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Can you explain or top Sarah Palin

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It's simple. Explain how the following comment from Sarah Palin is correct, post your own statement, and/or explain why the statement from any poster above you is correct.

Paul Revere warned the British when he made his famous ride through Boston

Have fun!
Paul Revere was warning the British that from now on he was only accepting American Express in his sex toy shop.

Sarah said Thomas Jefferson wasn't referring to women when he said "All men are created equal"
Tom sure was right -- everyone knows that women are far superior to men!

The Germans were right to bomb Pearl Harbor
Constant Gardener
Kamikaze translated to German is: Sauerkraut & sauteed onions

Volkswagen is to automobiles as Apollo is to moon landings
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Correct -- neither work under water

Sarah said The sun always rises in the West
Active Ink Slinger
yeah... says Sarah... it does rise in the west... well at least that's where I think it went down (and I could see it from my house!) so I'm guessin' that's where it should be comin' up... you betcha!
Paul Revere was warning the British that Boston had run out of single malt scotch so they'd have to drink bourbon

Sarah said When Leonardo Da Vinci discovered America he got lost in Virginia
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, When Leo Discovered America, He Got Lost In Virginia Because Her Pussy Was So "Large" And He Had A Little Cock So He Felt Lost. And For Some Reason He Kept Calling Her Mona, Go Figure!

When Abe Lincoln Said 4 Score And 7 Years Ago, He Was Refering To Playing Soccer In Law School
[Hey Nikki, good response, Sarah would be proud]

Well 3 of Abe's scores were goals; the other was in Martha Washington who was on the pill so she didn't get pregnant but never would have gotten an abortion if she did.

Joan of Arc wasn't a very good cook; she burned steaks all the time
Active Ink Slinger
But Joan Should Be Excused For Her Being "Domestically" Challenged Since She Was So Young. She Would Have Been A Better Cook And All Around Teen If She Had She Been A Tea Party Member And Had A Role Model Like Bristol To Look Up Too.

When JFK Said "Its Not What Your Country Can Do For You, Its What You Can Do For Your Country" He Showed He Only Cared About "Country Folks" And That He Had No Regard For The American People Who Resided In Cities
That's right, Nikki, ever since JFK found out about Paul Revere warning the British in Boston he has never trusted city folk to do what their country needs them to.

When Arnold Schwarznegger painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling he didn't accurately show Jesus.
Active Ink Slinger
Thats True, He Didnt, But When Arnold Was Asked Why He Didnt Accurately Show Jesus, He Said He Had Some Business With His Houskeeper To Take Care Of But "He'll Be Back" To Correct It

Sarah Is So Anti-Gay That She Said That She Never Masturbates Since It Is Sex With Female. When Asked If Her Kids Feel The Same Way, She Said "You Betcha".
Before the Revolution & Declaration of Independence were not the colonists British citizens?
Therefore Paul Revere was warning his fellow Brits that the Royal Army was coming.
Uh jillinjulie, NO BECAUSE HE SAID "THE BRITISH ARE COMING" AND UNLESS HE WAS TALKING ABOUT HIS FELLOW CITIZENS HAVING SEX IN THEIR BEDS IT WOULD MAKE NO SENSE; and he also wasn't firing warning shots or ringing bells either, as Sarah so eloquently said.

As for Nikki's statement, that's right because everyone knows that dildos and all other sex toys are female -- a dildo looks just like a female sex organ, right!

Sarah said that when Freud would ring a bell his dog would chase a pussy.
Active Ink Slinger
Sarah was right. Freud had issues with his mother so he had a hard time meeting sexually active women, and his dog helped him out.

Sarah says that when Albert Einstein invented baseball he originally didn't call pitches outside the strike zone "balls"
Active Ink Slinger
That is very true. Sarah said that any pitch thrown outside of the strike zone would be like an idea not falling into her way of thinking, so she says they should be called blue states

Sarah says the ideas and policies of the Obama administration are bad for America because she finds them to be inline with socialist and communist way of life and the ideas set forth by Karl Marx and his brothers Groucho and Harpo
Of course Sarah is right. Groucho and Harpo pulled so many practical jokes on people that it was a disgrace, almost plunging the United States into bankruptcy until Herbert Hoover saved the day.

Sarah said that the Magna Carta was the largest bottle of wine ever produced.
That's exactly right, Sarah, they made it in England to celebrate the King taking all the noblemen's rights away.

Sarah said that when the Beatles wrote the song London Bridge Is Falling Down they were trying to get the city to inspect it.
But instead someone bought it and moved it to Arizona, where Sarah has now purchased a house.

Sarah says that Johnny Appleseed was an evil figure responsible for overpopulation.
Active Ink Slinger
She was talking about the other Paul Revere
Sarah was right, as usual, about Johnny Appleseed; he spread his seed everywhere; no woman was safe.

Sarah says she is amphibious - she can throw mud balls with either hand.
Sarah is right, of course -- and she can do it while breathing underwater too!

Sarah says that Plato was a great caterer, and especially really knew how to set a table.
Sarah is right, and she says Socrates was a good boxer too, he could really sock his opponents

Sarah says that the Navy Seals can balance balls on the ends of their noses.
Active Ink Slinger
Sarah Is Right, Although She Wonders If Eating Fish All Day Makes Their Breath Very Strong And Make It Hard For Them To Conseal Their Locations When On A Mission

Sarah Thinks The Penal Code Applies Only To Men
She's right of course, Sarah always is -- and she also says that a "vaginal discharge" is when a woman gets out of the army.

Sarah says that Federal Express is American Express' biggest competitor
Active Ink Slinger
Of course Sarah is right again; they both express undying loyalty to her!

Sarah says that the U. S. constitution gives everyone the inalienable right to be as stupid as they want to be.
Sarah is not only right, she is living proof that she is right!

Sarah says that the right to bear arms means a women can wear a sleeveless dress whenever she wants.
Once again Sarah is right -- but she is confused that there is no constitutional protection on the right to bear legs.

Sarah says the right saying is not "I'd rather be dead than red", but "I'd rather not read"
Sarah is right -- and she never does read.

Sarah says "I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father>
Constant Gardener
Sarah is correct, abortion was illegal when she was conceived.

Sarah believes that abortion should be outlawed again, and all babies protected, until they're born - then they are all on their own. "Adversity breeds character, damn it!"
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.