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Words or phrases you hate (or don't like)

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I've done. a brief search of the forums and couldn't find one like this, so here goes: what words or phrases do you absolutely loathe and detest?

Mine is "cheer up, it may never happen". It's just so general and stupid, it does my box in to hear it. So how about it fellow Lushies? Have at it! is what it is...
No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy -unless you let him.
- Napoleon Hill
i hate to be told "it is complicated" for a variety of reasons....
Don't tell me, when I am having a run of bad luck, "everything happens for a reason".

If you chose to believe in a higher power that actually cares to meddle in individual lives of little tiny speck on one little tiny speck of a planet on the edge of a relatively small galaxy, that is fine, but don't force your Deism onto me that way.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
i love you but i dont want commitment...
I think a few people know that I hate the word "cute" or "cutie" sooo much.... I have reasons its not just a random thing lol
TIDY...............ok it’s a Welsh colloquialism........but for goodness sake, there are so many other words that could be used

Good, excellent, tremendous, great, fantastic, amazing, remarkable, incredible, marvellous, wonderful.....
Please try and find another word.....tidy means neat and orderly
I hate the word cunt.
Naturally selective, mysteriously magical and creative lady....... here to find what I seek... come and worship the goddess and re-awaken the passion inside.
I can not stand "Baby momma" and "Baby daddy"
I hate when somebody says "I am going to have a 'come to Jesus' meeting.". I always felt that was rather arrogant on the speaker's part. How do you know you are so right to think that you have Jesus on your side?
when people say "whatever" !!!
The word "Swag", annoys me.
No thanks, it should always be yes please.
Had a dream I was king, I woke up still king!!
Quote by LoveGoddess16
I hate the word cunt.

I agree, and its a turn off when someone uses it.
Makes me yawn more than anything.


It's been over used in the music industry.
Never Ever ~ sorry couldn’t help myself
Well it’s not a word or phrase but that damn thumbs up emoji ... ? ... as a reply to a text
It’s not hard to say ok .... ugh I hate getting just a... K ...
I hate hearing Good Morning. It annoys me a lot.
Anything derogatory or negative.
I have 2....
1) "It must be nice!"
2) "Back in the day..."
I earned everything I have, so to imply that 'it must be nice' to have nice things pisses me off. I worked double shifts, nights, weekends, 2 jobs, every time I could to have my things. And yes its nice, but nobody handed me a thing.
and second, if you can't remember when it happened, then dont tell the story. That's just a pet peeve of mine.
I hate when someone tells me "K" or "Whatever"
"Smash it" or "Smashed it" .

Geez me the rage.
Any word or phrase used intentionally to hurt someone emotionally or mentally.
'Have a nice day'. As if that could happen by magic.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.

Είμαι ταξιδιώτης τόσο στο χρόνο όσο και στο διάστημα
"Smash it". Ugh... just, ugh.
I don't know why but I hate when people end an email with "Regards". I think I interpret it as F You