I have never paddled a kayak
I've Never Been To America lol..
IHN.....tried to be a good girl
I have never been in a threesome.
I have never liked the idea of sharing
I have never been able to cross my eyes
I have never been able to let someone in completely
I Have Never Gotten a Gift On Valentines day
been in a hot air balloon
Gotten in a serious fight
Had a dream I was king, I woke up still king!!
I have never ridden a motorbike on my own
I have never had group sex
... liked getting up on a Monday.
Liked getting up on Monday too. For morning sex.
I have never flown in a airplane.
I have never been with two guys at once.
And yes, I'm saying that I want to
wanted to be with a girl more than I do now
I have never thought I'd be the person I am today. (Good or bad, you decide)
I have never not liked NightFox's Avatar
I have never been to the Moulin Rouge in Paris - I want to!
I have never been to Paris