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Complete The Sentence!

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Quote by Curlygirly
If I could give one piece of advice when it comes to using gadgets, it would be to have plenty of double A batteries on hand!!! ;)

If LM were to get a tattoo it would be...

If LM were to get a tattoo it would be on his penis and say "Watch me grow."

A man is only good for......
At work, my favorite thing to do is play on Lush and watch the second hand on the clock move.

If there was a new Lush chatroom made, I would like it to be...
I would like it to be, one with waiter service and free drinks.

Curlygirl entered the Miss World contest and,
Curlygirl entered the Miss World contest and won, bottoms up.

A new store just opened in the town of Lush.....
A new store just opened in the town of Lush,,, selling dreams and miracles.

Nightnurse was the new stores first customer, she bought a,,,
Nightnurse was the new stores first customer, she bought a bedpan, double dildo, and case of Viagara. What does she have in mind?

I was so thrilled....
I was so thrilled when she said "Here is your new bedpan Imhapless."

I asked her what about my Viagra and......
I asked her what about my Viagra and she said, sorry hap, i could only get the one case, and i wouldn't want you to get your hopes up that it would be enough to get your dick up. so maybe next time.

While passing by Wildcat's house one day, a passerby thought she saw ........
While passing by Wildcat's house one day, a passerby thought she saw Adele, Wildcat' new maid washing the windows in a very inappropriate manner.

When going to adeles playroom, make sure to bring
When going to Adele's playroom, make sure to bring nipple clamps and a car battery.

When all else fails, on Lush you can count on.......

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
When all else fails, on Lush you can count on your friends to make you laugh so hard that you snort coffee through your nose (speaking from experience here).

During the thunderstorm this morning,...
During the thunderstorm today, it quit raining rather abruptly.
So I (curlygirly) got my home made lawn sprinkler out only to remember I forgot to pay the water bill.

I quick ran to bnD48's house...
I quickly ran to bnD48's house, and stole all the bathwater that she was in at the time.

CG's garden is just full of
cg's garden is just full of cucumbers, zucchinis, squash, ginger, and melons.

She uses them to make
She uses them to make SP/Ginger wale, I mean wail.

Naughty nurse rides her bike over
her bike over broken glass and mine fields to get to Curlygirl for a,,,,
her bike over broken glass and mine fields to get to Curlygirl for a Girl's Night Out. (still can't remember much of that night)

For Tell's Birthday, we all chipped in and got...
For Tells birthday we all chipped in and got him laid, finally, a virgin no more.

Cg loves bikinis because
Bikinis because she knows when she wears them she drives men wild.

Kinkygirl loves to be,,,
Kinkygirl loves to be naked and tweaking her nipples while driving her car.

She is always thinking of ................
She is always thinking of Lola riding naked next to her.

Lola has a .....
Lola has a uncontrolable desire to give Nikki a massage! Well maybe its me that has the desire, LOL!!

Tami And Lola Want To Sit In A Hot Tub With A Waterproof Vibe And 2................
Tami And Lola Want To Sit In A Hot Tub With A Waterproof Vibe And 2 other lushies

those lucky lushies will be
Those lucky lushies will be Slutpuppy and NaughtyNurse.

Please remind me to...
Please remind me to bring the strawberries for Nikki's special "fruit sauce,"

One taste of her and I .....
go absolutely wild with desire.

while driving my car one day........
i realized that the dashboard looked different...the steering felt weird... my cig were missing and the seats were uncomfy.. after an hour of discomfort i got out of the car.... and saw that it was not mine... damn the martinis..!!

was walking along the redwoods and i saw a couple fighting like cats and dogs... the issue was...
was walking along the redwoods and i saw a couple fighting like cats and dogs... the issue was which one would dress up like little red riding hood and be ravaged by the big bad wolf and his friends.

One day I ordered a pizza and decided that I would tease the delivery guy and answer the door naked. The doorbell rang and when I opened the door it was not the pizza guy, it was...................
One day I ordered a pizza and decided that I would tease the delivery guy and answer the door naked. The doorbell rang and when I opened the door it was not the pizza guy, it was my mother-in-law, I think she was jealous of my magnificent rack!

I went to a palm reader, after she looked at my love line she said.............

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates