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Use my last word first in a sentence

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Active Ink Slinger

Wife wants to know if you two ladies want to join us?

Quantum Tease

Us? Surely you do not mean us - it must be someone else.

Advanced Wordsmith

Else was a fictional surname used when playing in professional sport as an amateur to avoid being banned. Someone Else and AN Other were both names I played under. A true story, folks.

Active Ink Slinger

Folks, it is time get this party started.

Active Ink Slinger

Started and ready to roll anything for Toys for Tots.

Advanced Wordsmith

Tots of rum are not as good as a long squeeze together, if caught under-dressed outside in the Winter,

Quantum Tease

Winter, in astronomical terms, will begin in the Northern Hemisphere on December 21, 2024, at 9:21AM Eastern Time.

Advanced Wordsmith

Time may be a great healer, but so is penicillin,