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What time do you get up in the morning?

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Active Ink Slinger
i'm an 8am riser..every day...even when i dont need to be up. i hate it when its a saturday and i can have a lie in till whenever but i still gte up at 8am then cant get back to sleep.

i normally get bout 7 hours sleep a night
My shift is due to change as of this Monday. It will be from 4am to noon but even during the weekend or off days I need to be up before sunrise. No wasted daylight is important to me. You'll get plenty of sleep when your DEAD!
Active Ink Slinger
I am very rarely in bed before midnight and up at around five a.m. I am comfortable throughout the day on that much sleep though because that is the amount of rest my body is used to getting. If I try to get more sleep than that, I toss and turn all night or I awake at all hours of the night.

However, every now and then I get exhausted and just feel really sleepy and fall asleep on the couch when I get home from work for a few hours. Then the rest of the week is entirely screwed!

btw necho....I would love to sleep 12 hours a night sometimes but it's just not realistic like you

I tried staying up all night here a little while back and going to work on Monday. Wow! I totally realized that I am not as young as I used to be! I need, at the very least, a couple of hours of sleep to function!
Active Ink Slinger
Well if i get more than 7 the next day is shot. There are times with work i go for 24 to 48 hrs with no sleep. Let me get 1 to 3hr nap and I'm good to go again.
Carpe Diem

Red out
I think I'm a sleeping slug wow I could and do sleep so much. I wish I could wake up earlier. But I'm such a loving late owl at night; night time is for me when I know everything is quiet and peacefull, night time is when I take a cup of tea, pen, plain writing paper and my alarm clock. I never wake up at 7pm, I always get up at grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 8am then at 8.15am I'm out the door walking.
I'm just got at getting my head off the pillow what ever time it is, why is that, I can't figure it out
Quote by HoneyBee000
I think I'm a sleeping slug wow I could and do sleep so much. I wish I could wake up earlier. But I'm such a loving late owl at night; night time is for me when I know everything is quiet and peacefull, night time is when I take a cup of tea, pen, plain writing paper and my alarm clock to bed. I never wake up at 7pm, I always get up at grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 8am then at 8.15am I'm out the door walking.
I'm just have trouble getting my head off the pillow what ever time it is in the morning, why is that, I can't figure it out
Normally I am up at 5:00 am.,,and in bed at 9:00 pm.,,as I have a sleep disorder.,,,If I sleep 45 minutes, then am awakened,, then I will go back to sleep,, but If I sleep 1 hour,,then am awakened ,,this is when the next day begins for me.
Active Ink Slinger
It depends when I go to bed..I'm retired and that's how Master and I live..Retired...He and I deserve it..We have worked all our lives..It's have good times now..oh yes..that was more than one may have wanted to know....
doing my best to be good..
I seem to need 6-7 hours a night, and normally get up around 5am... this morning, however, it was an hour before that
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm retired. 7:15, its a really nice time to start the day
Active Ink Slinger
During the week, I'm usually in bed around 22:30 or 23:00 and am up at 6:00 but on days when I have to go out of town 4:00. Weekends I try to sleep in till about 7:00 or 8:00, but don't go to bed till after 01:00 or even later.
Active Ink Slinger
I normally get up when the alarm clock goes off....
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
3:30. I suggest not having a job where you gotta get up that early.
I have my 3 year old son as my alarm clock so every morning depends on when he wakes me up to play with him smile it is the best way to be woken up though.
Active Ink Slinger
6:30 am on most days. Sometimes if I have been driving all night I will stay up the rest of the day an maybe make it till 8:30am.
Active Ink Slinger
Depends. I don't have to be awake until 7:30 a.m but I'm normally getting naughty text around 5:45 or a naughty wake up call around 6:45-7 a.m. It completely makes my mornings. It's nice knowing he's thinking of me that early.
well, we have a cat. He goes out at night, then awakens me with his meows at the bedroom window between 4 - 4:30 AM to let him in....I try to get an an hour or two more, but it's difficult.

Hubby sleeps all through it. sad
Quote by secretspice
Every morning at 4:20

umm... *clears throat* is your hand placed where I think it's placed?
Rainbow Warrior
If I'm sleeping with David, he always wakes me up when he gets up at 7, and we usually have a quickie before getting out of bed. If I'm sleeping with Seth, I sleep later (8) because his classes start after I leave for work, so he's still asleep when I slip out and get ready for work.
Site administrator
Its typically between 4am - 5am now but then I am generally in bed at 10pm .. not great but it is what it is.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
If I'm sleeping with David, he always wakes me up when he gets up at 7, and we usually have a quickie before getting out of bed. If I'm sleeping with Seth, I sleep later (8) because his classes start after I leave for work, so he's still asleep when I slip out and get ready for work.

My god....sounds like the TV show 'Threes Company' but with a different twist.
Also, my hubby's name is David....hmmmmm, mind is working overtime, getting very suspicious here...

Active Ink Slinger
It varies depending on what time I am starting work or Jane is leaving.
Any time between 6 and 8 am.
6 am every morning
Tuesday through Friday up at 6 in the morning. Other days 7
Quote by BethanyFrasier
If I'm sleeping with David, he always wakes me up when he gets up at 7, and we usually have a quickie before getting out of bed. If I'm sleeping with Seth, I sleep later (8) because his classes start after I leave for work, so he's still asleep when I slip out and get ready for work.

Went I served in the army I got use to four hours sleep a day. I read our bodies need 6-8 hours a day. It really depends how long it takes a person to achieve REM sleep.
Went I served in the army I got use to four hours sleep a day. I read our bodies need 6-8 hours a day. It really depends how long it takes a person to achieve REM sleep.
I go to sleep at 11:00 or 11:30 and am wide awake at 4:30