I just thought of another one.
I've heard people that use it almost every other word. Like, why do they do that?
'Platter of meets and cheeses'
Squirt is in the eye of the beholder
broach, prudent, registrar, menses (sounds like a family restaurant), prowess, etc. Context doesn't really matter lol, I just hate the words lol
I hate the word, Jewelry. I have no idea.. But I always slur it so freaking bad. -.-
the word ASL and all kinds of Text talk
If you are not using a telephone to text, show the other person respect and use complete words. Spelling/grammar mistakes are understandable but not laziness.
"irreguardless" - the word is REGUARDLESS. I hate this made-up word every time I hear it used.
Nice - it's a bland nondescript word....
If I find myself describing someone or something as 'nice', it's pretty much the kiss of death...
i can instantly form a dislike to anyone who uses the word 'fanny'...
call me whatever you may but i think its a disgusting word to put on such a pleasurable body part
i much perfer vajayjay or mary :-)
Sorry, but I am not twelve ... so please use words that have meaning.
Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"
Now do you like huggle, gina?
C'mon over here you awesome, bodacious babe and let's you and me have a good old fashioned huggle xxx
Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"
smash- referring to having sex. Old roommate use to say it all the time ugh.
Cunt ....degrading .... maligning disrespective ...etc
More than one word but>
"Ya' Know..."
any word that is derogatory in referring to someone race. not going to list them here. we all know what they are.
words I do not care for when being said by someone I really care for:
Good Bye,
I have to go,
See you,
you don't understand........
Boobies. Not dirty enough nor proper enough for me. Childish, not sexy.
Angel Princess of Passion
"We need to talk", after those words bad news follows
Laugh, Learn and Most of all Love...My Way of Life...
fetish... and the prefix "uber"
"I find that a duck's opinion of me is largely influenced by whether or not I have bread". - Mitch Hedberg
When people say me instead of my as in "goin out wif me friends"
makes my skin crawl everytime
same with
yeah instead of yes
nah instead of no
and when a man calls a woman a slut.
Huggle. Ugh it makes me want to pull my hair out everytime I see it
phlegm is a big one for me