OK, the idea here is we start at 500.
If you are a man, add 1 to the number in your reply.
If you are a woman, subtract one in your reply.
If we reach 0 the women win, if we reach 1000 the men win.
The only restriction is that the same person cannot post twice in a row.
Umm cheating already!!!
From 501 to 499???
So to correct it...499
I am more than just one. 494
Women are the biggest cheaters!!!
Penalty for cheating!!
Can't take them anywhere, 504
Sure can't take them!!
Is this déjà vu.......504
201. damn guys, it´s true...... don´t discuss. lol
tt88 you have been penalised for cheating, and as you are a female, the females take a 5 point penalty, so Vesta was at 504, therefore 5 points to 509!!!
Then my one...
tt you cheat once more I will lock the fridge so no beers for a week!!!
Isn't that a bit severe....509
Couldn't you just lock the frdge for two weeks LOL
LOL Two weeks and and she would die!!!
509. and I´ll do that since we win.;-)
high five, vesta.