A twist on another popular thread on the Forums. We go through the alphabet, but if you post you take the next letter and list a city that you have actually visited. If you have never visited a city with the next letter, i.e. "X" then move to the next letter until you can list a city that you have visited with the subsequent letter.
Since it is my thread, I will start....
A is for Austin, TX
Just a reminder that these are cities that you have actually visited......
Utica, NY
Valdosta, GA. (stopped for gas and lunch on a road trip.)
Sitting at the edge of darkness
West Branch, Mi Where it always rained for the motorcycle rally!
Sure! Stick ME with the X! lol Xenia, Ohio (Hey! I DID it!)
Zootopia.....a city from a Disney movie of the same name....I could tell you about my visit there, but its a long story....Back to "A"