Hey Chef he's the new guy it's always fun bustin on him a bit. But as every one said It will take a long time to clean up this mess. I wish him the best of luck he's going to need it.
Plows a pretty level headed guy Z.c8hCNnY2FN5XMUso
As I reflect on 2008, I can say we had a great year:
Blacks are happy; Obama was elected.
Whites are happy, OJ is in jail.
Democrats are happy;
George Bush is leaving office.
Republicans are happy:
Democrats will finally quit saying George Bush stole the election.
And all of us are so happy; The election is finally over!
I think 2009 will be even better: Immediately after his
inauguration, Obama will balance the budget, revive the economy,
solve the real estate problem, solve the auto industry problem,
solve our gas/alternative energy problem, stop the fires and
mudslides in California, ban hurricanes and tornadoes, stop identity
theft, reverse global warming, find Osama, solve the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, get rid of corruption in government
and achieve world peace.
Then on the 7th day, He will rest.
I will be happy if he just sticks with what he's said in the past and at least gets us on the right track to healing the country, because we're sick and broken.
Is it me, one would think a little background check is in order before submitting a potential cabinet position candidate
Another of Obama's choices has past income tax issues Making the total of 3 tax evaders he has chosen.
I don't know about the rest of the members here, but I do not get a warn and fuzzy feeling, his cabinet can lead us out of recession
If I owed and cheated the IRS that amount of money, I'd be in Jail not up for a cabinet post?
Is it that difficult to do a preliminary back ground check first? I'm not a Harvard grad, but I would be thinking of surrounding myself with the best possible choices.