What are your life's simple pleasures and priceless moments?
Sharing a moment of laughter with someone.
The feeling of accomplishment after doing something right.
my wife by my side and ...............
Friends who'll join you during your shitty days.cUaxbWGAtfh2W0hs
good friends to be there when you need them the most
Money can't buy honour. Some people have it, some don't, some earn it along the way. Either way if you could buy it with money it wouldn't be so F***ing rare and precious.
Watching last night's electrical storm.
Money can't buy good vibes of someone else.
a child's pure, untainted love
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Love friendship and Freedom.
damn Nikki and I just won the lottery (just joking ...if i had i wouldn't be on lush right now)
that special someone who no matter how bad you fuck up will never turn their back on you
HHHHhuuuummmmm? AAAAAhhhhh? Boy thats a good question?
Greed is Good. I can't think of anything.
The joy shared when I teach my daughter something new.
Silence and peace as I type.
an hour on the practice green with my 3 year old daughter..
repairing a broken heart and happiness
the feeling you get when someone tells you , " you can't do this or that" then you turn around and prove them wrong
Money will never by the memories that you experiance with people/ new, old and families and friends. Money can't buy their laugh and their excentric ways that they do things.