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Poetry challenge: Use the last line first

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Triple-X marks the spot
In her crotchless panties to find
The place most clearly sought
For pleasuring plainly inclined

The region may be very damp
And exude quite a lot of heat
Awaiting a touch most tender
Parting each moist, soft pleat
Parting each moist, soft pleat
McTaggart started airing his kilt
Whilst dabbing at his soggy sporran
Where his morning coffee had spilt.

As he wafted the tartan
A passerby stopped to stare
Confirming that, to be authentic,
Nothing is worn under there.
Nothing is worn under there
'Tis all exactly as new
Quite virginal and never touched
Ah! If only you knew

Is that a look of doubt
I see flitting o're your face?
You think that the lock's been broached
In that secret hiding place?

Nay but none have there entered
Chaste modesty there holds sway
At least that's my firm story
I'll stick to the rest of the day!
I'll stick to the rest of the day
As night falls and
Light begs off until
Its return is required
Another day

Til then the night
Is ours if we
Adjust our eyes or
Listen hard

Alas the night is
Shorter than it
Seemed yesterday
(hmm.... a bit of artistic license to be employed here...)

Shorter than it seemed yesterday
Not only because of the season
But our passion away burns the hours
And puts time all out of reason

But not just to night are we bound
Our eagerness spills into the day
As long as we have each other
We've many more hours to play

[I started to go with the theme of: "Shorter than it seemed yesterday", she said to her eager male lover..... smile ]
We've many more hours to play
our special game on this day.

The rules are for you to get nude
and stare at this truly hung dude.

And after I probe one hole with this
one rod, I would shoot cum and not miss.

And then, after you would lay your cute head
on my chest, we would sleep on that one bed.

Then, I would whisper "Glad that you are so mine"
for you really are my one Valentine.
For you really are my one Valentine
Your heart looks nice
wrapped in tissue placed on ice
As I watched you from the shadows
knowing that today you'd finally be mine
I laid in cold damp darkness
waiting as the fourteenth drew near
hidden intentions fingers that longed to intertwine
I danced to music
that you never heard
footsteps treading at your door
whispering my love for you forever more.
Whispering my love for you forever more
Proving those words and making us one
Joined in a primal, cosmic juncture
Which can never, ever be undone

The heart-felt bond sealed with bodies' bliss
A universe created just for us
Our starship drifting through time and space
Ah! Let it ever be thus.
Ah! Let it ever be thus
Hearts filled with love and lust
I awoke to find you here
A dream continuing so dear

If everyday could be so bliss
Filled always with your sweet kiss
The tear that you may see
Is heart's nectar leaking free
Is heart's nectar leaking free
Or did my Tinder date stab me?
As I collapse upon the floor
My eye espies whom I'd adore.
My admiration not returned
I'm clearly here, the lover spurned.
Ardent suitors take such chances
When they press for new romances.
Take heart, forebear, proceed, persist..
Forget about the frogs you've kissed.
Optimism is required
To attain the goal desired.
The objects of each new flirtation
Often sense the desperation.
If my Lush friends are one mate short
I can be your last resort.
As we honor Valentine
In other lives, you'd all be mine.
In other lives, you'd all be mine.
This is true, no matter the time
I never push or shove
I just want to love

Time goes by so fast
It never seems to last
Take life as we get it
Or forever forget it

When love comes your way
To you all, I say
Your hand, reach out
For without a doubt

Grab it while you can
Whether woman or man
Some may think you’re kind of sappy
But at least, you’ll be happy
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
But at least, you’ll be happy
Here in our Lushland of delight,
Connecting with souls like-minded,
Spinning delights throughout the night

The first shy touch to someone new,
The sometimes awkward chatter;
Then the time the barriers fall
And all defenses shatter

The sudden rush for consummation,
Primal urges can't be denied;
Passion's inferno blazing brightly,
Every feeling amplified
Every feeling amplified
A little slice of heaven
All our circuits quickly fried
If we crank it to eleven.

Best to start with three or four
Old equipment can't be strained
Slowly, gently, adding more
Until the maximum attained

Let impatience abate.
Calm down, enjoy the foreplay bit.
You, my love, are solid state;
I'm all wires and valves and shit.

Whilst forbearance is a need
You'll prefer what what I'm supplying.
Once it's running up to speed
Results are much more satisfying
Results are much more satisfying
With a little patience
Calm down, don't be so eager
You aren't running a race
Caress me slowly
Make me burn with desire
Tease me, lightly touch me
Bring your lips softly to mine
before kissing me hard and deep
Make me tremble with intensity
Fingers lightly grazing silky skin
Electric shivers, soon to make you mine
as our hearts beat louder
and our cunts finally collide
"and our cunts finally collide"
Might not seem to make any sense
But I control a drone vagina
And you have a robot Michael Pence.

I twist my joystick, homing in..
The secret service try to avoid
Mike recoils from mortal sin
My flying skills outwit your droid.

With perfect aim, I hit the mark
Splat! That minge hits Pence's face
The hypocrite sticks out his tongue
Oblivious to his disgrace.
Oblivious to his disgrace,
these two hot chicks would have each face
light up at the sight of the poor
guy's permanently stiff rod just
before they agree that they must
ride that hardened cock right there or
he would have no choice but to wear
clown pants and listen to each jeer
about what those clown pants are for.
Oblivious to his disgrace
For it happens all too much
His release is by far too soon
And satisfies her not as such

Control he completely lacks
And no accounting when
His spasms happen suddenly
Perhaps not even "in"
Perhaps not even in
Oh where does one begin
If we don't know if it is the start
Or rather at the other end end

Is our journey like a tunnel
Where either end sets us free
Or a cave where darkness meets the wall
And we're in more than we ever wanted to be
And we're in more than we ever wanted to be
Enclosed by glistening walls
Warm darkness enfolds us on all sides
In these labyrinthian halls

One opening only does exist
Both entry and exit there
But no need to rush from this wondrous place
Where we find our pleasures fair

So let us take e'er long we need
For exploration fully complete
Delights abound for us to find
Let us not make them too fleet
Let us not make them too fleet
Moments we make sometimes discreet
Other times oh too public
Like ships on the rocks
Swirling winds, waves and crash
Only push us away to raise once more their claim
Only push us away to raise once more their claim
Those winds and waves which buffet
For life, love, and lust we cling together
And through these seas will rough it

Perhaps, at last, cast upon a peaceful shore
Our hapless journey done
Finding a haven where to intertwine
New paths we've just begun
New paths we've just begun
A new journey heading into the sun
Moving along roads not yet done
Our tale has not been spun
We walk onwards in firm step
First firm feet upon this land
Insert something witty here.
First firm feet upon this land
Standing straight and tall
As she kneels in front of me
And leans me 'gainst the wall

Her soft hands push my legs
A bit to either side
And then slide slowly upward
To take me for a ride

Her fingertips stroke gently
Eliciting tremors great and small
Her lips brush my needy nubbin
Pleasure we'll not forestall

Folds so soft and warm and wet
Yield to her questing touch
As gently inside she slips
We've needed this so much

Her tongue begins a dance
On that throbbing swollen button
Choreographed with her fingers
For this I am a glutton

Against the wall, now trembl'ng
The wave about to break
A gasp escapes unnoticed
Erotic thirst about to slake

Release comes with a thrust
Of fingers deep inside
Weakness washes over
And down the wall I slide

Collapsed in a happy heap
With arms 'round each other tight
We might just end up staying
Right here througt all the night!
"Right here throught all the night!
You must be mad"
Said jester to the Queen he served
As he took his place by her side
A quirky look upon his lady
As she took the maidens hand
They slipped close together
Slain the night
Took pleasure for a ride
Insert something witty here.
Took pleasure for a ride
Everything tasting fresh
As in a dream

Our senses full
Brightness in the familiar
And the new

Sunlight peaks behind
A fallen limb
None of us saw fall

The other side our resting place
Almost hidden where
Catching our breath and rays
Catching our breath and rays
Delighting in each and every touch
Our resting place secure
We'll enjoy - oh so much

A blissful time of sharing
Of minds and bodies combined
Learning what gives pleasure
Nothing to be declined

First tentative, then emboldened
Learning of any boundaries held
Then pleasurably yielding jointly
In delight we'll quickly meld
In delight we'll quickly meld
But watch, it's changed and revealed
Hang on, don't look away, respond

The sound you're hearing isn't real
Our worst fears made magic, made real
To watch is to feel is to be

And here we stay, unswayed
Our delight still quickens
Melding and melted by your skill
Melding and melted by your skill
Your touch so much desired
Awaiting each time with fervor
My desire completely fired

White hot wild passions consume
Awaiting to be quenched
In the depths of pleasure shared
As together we are clenched
As together we are clenched
Said the left buttock to the right
That catholic priest, the dirty beast
Ain't getting it tonight.

As together we are clenched
Tight as though our lives depend
Love lost once and now regained
Nothing now should ever rend.

Love of my life
The one abandoned
For selfish reasons;
Wasted years

Love of my life
Our reunion
Tightly clenched and
Drenched in joyous tears.
Drenched in joyous tears
Our faces glisten in the light
But not tears alone, though -
Also nectar lapped with delight

The frenzy's cooled for the moment
As in the afterglow we soak
But it takes only a nudge
For the flames again to stoke

Then we'll succumb again
To the depths and heights of passion
As questing for e're more pleasure
We won't our seeking ration

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Who are you and what have you done with Rob?

Quote by dlcalguy

As together we are clenched
Tight as though our lives depend
Love lost once and now regained
Nothing now should ever rend.

Love of my life
The one abandoned
For selfish reasons;
Wasted years

Love of my life
Our reunion
Tightly clenched and
Drenched in joyous tears.