Quote by lafayettemister
If you're a straight guy, would you spend a weekend in another man's arms..... sucking, fucking, kissing?
If you're a straight woman with NO interest in women, would your spend a weekend going down another woman, have her go down on you, strap ons?
If you're a lesbian, whose never been with a man, would you spend a weekend doing all the things couples do? Sucking, fucking, kissing...?
If you're a gay man, whose never been with a woman, would you spend a weekend doing all the things couples do?
Quote by Beffer
My sexual preference is for both sexes, so what am I supposed to be doing that's against my preference?
Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.
Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True
The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)
Quote by GraceW
I would have to ask my husband, the agreement was I can have women. I'd probably want to take some dramamine in hopes that it would calm the nausea.
To Beffer and others, the rules lawyer in me says the opposite of both sexes is none. Can you abstain for a weekend for a million?