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Things that cheer you up

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Well, we have the popular "things that piss you off" thread, how about things that cheer you up? It might help the mood of some of you guys!

Sex with a loved one

An evening out with friends

A walk along a deserted beach

Being halfway into an excellent book

A good movie

Gourmet cuisine

Fine wine

A swim in the ocean on a calm day

Contemplating and/or being in the sea
A great song or a new song/songwriter discovery
The sun coming out after a long ass winter
Emails from a friend
Falling in love with character(s) from a book
The thought of future gigs and festivals happening this year
...My anime collections
...writing down every thing/ideas that comes into my mind
...E-mail and texts from family and friends
...writing down her name and stare on it smile
...Extra money from mom and dad lol
...seeing everything inside the house in order
...having some mudshake(chocolate)
Warm summer days, feeling the sun and warmth on your shoulders
Leading a difficult climb (Sport routes now, learning traditional leading)
Solving a difficult problem
Coming to an understanding with someone you have been having a problem
Writing a decent poem
Walking in solitude
Doing things with friends


Quote by Loislane

The sun coming out after a long ass winter
Active Ink Slinger
hell ya just being with a loved one , making love to that someone special. spending time with great friends
Building a fire in the fireplace and lying down in front of it with my wife and some good wine, just staring into the flames and talking the night away, then it's bed time
Lollipop Girl
a nice warm bubble bath,
a big hug
a smile
being able to talk to the one i love.....
I'm sure there are more...
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Holding a newborn baby ,, and feeding it .
Winning every team building competition in 2days makes me ecstatically happy.
Active Ink Slinger
Video Games...
BJs... ya knew that was gonna be in there.
Sex... that one too.
Hanging with friends...
Sons of Anarchy...
Writing... mainstream and erotica
Reading... mainstream and erotica
A simple phone call from a friend, asking how I am.
Quote by cmsouza729

Sons of Anarchy...

I love Sons of Anarchy ... can't wait for the new season!
Active Ink Slinger
Warm sunshine coming through the open sunroof as I cruise down some curvy country road.
Active Ink Slinger
Sexy messages from my sweet Pet make my day and put the biggest smile on my face!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Forum Whore
Messages from a male I consider special to me in the morning saying that he hoped that I had a great day.
Artistic Tart
cash bumping up the bank account! whoo hoo

my husbands cheek after he shaves

my oldest cat purring when I pet him (he's 18)

making someone laugh

That's enough for now.
When you werent in class and someone comes up to you and asks if you were okay because they noticed you were gone. It makes you feel so loved and welcomesmile
Active Ink Slinger
A nice cold budwieser
2 hits off a 1 hitter
Getting hold of LadyX's bank account
Sending Bunny12 a sexie message
Tasting lovetotasteyou
Feeling the sun an warmth with MMonroe
Being at the sea and eating Loislane's chocolate's

And playing with nicola's threads

Artistic Tart
waking up to a sunny day
Waking up every morning knowing that there is some one special waiting there for me, knowing when I call him he is there to answer my call, and knowing that he wants me forever. Dam it is so nice to be loved. I love you baby.
Alpha Blonde
Smells do a lot to brighten my mood...

Favorites being:

1. the smell of fabric softener... like taking out a warm, fluffy, fresh towel out of the dryer
2. Suntan lotion... preferably Hawaiian Tropic of Australian Gold
3. Lilacs (remind me of my grandpa because he used to grow them and would always cut me sprigs of lilacs when I was a little kid and it would remind me that summer is near).
4. Fresh baked bread
Going outside on a warm sunny day closing my eyes and letting the sun warm my face
Cutting the lawn with a push mower (I know most people hate this chore but hey I enjoy it)
Riding my bicycle on the hottest most humid days that keep people in with the A.C going I hate fake air
Listening to my walkman full blast
Working on my friends(don't have one of my own YET) Fox body Mustang
Hearing a classic Stang or Harley go by.
Just being able to talk to a good friend of mine on the net. Hearing her voice brings a smile to my face.
these are just a few things that make me happy
Pain relief after a few days of pain...
Free wheeling my bicycle down a hill with the wind in my face. Brilliant.
A cup of decent tea, a fleecy to wrap around me and a hot water bottle all that warmth cheers me up.
Getting hugs off my children.
When it late at night and I have some dance tunes on and I've finally caught up with washing and putting the plates away( I look at my kitchen with pride, I know it will be messy again tmoz but for now I'll sleep good ha ha)
Walking home on a spring day, talking my time knowing that there isn't any rush.
Getting lost in all the books at the library cheers me up, I lose all sense of time.
Coming home and checking what's new to read in the forums haha.
Nother one for me though I haven't done it in years swinging an axe splitting a good amount of firewood nothing like the sound of wood being split by your own hands. Yeah I know it's a guy thing.
Active Ink Slinger
Feeling the sun on my face on a cold winter day.

A lover curling up to me in bed.

working out.

A long soak with a good book.

A funny text from a caring friend.

A run-to from my kids.

Doing something nice for someone else!

Lots more......
Active Ink Slinger
A job well done!
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