Yes of course.
I might even do it for less after a few drinks.
"The Gods that smiled when you were born
are laughing now."
10k in cold cash and join Juls in the buff on the other side. Hell yes.
Absolutly! No questions asked!
No.....doing anything strictly for money just seems wrong
No, I don't want the neighbours waking up in the middle of the night screaming.
sorry, got away from the question so edited
sweetie, we are on the outs because you say it is so, not because of me
and yes, i think it is wrong to be in a job that you hate, just to make can you really be any good at that job if you hate it and are doing it just to make money? You are doing the company a dis-service and more importantly doing yourself a dis-service...find a job that you enjoy and that you can have passion for. We spend so much of our lives working, it would be a shame to waste that precious time doing something we hate. You certainly would not waste not away from work doing something you hate, or at least not for very long. At least that is my opinion....
I am open to a reconciliation anytime you are.....
Well I'm walking over and back again!
Do I get another $10,000 for crossing the road to get back home again, or will my butt nakedness be sheathed from inquisitive eyes once I reach my destination? Oh, and will the monies be paid in Pounds Sterling? I know it's a small thing, but the queues in the banks nowadays are just unbearable.
Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"
I'd probably do it on a dare so for $10K, Hell Yeah
I did it for free in Morocco. So yes ,, the 10k would cover it.
For 10G I'd walk across the street AND back!
Yes (not for my own enrichment, but to have $10,000. more to give to my favorite charities)