friend, a very nice word!
fave word is 'Twat', as an insult it covers a wide variety of idiocies and fuckwittedness.
abomination (just like the sound of it) and also just because i can't say it apocalypse
Well ok, I'll say it. One of my favourite words is FUCK, you can add bits to the word FUCK and turn it into other words like fucking, fucked, fucker, fuckerty, fuckwit, fuckhead, dumbfuck, etc etc etc. see? it's a nice word.
Bollocks, but I think I said that already
SMILE............ if everybody smiled think how much happier the world would be
Smiling is contagious, you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin -
When he smiled I realized, I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth,
A single smile, just like mine, could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected -
Let's start an epidemic quick and get the world infected!!!
CONTACT: at the origin of earth, our birth and essential to our balance and evolution.
Care---something we must have for ourselves, our existence, the meaning of our existence, others, our work, have a meaningful life at all. As Hamlet says, "To sleep, perchance to dream, aye, that's thew rub." (Hamlet Act 3, scene 1, "The To be or not to be Soliloquy." William Shakespeare)
Whatever...I just say it all the time.
If someone is being self deprecating, whatever...
If someone is being an asshole, whatever...
If I feel indifferent about something, that is so 'whatever'
If I am mad, whatever!
If someone is saying something I don't want to hear...whatever
If I have no interest in making a decision...whatever
I think you get the idea...whatever...
i use it like 1000 times a day
Helloooooo??? if I think someone is not listening to me.
I want passionate emotion in my life... to love, hate, hurt, hunger, fear, pain and more.
Love. It's a beautiful word, as is "beautiful", another word I love. What I love about beautiful is that it's everybody's: everyone has their own meaning of beauty, so it's really everyone's word, which makes it beautiful, in name and nature. Subjectivity, I guess, is true beauty.
tickity-boo (meaning everything is fine, a fun expression of the day).
the way the british (and other non-american english speaking countries) spell "color" with a "u"...
colour colourful!
Smarmy, curmudgeon, snarky ~
Lavish, tantalizing, seduction ~
the words that i love/like are: fucktard- when someone is a fucking retard, common sense- it's a raraity these days, undies- i despise the word panties so i use undies
Imagination - without it this site would not exist.
Angel Princess of Passion rules supreme..
Laugh, Learn and Most of all Love...My Way of Life...
Discombobulated - because I have no idea what cumbobulated is.