of my problems. But alas not all. so since for me its a medical thing over which I have no control I hope you can forgive me.


If it helps at all, sometimes, I write my laundry list in a separate file, just to get the description solid in my head. Then as I'm working on my story, I try to hint at the idea that she's a blonde haired, blue-eyed, hundred-pound kick-boxer through the action. Tossing a blonde braid. Needing a step-stool to reach top shelves. Things like that.

I fight with dyslexia, too. The second pair of eyes is the most useful thing but if I don't have that (as I often don't for my erotica drafts) putting my story down overnight usually makes the errors easier to see when I pick it back up again.
I've been guilty of letting a decent number of bloopers get through, and often I seem to find them more easily, unfortunately, once the story has been approved.

A friend pointed out that lush's font is likely different from the one I use to compose, and that just the fact that it looks different may make it easier to spot things on a second or third reading.

Now one thing I do is to convert my entire first draft into a very different font visually from my composition font once I'm ready to start editing closely, and I do find that it helps me find the odd blooper.
Raised on Blackroot
Quote by sprite
oh, another one.


unless you're e.e. cummings, please please please, don't try to make poems into shapes, or get fancy with the formatting - it messes up the publishing process at best and it just looks... funny.

left edge, people!


Mary had a little lamb
it's fleece was white as snow
and everywhere that Mary went
the lamb was sure to go

NOT this:

little lamb

it's fleece was

as snow...'

you get the picture. it's writing, not creative design. thanks smile

cranky rachel

I am now considering sending you a poem from my HS creative writing class that depicts a sword fight that's drowned in metaphors about life's struggles. It is arranged in sword form on the page.

I ended with the correct meter to boot. Or so seyz my old teacher.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by oceanrunner

A friend pointed out that lush's font is likely different from the one I use to compose, and that just the fact that it looks different may make it easier to spot things on a second or third reading.

Now one thing I do is to convert my entire first draft into a very different font visually from my composition font once I'm ready to start editing closely, and I do find that it helps me find the odd blooper.

That's a great idea. I had never thought of it, but I will try it. I am a horrible proofreader. I just read it over and over trying to find mistakes. I still miss stuff. Another set of eyes helps, but I tend to be pretty secretive about my early drafts.

And thank you Mods. I have thrown a lot of weird shit in your direction (the three page sentence comes to mind), and you have all been kind and graceful when pointing out when something doesn't work, or when grammar and spelling are off. It's a very "safe" place to be a writer; the mods never insult you or talk down to you.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by MadMartigan

I am now considering sending you a poem from my HS creative writing class that depicts a sword fight that's drowned in metaphors about life's struggles. It is arranged in sword form on the page.

I ended with the correct meter to boot. Or so seyz my old teacher.

you're aware that i have a voodoo doll of you and a whole lotta pins?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Primus Omnium
Quote by sprite
ok, so, i love you guys, the writers. i do, even when you drive me insane, which you do, sometimes. so i'm going to drop little bits of advice in here from time to time that i think is important.

I must extend my apologies to you, Rachel. All these years of writing and I've been irritating mods. I didn't realize.

So sorry. I'll try to do better.

Raised on Blackroot
Quote by sprite

you're aware that i have a voodoo doll of you and a whole lotta pins?

I didn't know you loved me that much, rach. I'm truly touched and I guess I'm embarrassed and over the moon with this revelation?

And I hope you used high quality material, cuz I'ma high quality dude. Only the best.

I mean, I used the highest of high quality faux black leather and blood red walmart diamonds for yours.

It's as masterful as your ass.

*I'm also going to send you my poem about Darth Vader and Paper airplanes now.*
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
ok, so, i love you guys, the writers. i do, even when you drive me insane, which you do, sometimes. so i'm going to drop little bits of advice in here from time to time that i think is important. not following it won't stop you from being published, but follow it will probably get more people to read you. so here goes.


this is the laundry list: Hi, my name is Pat. I'm 5 foot 5 inches tall, weigh 130 pounds, have blue eyes, blonde hair, and 34C boobs,etc, etc.

at this point most reader fall asleep or skip to the next story.

2) multiple chapter stories. it's a proven fact that mutli chapter stories suffer from diminishing returns. 1000 people read chapter one, about half of that come back to read more, and each time, a little less (unless Dancing Doll writes 'em, then all bets are off).

SO... if you're story is so long that you need to break it up, as in it's over 10k words, do it. If you're breaking up a 5k story into 6 chapters, 800 words each, you are screwing yourself. write the whole damn thing, don't get impatient, and then send it in as one freaking story. BOOM.

3) proof read and edit. YOU don't want to put yourself out there with mistakes nor do you want to get rejected for them. we don't want that either, so make sure it's as close to perfect as possible when you send it in. yes, i will fix typos or little mistakes, but i'm not going to re-write the thing for you (i actually did that one, taking a straight story into a lesbian love fest - i spent a month on the bench for that one - oops!).

word of advice - i've been doing this for a long time and i know who you are if you're sending in stories - that means i know who sends in clean stories (Hi Master Jonathon!) that i can get up really fast (thanks to those of you who do, and you know who you are), and i know who sends in stories that i have to constantly send back. so do the other mods. at some point, they see you in the que and go 'fuck that, it's going to be another nightmare, i'm skipping over them). sorry, but that's how it happens - you make this harder then it needs to be for us, you go to the back of the line. simple as that.

4) we appreciate thank yous. we get a lot of them. sometimes i'll even form friendships cause of those. don't be shy, it's super easy to do. i almost always respond to those with at least a smile, too (hi Kornslayer!). smile

5) if you have an issue or a question about a rejection, an edit, anything, PM me or one of the other senior mods. as some of our writers can tell you, i will bend over backwards to make you happy and fix or explain the issue as long as you do your best to be patient and respectful. i have no illusions about what we do here - it's called Lush Stories for a reason. you guys, the writers, make it work. the other stuff is just extra that everyone enjoys, but yeah, we like to make the writers happy.

that's it for now. feel free to comment, ask questions, or just be silly and like i said, i do try to respond to everything as much as possible - in fact, my personal PMs often get put on hold in favor of "house business" (hi Kiera! sorry! )


I would have thought having a story changed/altered by you could only improve the chances of getting RR or EC. Just sayng
Wild at Heart
Hemingway wouldn't have given a fuck about the pet peeves of other writers.
My pet peeve is when a story gets approved and someone votes less than a five, or suggests that it's not a piece of literacy brilliance that will stand up against any written work during the whole of mankind

I'm just saying that it works both ways
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Quote by sprite
If you're breaking up a 5k story into 6 chapters, 800 words each, you are screwing yourself. write the whole damn thing, don't get impatient, and then send it in as one freaking story. BOOM.

This is a pet peeve of mine as well, and I've said this same thing in some other threads. Not only is it a pain in the ass to read a multi-part story from the beginning (if you can find it), but also waiting for the next installment kind of kills any excitement. Besides, there's no guarantee that the author will actually see their story through to completion. Many seem to simply lose interest as their readership declines. And all these little fragments of story just clutter up the site.

Don't believe everything that you read.

The Right Rev of Lush
Sprite is right, as usual. Read, remember, and write accordingly.

Adding to Mike's suggestion about changing fonts before editing, you might also change the size of the type, say from 12 to 14. Doing both should insure a different appearance which is the goal.

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Magical_felix
Hemingway wouldn't have given a fuck about the pet peeves of other writers.

Hemingway, imo, was a crap writer.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Sprite is right, as usual. Read, remember, and write accordingly.

Adding to Mike's suggestion about changing fonts before editing, you might also change the size of the type, say from 12 to 14. Doing both should insure a different appearance which is the goal.

I fins that translating my stories into aboriginal Gaagudju and back gives me a fresh eye with which to hunt for errors.
4) we appreciate thank yous. we get a lot of them. sometimes i'll even form friendships cause of those. don't be shy, it's super easy to do. i almost always respond to those with at least a smile, too (hi Kornslayer!). smile

Thanks for the shout out, Sprite.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Burquette

If it helps at all, sometimes, I write my laundry list in a separate file, just to get the description solid in my head. Then as I'm working on my story, I try to hint at the idea that she's a blonde haired, blue-eyed, hundred-pound kick-boxer through the action. Tossing a blonde braid. Needing a step-stool to reach top shelves. Things like that.

I fight with dyslexia, too. The second pair of eyes is the most useful thing but if I don't have that (as I often don't for my erotica drafts) putting my story down overnight usually makes the errors easier to see when I pick it back up again.

I'm glad to know I'm not alone. yes, the over night thing helps.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

This is a pet peeve of mine as well, and I've said this same thing in some other threads. Not only is it a pain in the ass to read a multi-part story from the beginning (if you can find it), but also waiting for the next installment kind of kills any excitement. Besides, there's no guarantee that the author will actually see their story through to completion. Many seem to simply lose interest as their readership declines. And all these little fragments of story just clutter up the site.

I write a LOT of multi-part stories - in fact, I'd hazard a guess that most of mine are multi-chapter stories. And I know just what you mean about waiting for the next installment (if there is one) or the writer not finishing the story because of loss of interest.
I make sure my story is completely written before I publish the first chapter no matter if it's a two part story or a ten part story. I don't want my readers to have to wait for more than a week to read the next installment. And with a couple rare exceptions, I keep my stories all in the same category and link them so they are easy to find.
Wild at Heart
Quote by sprite

Hemingway, imo, was a crap writer.

This explains a lot.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Magical_felix

This explains a lot.

About that time i pegged you or about that time i feminized you? or both?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Wild at Heart
Quote by sprite

About that time i pegged you or about that time i feminized you? or both?

This is highly sexually aggressive. It's not right and I feel uncomfortable.