I accept your baggage.. i have road rage too
I often lust after the unattainable!
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates I accept your baggage... For it could be mine...
I am restless always looking for opportunities elsewhere..
I accept your baggage - I know what you mean!
Although I have no reason to, I often feel insecure
I accept your baggage..I know it too
I talk fast & with my hands
I accept your baggae.
I find it very difficult to trust.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates I accept your baggage.
I find it too easy to trust, and end up getting hurt
I accept.
I'd rather be hurt than cause hurt.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates I accept your baggage..know what you mean..
I bite my teeth in my sleep
I accept that!
I often wonder if I'll ever open my heart to anyone again.
sheesh, i sound fucking pitiful
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates I accept your baggage
im really hungry ... someone want to go make me some food
I accept your baggage
I have no patience with stupid adults
I accept your baggage! Who does!!! *LOL*
I REALLY don't want to go shovel out my driveway!
haha! I accept your baggage and thank you for the work-out!!!
I am a control freak.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
I can accept that ... to a degree tho
Im insecure
I accept your baggage - and will work to make you more secure
I am too fearless - I only have the "fight" reflex, not the "flight" one - it gets me into trouble
haha i accept !!! (its not that bad rly)
I will question everything !! ... even if i know its the absolute truth ... i will question it
not always the best thing
I accept your baggage (I love to debate)
I will always try to convince you I'm right if it comes to social issues
i accept your baggage
I never accept stuff like that ....
Its your opinion alright ... but u cant change mine .. and even if u did .. you wont know
I accept your baggage
Im a master at avoiding things i dont want to talk about
I can accept that
I am very competitive and hate to lose
I accept your baggage - but get used to losing if you play sports, board games, or cards with me
I don't always look for the best in people, and sometimes come up with unjust negative first impressions
i can accept that (i do the same)
i can get bitchy for no reason
I accept your baggage
I turn a bitchy partner upside down and tickle them until they no longer are bitchy
I educate people, so easily accepted.
I lose patience with people who are intolerant of others.
The reviews are in. Here's what people are saying about FicklePickleTickle:
"BestCukeOnTheVine" - LusciousLola.
"Pickle juice rocks!" - curiousbutterfly.
"Pickles is really a jalapeño" - sw33tang3l
"Will someone make that guy sit down, my kids can't see the movie?!?" - Some guy in at the theater.
"Shouldn't he be wearing clothes if he's going to be in the wedding?" - Your mom.
"If FTP Eats A Pickle, Is That Cannibalism? " Nikki703
"FTP makes me wet. . ." - imhapless.
"Always thought he was dill but he's actually a sweet pickle." - kinkygirl.
I do the same. Accepted.
I can't stand country music or rap.
The reviews are in. Here's what people are saying about FicklePickleTickle:
"BestCukeOnTheVine" - LusciousLola.
"Pickle juice rocks!" - curiousbutterfly.
"Pickles is really a jalapeño" - sw33tang3l
"Will someone make that guy sit down, my kids can't see the movie?!?" - Some guy in at the theater.
"Shouldn't he be wearing clothes if he's going to be in the wedding?" - Your mom.
"If FTP Eats A Pickle, Is That Cannibalism? " Nikki703
"FTP makes me wet. . ." - imhapless.
"Always thought he was dill but he's actually a sweet pickle." - kinkygirl.