If you're a straight guy, would you spend a weekend in another man's arms..... sucking, fucking, kissing?
If you're a straight woman with NO interest in women, would your spend a weekend going down another woman, have her go down on you, strap ons?
If you're a lesbian, whose never been with a man, would you spend a weekend doing all the things couples do? Sucking, fucking, kissing...?
If you're a gay man, whose never been with a woman, would you spend a weekend doing all the things couples do?
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates ok hon I am bi so how do I earn my million
Yep for $1 million.... Oh AUS or US..... hey you are not talking Zimbabwean dollars are you
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
Let a man fuck me for a million, HELL YES,but only once and I'm gonna get him so hot first he gets off in minutes
hell with it, get screwed by men every day, not in the good way, whats a weekend so still yes
I like ladies and men so... What would I do to go against my sexual preference?
You have created a monster mister LOL!
Yes I would take the million especially if my experience was with you
Hey Knight we are all whores in one way or another but I understand the gay ethics, I live it everyday
I'm with you there Kinky. We've all had sex at some point to get something out of it in one way or another.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates Do you realize how much money $1 million is? I'm totally straight but the answer is absolutely yes. The million would cover the therapy and then some.
Hell, fucking, no, and I don't believe Kinky would either no matter what she says
I don't know if I could go through with it. Somehow I think I could handle the fucking better than I could the kissing and sucking. But, a million dollars is a considerable amount of money.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates I`m bi so shit outta luck for the mill. otherwise fuck yea.c0mVs862MN0nRz3G
Absolutely not, I'm not for sale.
I'm don't think I fit in... but who knows... if the opportunity arose... I'd maybe do it...
i have no sexual preference. i'd take the $1 mil tho.
"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them." -Marilyn Monroe
Yep...but $1 mil must be in cash...lol