I just realized that Lush is the only self-publishing resource [yes, I see it that way] that governs actual story quality.
Meaning, readers can find a higher quality of works here than they do at Amazon and other self-pub places. This occurred to me the other day when someone asked me 'where to go for quality stories' and Lush was the best venue.
Top honors, Nicola.
Very nice of you to say Metilda! We do try...
First of all, I want to thank those of you who responded to my posts. Your honesty impresses me, really it does.
I don't want anyone to think that I am in any way denigrating the excellent work that the mods do here. I have never had a problem with a mod and I believe that out of 69 stories and poems I have had approved only two came back for any kind of revision. Believe me, that makes me very happy. It tells me that I must be doing something right.
My beef, if you want to call it that, is all about the RRs. I don't like them, even though I received one for a poem I didn't think deserved it. I just don't think that it should be in the hands of one person.
As for sprite, no, I'm not angling for a RR at all. Like I said, I'm not a fan of them. Just getting approved is good enough for me.
Honestly, if it were not for some of the mods here, I'd not be where I am today as a writer. I've learned and grown so much in the two and a half years I've been here. There are about four, maybe five mods, who hold a very close place in my heart for helping me, not coddling me, but pushing me, because they saw my potential and didn't give up on me.
I never whined or complained when a story was failed. I read the notes they left for me and I grew from them. I learn to edit, and edit again, and edit some more. I know I'm by no means perfect, no one is, but I have improved tenfold since October 2012, which was when I first submitted a story here.
I do hope to one day, possibly become a mod, to help and guide other authors like the other mods have. Many people tell me I wouldn't want the job, but they are wrong. It would mean a great deal to me. It would be an honor.
Anyway, I can see why this site does so well. It is one of the finest sites like this and that is why it does so well.