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How Did We Meet?

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We met in Thorntons, we had a little scuffle over the last chocolate truffle but seens i won I was willing to forgive and forget she tried to steal my precious chocolate, then we went for a nice cup of tea and had a chinwag.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Kiera was a homeless person. When I first saw her she was dressed in rags, head down, ass up, leaning into a dumpster looking for some lunch. I took her home and offered her my own garbage can to rummage through because mine had more healthy stuff in it. Then I dropped her back home next to her dumpster.
I noticed her on some forum page ranting endlessly on and on in rather colorful language. I can't remember who the mod was, but she kept politely telling K. to more or less shut the fuck up. K. more or less told her to go fuck herself. I said to myself, "I like this broad, but she's gonna get her ass kicked off lush..." Now she is a fixture, it seems, and I'm glad she didn't get herself eighty-sixed.
“It's nice sometimes to open up the heart a little and let some hurt come in. It proves you're still alive.”
I met Billy at a drive-in movie, they were showing old Anthony Quinn movies. He jumped on top of his car and starting doing a traditional Greek dance. I said "Anthony come down from there!", he jumped down and I took him back to Lilly. She was very grateful so she invited me inside and we watched the "Magic Mike" movie... made some popcorn and had a great time. And let Billy continue to dance outside in the back yard.
I first saw Kiera through the grimy, smog darkened window of an Olde Curiosity Shoppe in a seedy little back alley in Whitechapel.
I felt sorry for this cheery looking, though toothless, crone being labelled thus, and, having a few spare shillings in my purse, I entered the gloomy interior and bartered her purchase from the greasy, moustachioed Turk that was the proprietor of that foul smelling emporium and, having handed over my three shillings ha'penny, took her arm and we summoned a hansom to convey us to my town house in Belgravia, where she still resides to this day as my faithful and attentive gusset scraper.


I met Cindy because she kept following me in here, like a stalker or something. Plus I rescued Kiera, who was being held against her will, by Cindy who kidnaps people and feeds them bunny soup! ICK!

(I have David Hasslehoff in my closet, chained up)
Morning K!
Quote by kiera
I caught T in a rather compromising position with Peter Stringfellow along with Rowen Atkinson WTF????


not in this lifetime. How COULD you?

BUTTS and I Met when I went to Alaska for a holiday. She was sprawled face down flat out on an icy path. I courageously tiptoed over the slippery slope, grabbed her legs and pulled her into a warm shop out of the cold. To this day you can still see where her teeth were knocked out when she bit the ice and her teeth were replaced with buttons.
Quote by trinket


not in this lifetime. How COULD you?

BUTTS and I Met when I went to Alaska for a holiday. She was sprawled face down flat out on an icy path. I courageously tiptoed over the slippery slope, grabbed her legs and pulled her into a warm shop out of the cold. To this day you can still see where her teeth were knocked out when she bit the ice and her teeth were replaced with buttons.

Awwww c'mon T how can anyone resist him??

T and I met at a bookshop whilst we were both showing our support to Linda who just released her first book.

The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
I met her when I stopped (with my "powers" ahem) a strange sect of burning her alive at the stake in the Middle Ages and the spirit of her is attached to mine to the present day.
Trinket and I met at Starbucks. She had on a very nice outfit and I complimented her. We ended up having coffee and talking about life and other fun stuff. She really is quite an amazing person.
We met outside a Justin Bieber concert. Kiera had told everybody she was going to see Muse, but what she really meant is that she was trying to be Justin Biebers Muse for the evening. Anyway she aMused me in her "I love JB til I die' t-shirt, which barely covered her mid riff as it was designed for pre pubescent screaming girls. I happened to be walking by the queue by the way, heading to the real Muse concert !!
We met at an adult store. He was telling me about these furry handcuffs that he thought I might like.
Quote by kiera
Mysteria crashed into my car whilst she was sexting, she really shouldn't walk so fast when she does that, she bashed her knee up pretty bad and now has a permanent limp

Hey babes

Funny thing is I do have a bad knee and sometimes I do limp....hahhahahhaha
It was by pure chance, an early morning encounter of two people catching each other's eyes. Granted, I shouldn't have been staring through her window at 3.45am, but it was worth it!!
You took my hazelnut hot chocolate in Starbucks by accident and took a sip from it. I was prepared to kill you, but you bought me a new, larger, one.
You were selling home made pizzas at a charity function and I bought one .. you then visited me in hospital when I came down with severe food poisoning.
I met John long time ago, in a Backstreet Boys concert. I had to give him a handkerchief during Quit Playing Games, the poor thing couldn't stop crying.
We met in a famous tea room, here in the uk. I was buying afternoon tea for myself when in walked Marta, and jumped the queue and took the last cream tea. I haven't and never will forgive her, as the cream covered her lips and she just sat there licking them whilst laughing at me. Lucky I'm a gentleman and know not to vent my anger in public or tweet the world !!
Hes actually telling a porky pie .. I was in that tea room and yes Marta took the last cream tea .. I had just got mine .. I saw him sit down and sulk ... I went to the cloakroom and mine had disappeared when I returned. He however now had a cream tea!!
Famous tearoom? I remember now... I rescued u from a hoard of Russian tourists in Alice's in Oxford .. they were looking for houses in an 'overspill' area of London and u sold them Pembroke for a mere 20Million sterling ... but refused to let them have your tail as a souvenir .... [omg did I just write that? ]
Any news on Putin's offer for Christ Church? ... just wondering as they haven't heard from u .. [and how do u edit these things?? ]

I remember you .. it wasnt a tea room it was McDonalds and you had about 10 double cheese and bacon burgers with chips at your table .. I know you like your bacon lol .. anyway the sight of *you* stuffing your face with those was simply disgusting!! Its no wonder you are ... erm shall we say rather curvy .. anyway you smiled at me but all I could see was a mouth full of ... omg it was so awful I left.
We met on Masterchef auditions. They were not too impressed with your creative skills as you only came up with 10 ways to serve steak and chips. I, on the other hand, managed to wow them with my incredible gastronomic delicacies and got to the final!
Maybe so .. however I watched that final and I think you didnt get that far due to your cullinary skills .. wearing see through lingerie and flashing your knee caps just wasnt fair .. did you know KK was in the 1st round? .. she did pizza and they had to call the fire services .. programmes were delayed for 1 week whilst they rebuilt the set.

Quote by simplyjohn

Are you lost for words SJ?