Some of these I didn't even realize, and I'm planning to major in English!
Good post!
Quote by Loislane
Lose - Loose
Quote by lafayettemister
Seen and saw.
"I seen you at the mall last week." That drives me up a wall!
Quote by CurlygirlyQuote by lafayettemister
Seen and saw.
"I seen you at the mall last week." That drives me up a wall!
Aww, I just thought that was a Southern thing. wink
Stint/stent A stint is definitely NOT something they put in your heart. On the other hand, I think a few of my Lush friends have done a stint or two in jail. ;)
Quote by DirtyMartini
How about principal and principle? I know I have to think about these myself...
"The principal reason she spent so much time in the principal's office was that she was a girl of little principle"...
I think that is right...
"The main reason she spent so much time in the principal's office was that she was a girl of few principles."
Quote by scooter
Here you go miss little;
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
Cum can mean different things:
Cum is a slang term for semen
The verb form cum is a slang term for the act of ejaculation, or for having an orgasm
Cum or "Kum" is a Russian word that means "godfather of one's child" or "father of one's godchild".
Cum is a Latin word meaning "with" and is often used in academic Latin honors, such a cum laude meaning "with distinction". The modern Spanish con is a corruption of the Latin original.
Hope this helps with this dilemma.
I'm off to go and blow some cellulite insulation in my attic now,
next to the chimmily,,east of the ashfault drive ways
Quote by flytoomuch
Well I don't like it when people claim I "aggravate" them, when clearly I "annoy" them. People, get the meanings straight. You don't "aggravate" someone!! You ANNOY them. Now I hope this post was ANNOYING enough for all of you.