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Name some of the best pranks you have pulled or took part in

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Okay guys here is where you can tell some of the practical jokes you pulled or took part in and see if we can have some laughs. Or a funny accident that happened you were a part of.
In Memphis there was a rash of people being tied to bed with dental floss so my roommate and I decided to up the ante one night and went and bought some fishing line. So we got one guy to help us get the class jerk and snuck in and tied him in bed with it. He missed formation (wonder why?), and arrived to class late and the instructors and class had a good laugh over it.
April Fools Day is my favorite day of the year...
I usually start planning a week before the big day
Sometimes its elaborate... sometimes its simple
I try really hard to make sure I don't hurt anything but their pride
And everyone has a good laugh
But I prefer staples over dental floss... top sheet stapled to the bottom sheet til the victim is cocooned ;)
Made mention of this to Curly in passing so here is the story: In Highschool I was an intern at a local radio station and one saturday I was asked to take two shifts as most were out and station was short handed and I said fine and was offered like scale and double time for the deal. Was the hieghth of disco and about 10-1030p I got a call on the request line and some girl all giggly says; "me and my friends are having a slumber party and wanna hear the most bitchin song there is" , and okay what do you guys want to hear? She said Bad Girls by Donna Summer. I said ok and hung up next call was from some guy named Hector and he asked to hear his favorite village people song while he and the maintenance crew at the bowling alley wanted to hear it. I said fine no problem.

Played a song and walked to the program directors office and took the albums off the shelf and remember the sign he had there saying if you value your job don't play the disco stuff that was there, (as we didn't play it at all). Went in the booth and ran a commercial and then this was broadcast all over the city at about 11-1130pm:




I then broke the records on mike and tossed in a metal garbage can popped a 4 track tape that had a pre-recorded concert (4 songs and crowd roars) in and you heard this is an exclusive 92.3 mini-concert of The Doors. I walked out to the bathroom got a coke and the phone lit up and Hector was pissed I referred to him as gay and susy and tina were horrified. those who remember it still laugh about night I was under the influence of Doonesbury.
Had a young maid doing the washing up,so i went into the fridge took out a large chorizo and put it in my pocket. Then taking her hand i placed it on the chorizo,she nearly died with embarrassment,feeling what she thought was my swollen member.
dyed several gray (white) horses purple with kool aid
In freshman dorm in college, the head resident coiunselor was an ass. So my roommate and I pennied him in his room one night about 11 p.m., stuffed an old record album cover filled wtih shaving cream under his door and jumped on it. Other counselors tries for 45 minutes to free him while he was cursing inside his room and we looked on offering "helpful" pieces of advice. It took him more than an hour to clean the shaving cream off everything it was sprayed onto.
OK Shot, you asked for it.

While serving in the Royal Air Force, I found in the Sgt's mess lounge, a partially filled in memo form. It was addressed,
dated, and would you believe SIGNED, but the actual message was blank!
Of course I helpfully filled in the message part, in capitals and writing along a ruler, and having contacted the good looking,
large breasted female officer to whom it was addressed, sent it off to her on the Friday afternoon.

Monday morning the Sgt that had signed the memo, Adie, was summoned to the officers presence, and informed how
she was disgusted at his offer, but had to send him to a male officer for him to be "Dealt with".

In total confusion Adie presented himself to the male officer, to be berated for such an awful suggestion to a superior
officer, and a female one at that. Not the behaviour of a senior non commisioned officer, a rank which at that time, Adie
only held temporarily.

Of course, he was shown the signature first, and had to admit it was his. His confusion increased, and he was near panic
as he just couldn't recall writing anything that would cause any trouble.

What did the memo say? I shall, as my name suggests, tell you!

"Ma'am, I believe you are looking for software personell, I will do anything to get into software. I will;
Hand wash your smalls. (Ladies underwear)
Wash your car once a week.
Smother my body in oil, wear a loin cloth and serve in your quarters daily. (He was into body building!)
Debase myself daily upon your command.
I am willing to be your obediant servant,"

And it was signed in his own handwriting!

Monday afternoon I heard my name called, I answered. My parentage was immediately doubted.
I responded with, "Hello Adie."

He took it in good spirit and agreed it was a good one. But three years later, when I was no longer serving,
I happened across Adie in the street. His first words, spoken through a huge grin, were,
"You bastard!"
Quote by 2706ali
Had a young maid doing the washing up,so i went into the fridge took out a large chorizo and put it in my pocket. Then taking her hand i placed it on the chorizo,she nearly died with embarrassment,feeling what she thought was my swollen member.

Oh, you are so funny, I can't stand it. And soooooo naughty! Poor girl. LOL
Fantasy: imagination unrestrained by reality; fulfilling a need not gratified in the real world
On my last ever day at school, one of my mates and I dismantled, but did not damage, our most hated teacher's bicycle and hung the parts from the flagpole, high above the school! Long live the revolution!
While out at sea we picked up a new crewman and he talked about nothing but what a cocksman he was and all the girlfriends he had and this was driving us nuts in the division. So one night on liberty in Maresielles France my supervisor and myself went to one of the many Sex Shops that seemed to be on every corner and bought combined about 300-350.00 worth of stuff. And he called his wife and outlined what we planned to do. So next day we mailed a very large box to his wife in Virginia and she repackaged it and labelled it in very feminine handwriting and mailed it back to the person who thought he was the lady's man or lady killer. Well as luck would have it the package somehow wound up being delayed and we got sent on a few unscheduled exercises in the Med. So it was forgotten about. About a month or so later at mail call when I was sitting in the island awaiting fueling duty we had mail call. And a certain large box arrived addressed to Rico Suave who started talking about his girls again. And he ripped it open and out fell condoms, vibrators, edible panties, and the like. He was embarassed to death as the word spread like wildfire through the ship about his package. And the teasing started about the thrill he could have at lights out and teasing rosie and her sisters and what was he going to wear to bed and stuff. I believe he is still being teased about this to thie day.
In university I took a piece of chalk, drilled the end out with a dental drill and inserted a couple of match heads. I put tape on the other end and then removed all the other chalk.

The professor came in, wrote the title of the lesson and underlined with a bit of a flourish. Just as he finished underlining the match heads flared up and he was standing there with a piece of flaming chalk for 15 seconds. It was an all time classic engineering moment.

Pretty sure he peed himself a bit.
Great dorm prank that I pulled quite successfully in school. We had 6 rooms, two girls each on each floor, with a bathroom that had 2 showers and ONE water heater! So if you were one of the last girls in, the odds were you had almost no hot water left. However, we all got along and staggered our times enough that it wasn't too bad. Second semester, new girl shows up and she's in there for 45 minutes to an hour every damned time, and simply killing the hot water, either making us take a colder shower or wait for the heater to warm up more water. I asked a friend who worked at the campus pharmacy for some gelatin capsules, and I filled them carefully with industrial duty yellow food coloring and assembled them. Then another girl and I took the shower heads apart, and put several of them in each shower head, and reassembled the shower heads. Sure enough, little miss snotty britches dives into the shower and prepares to hog it for an hour or so, but gee, in only a few minutes the hot water dissolved the capsules and left her thinking that there was a horrible problem with the plumbing. Her screams echoed throughout the building and we all laughed ourselves silly. By the way, the heavy duty food color tends to stick on your skin for a day or three.

My second favorite prank costs about 25.00 or more, but it's one of the best. When I got my first job in my field, I was making better money than I'd ever had in the past, and I spent the first few paychecks on some nicer clothes, etc. and a few other luxuries, but what I really wanted to do was move into a nicer place. I found a wonderful apartment I could afford, with a very nice landlord who took great care of us. Then, I wanted to throw a housewarming party and go all out, best of food, the best wines and drinks, etc. I checked ahead of time and my landlord said "No problem, just keep the noise to a minimum.". Well, my brother had come up from California to visit and attend the party, and he helped me concoct one of the most evil pranks ever. We took a twenty dollar bill, and glued it into the bottom of my toilet that he had disconnected and dried out carefully. It would just show a bit from the top. Then he put about fifty coats of clear varnish or lacquer over the top of it. He put the toilet back together and got the water flowing again. The night of party, he went to a 99 cent store, and bought about 20 of those blue toilet bowl cleaners and put them in the tank. The water was a lovely navy blue color as a result, but you could see the 20 dollar bill easily enough. We laughed harder and harder with each person that came out of my bathroom with a blue arm and an embarrassed look on their face! When I had a minor plumbing issue about a year later, I apologized to my landlord for the glued in money, but when I explained about the prank, he was laughing too hard to be mad. He said when I moved he'd recommend the prank to whomever moved in after me. When hubby and I bought our house, the guest bathroom was equally set up, and once again, I laughed all night long at our housewarming party.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx