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Is it a No No for a male author to write a first person as if he is a female?

Is it a turn off or doesn't it matter?

I like making females my main character, what am i supposed to do?
Day late, dollar short, see next thread, ASK THE AUTHOR
If you get good reviews by writing first person female I don't see why not.
But if you get lukewarm then definitely either brush up or get a female co-writer to help you out.. I am always availbe if you need help.
I write in male first person sometimes and I think it turns out okay. However I haven't had my stories rated by other actual writers yet.. just horny people... So who knows?
Quote by jadehunter
Is it a No No for a male author to write a first person as if he is a female?

Is it a turn off or doesn't it matter?

I like making females my main character, what am i supposed to do?

Why would it be? I post on a few sites, and many authors write in first person and the narrator is the opposite sex. If the story is well-written, it shouldn't matter who wrote it.
I have written in first person female narrative.
As I write I try to assume the character I am writing about, but I find it difficult to stay in first person while writing as a woman.

I do read many stories written be ladies and try to pick up their thoughts and feelings and I would recommend the same. However, frequently while reading a woman's story I feel the writer is actually male, so be forewarned.
When I want to have a male as my main character, I write the entire story in third person but tell the story from the male character's perspective.

I have started a story that is male-first person but I haven't completed it yet (definitely more of a challenge to get just right).

For me, it's definitely a bit more awkward writing as a man. Even for my male-perspective third-person stories, I have to get into the right frame of mind to take into account how a guy would react to and interpret certain situations. Sometimes I will do a bit of research and ask a guy first, especially if it involves certain sex acts that I can't experience myself because of my gender.

I think everyone has an "inner guy" or "inner girl" that they can channel when writing for the most part... as long as you've had enough life experience with social situations. You can also base the character on someone you know in real life (something I've often done for my male characters).

I don't think there is anything wrong with writing as the opposite gender as long as you can pull it off, and make the character more than a two-dimensional stereotype of their gender.
First I and If I'm then I log on here and chat with a male friend. I ask him how he feels while If he is an author and says the stories, I get a good from them. If he is not, I ask him just general things. His answers will tell you lots of things So, I think there's nothing wrong or difficult if one switches sex while writing.
First I and If I'm then I log on here and chat with a male friend. I ask him how he feels while If he is an author and says the stories, I get a good from them. If he is not, I ask him just general things. His answers will tell you lots of things So, I think there's nothing wrong or difficult if one switches sex while writing.
First I If I'm then I log on here and chat with a male friend. I ask him how he feels while If he is an author and says the stories, I get a good from them. If he is not, I ask him just general things. His answers will tell you lots of things So, I think there's nothing wrong or difficult if one switches sex while writing.
I don't see any harm in it, I do the same in nearly all my stories.
I have no problem as a reader. A good author can pull this off successfully.

Someday I may attempt that perspective myself when I try my hand at fiction. It sounds like a fun challenge.
Is it a No No for a male author to write a first person as if he is a female?

I do it all the time. I'm also currently brainstorming/pre-writing a story with a male as the main character also. It's funny. I actually feel more comfortable in the female POV.

Is it a turn off or doesn't it matter?

I think it probably depends on the reader. For me, no.

I like making females my main character, what am i supposed to do?

There's this quote from a male writer who writes in female POV. I write my characters like men, then add emotion. Or something like that. It's a stereotype, for sure, but I think there's a nugget of truth underneath it. So, I use it as a rule-of-thumb.

Most of the guys I encounter (including me, on some level) are very straight-forward when dealing with people. We are taught by society not to value our own emotions or the emotions of others. Women seem to look at things at all levels, including the emotional.

All that could be a ton of crap, but it seems to work well for me and others who have used that tactic when writing female characters. Also, I'd recommend observing the women around you. Use some of their tendencies in your stories. It lends a dimension of believability to your stories but may also help you better understand womens' POV.
I'm reminded of Jack Nicholson's line in 'As Good As It Gets' in which he plays troubled romance Author Melvin Udall. When asked how, as a man, he portrays his female characters so accurately he explains:

"I think of a man..... And I take away reason and accountability...."


xx Steph
Is it a No No for a male author to write a first person as if he is a female?

There are no hard and fast rules. If a story is well written it speaks for itself and the gender of the writer should be irrelevant.

Is it a turn off or doesn't it matter?

That's all about the reader's opinions. Write what you want to write, someone will like it. You will never please everyone.

I like making females my main character, what am i supposed to do?

I suggest you stop thinking about your characters as "a male" or "a female" and start thinking of them as individuals. You don't need to know what "a woman" would do or think in the situation you're writing, only what your character would do. If you can nail that, you'll create convincing characters regardless of gender.

Good luck.
Mistress has, as usual, nailed the issue.

Just FWIW, my story, From: Becky... (see sig line) was a contest winner and written using a female POV. Last time I checked, I'm still a member of the other gender.

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