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10 random facts

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Active Ink Slinger
1. I've done combat sports years ago.
2. I have the uncanny liking of going to the movies alone.
3. Almost a decade ago, I flew to London just to see Rod Stewart's concert at the Royal Albert Hall.
4. I'm a public speaker.
5. I'm a kick ass debater.
6. I speak 4 Asian languages.
7. A big fan of Johnny Depp.
8. I have a big crush on a Lush friend. lol
9. I spend too much on books.
10. I'm quite shy. Seriously.
Raised on Blackroot
1. My uncle turned the controls over to his personal plane to me once when I was 10. Scared the shit out of me. Only lasted 60 seconds. Boy was that an experience.

2. The stupidest thing I've ever done involved riding in the bed of my friend's dad's cherry red pickup truck. I was 9 years old. My friend, also 9, was driving. We were going 70 along the back of his farm toward his neighbors hot tub. Haven't told a soul in my real life.

3. Could have ended up a jock if not for knee injuries. Loved playing soccer. Loved it to death. Still miss playing it.

4. I've dislocated my left knee once and my right knee 3 times.

5. No qualms stating that I believe Batman the Animated Series is one of the best TV shows ever made, despite it being a "cartoon."

6. Snapped my arm in two years ago. Both bones punctured the skin. Now have a metal plate. Never quite got back 180 degrees of motion back.

7. I've grown fond, recently, of dark urban fantasy short stories. Love Neil Gaiman

8. Gotten sent to the principals office a couple times as a kid. I was far from a golden child, even around family. Routinely faked injuries to get my brothers in trouble.

9. I named my cat "Orion" after the cat in Men in Black.

10. Have signed books from some of my favorite authors. Pat Rothfuss (2), Brandon Sanderson (4), R.A. Salvatore (2), and Brian Jaques (1). I'd probably let my xBox burn before I let those burn.
1. Just moved from New Orleans
2. have started college five times, never finished. Finally going back.
3. Meeting a sister for the first time next week.
4. Stalked my husband at the gym
5. Love the military channel
6. Have a crush on R.Lee Ermey and Jeremy Clarkson
7. Am directionally challenged....even with GPS
8. Very shy in RL....unlike here
9. Will read anything
10. Would rather not leave my house
Active Ink Slinger
1. I have never broken a bone.
2. I have been riding dirt bikes since I was 14.
3. I have this overwhelming desire to see a natural diaster like a tidal wave, avalanche or a flood?
4. I watch way to much tv.
5. I stay up way to late. Have my whole life....
6. Born and raised in Southern California, but spent 8yrs in Phoenix.
7. I'm crazy but I know it so its not that bad!
8. My favorite food is Mexican.
9. I'm almost always late because of #5 and I love to sleep in...
10. I've always wanted to go into space.
What's the rush, no one gets out of here alive. - Anonymous
1. I've been inside the Pentagon
2. I've been on the plane that the Vice President uses
3. I flew on a KC-10
4. I have a cousin that's buried at Arlington National Cemetary
5. I'm addicted to chocolate
6. I've been Andrews Air Force Base
7. I personally know someone that goes to West Point
8. I have a thing for people that are in the Military
9. I used to be in AFJROTC back in High School
10. I've met Julie Goldman the famous Lesbian Comediene
Active Ink Slinger
1) I love to read mysteries.
2) My favorite color is hot pink.
3) I love to cook but hate to clean up after.
4) I rowed on the crew team in college cause someone said I would never last.
5) I love winning.
6) I think carrots are gross.
7) Music makes me happy.
8) I love the smell of lavender.
9). I have been a bridesmaid 16 times---always a bridesmaid, never a bride. Lol
10). Friends mean a lot to me!

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
Active Ink Slinger
1. I like long drives; I find them calming.
2. I love Ice Coffee.
3. I don't eat breakfast.
4. I don't like romantic comedies. They make me nauseous.
5. I prefer to go out to dinner.
6. I love rain and storms, but thunder scares me.
7. I love it when a man picks out lingerie for me.
8. I enjoy travel.
9. My brother is my best friend and hero.
10. I only drink red wine.
Active Ink Slinger
1. I miss the humidity
2. I like the idea of pets more than the reality
3. I'm a chocolate snob
4. I hate being scared, even at the movies
5. I don't always trust my gut, but I'm learning that I should
6. I laugh so loud, people turn and look
7. Did i mention that I snort when loudly laughing?
8. Friends, a warm day, and a gin n tonic in my hand...perfection
9. I love water, to drink, to swim in, to splash in, to look at, to watch falling out of the sky....
10. I miss my family
Active Ink Slinger
1 I love my country
2 I have played in regional sport teams 3 codes in total, I'm a natural athlete
3 I've broken too many ribs and received too many injuries from opposition
4 I spend my summers outside, at the beach
5 I miss my shepard ... she was so loyal
6 I rescued kittens and they obey only me, seriously they do
7 I need to listen to my sixth sense
8 I've never felt lonely in my life
9 I like to cook
10 I value my friends
1. I'm sweet unless I'm tired or in a hurry, then I lose patience easily and exhibit grumpy, witch-like behavior.
2. I can rarely retell a joke I've heard...I always mess up the punchline.
3. I love to write but have never been able to keep a journal.
4. I have an uncanny way of sensing others because I'm keenly empathetic and empathic.
5. I am most pleased when I can put a smile on someone's face and in their heart.
6. I am always at odds....a procrastinator but an overachiever, love candy/avoid sugar, calm & serene exterior/ADD mind constantly bouncing, many responsibilities/waste time on lush, personable/introverted...
7. I am forgiving and understanding, and I don't hold a grudge.
8. I hate texting; I'd rather call than text.
9. I like shopping alone and don't like malls or window shopping.
10. If I sit next to you and see your handwriting, I can copy it verbatim. An odd talent...forgery? Lol
Active Ink Slinger
1. I'm a voracious reader.
2. I lost my virginity at age 15.
3. I once dated a fairly famous rock musician.
4. I have a serious shoe addiction.
5. I love summertime.
6. I once held the women's state record in the 100 meter freestyle.
7. I've had an orgasm from having my toes sucked.
8. I've never had a broken bone.
9. I've ALWAYS shaved hehe.
10. I'm dating a guy who went to college with my dad.
1. I have ridden a bicycle at over 80KM/hr
2. I'm a bit of a smart ass
3. I own tons of books
4. I have been travelling for work for almost 4 years non-stop
5. I can pack a suitcase for a one week trip in about 3 minutes
6. I love old hotels with character
7. I have over 1000 CDs & LPs
8. I have never taken a digital photograph
9. I'm an outrageous flirt
10. I hate cell phones
Active Ink Slinger
1. I am sweet as sugar
2. I am mean as fuck
3. I am your best friend
4. I am your worst enemy
5. I am shy
6. I am bold
7. I am quiet
8. I have a big mouth
9. You either love me or hate me
10.I'm a walking, talking contradiction

Whew... That felt good !!!
1. I love the rain and the winter season
2. I prefer night to day
3. I am very shy and quiet in real life.
4. I like creepy places and the adrenaline that come with them.
5. I am a homebody
6. I love chocolate and it is hard to go without it on any given day.
7. I write more than I talk.
8. I am positive.
9. I have an extreme case of OCD that I have forced myself to control when it comes to situations. If I hadn't, I'd never be able to work.
10. I am a good friend once you break down my walls.
Active Ink Slinger
1. I have been on 4 continents and plan on visiting the other 3.
2. I love chocolate
3. I love making people laugh
4. I enjoy reading others' responses and learning about them
5. I dislike crowds
6. I am a Toastmaster ATM
7. I also have eaten poi and it is gross!
8. I like volksmarching and geocaching
9. I play disc golf
10. I enjoy travelling but not alone. You have to share the experience to really enjoy it.
1: i am a great cook, especially seafood
2:i owned my own surf and turf eatery since i was a young girl until a year or so ago
3: i live in a mountain cabin now
4: except for georgia where i was born and west virginia where i live now, i have only visited 2 states in usa, north carolina and south carolina
5:i have trophies for surfing
6:i have never flown in an airplane, or jumped out of one
7:the last time i had sex, bush was still president
8: my first time was with my high school gym teacher, i seduced her
9:my first love and bff is also a member here.., hi kinks
10: i so love a woman named kk
Short Arse Brit
Quote by ginger86
1: i am a great cook, especially seafood
2:i owned my own surf and turf eatery since i was a young girl until a year or so ago
3: i live in a mountain cabin now
4: except for georgia where i was born and west virginia where i live now, i have only visited 2 states in usa, north carolina and south carolina
5:i have trophies for surfing
6:i have never flown in an airplane, or jumped out of one
7:the last time i had sex, bush was still president
8: my first time was with my high school gym teacher, i seduced her
9:my first love and bff is also a member here.., hi kinks
10: i so love a woman named kk

I love you to babes thank you

1. I am a good cook, but always burn pizza
2. I never owned a restaurant but did work in a café on a fishing lake at weekends when I was still at school.
3. I live in Surrey and my place is too small need to move
4. I have been to Chicago, Spain, Portugal, Gambia and Jamaica
5. Im scared of the sea and have never surfed
6. I have flown on an aeroplane and also jumped out of one, ok well I was thrown but it was scary lol
7. Last time I had sex was a huge mistake and recently
8. My 1st time was a mistake, he said he would dump me if I didn't have sex with him then did anyway.
9. My 1st love is the tosser I just told u about in 8 lol I hate him
10. I so love my Ginger too
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
- I owned my own home, business, was married and had kids all before I completed high school 4 months ago.
- I have never traveled out of country.
- I didn't get my drivers licence until I was 25.
- I can NOT cook popcorn.
- I am an introvert and have no friends where I am living(been here 3 years).
- My dream is to own my own restaurant.
- I am booked to have plastic surgery because I don't feel comfortable with my own body.
- I have ulcers that have cause benign tumors to grow in my stomach and am sick 5 out of 7 days a week.
- I never wrote a single thing unless it was for school before joining Lush.
- I failed grade 12 creative writing 3 times before giving up on it.
1 I can cook a few dishes quite well mostly Thai
2-I have never owned a restaurant but my Chicken Shrimp Gumbo a la Lyfbuz gets rave reviews
3-I have a house beside a lake at the bottom of a mountain
4-I've been all over the damn place including the Arctic
5-I love the ocean, can't surf but can surf a kayak
6-I have no idea why anyone would jump out of a perfectly good aircraft
7- the last time I had sex was amazing
8- the first time I had sex was possibly a mistake but its been pretty fuckin' good ever since!
9- my first love really wasn't but my last love definitely was
10- I am attending charm school where they are teaching me how to make myself look like Ginger

11- I may get a hiding from one or more Lush members
1-I was first put on a surfboard at 3.
2-My husband was a championship swimmer who swam with an eventual gold medalist on the same team.
3-I can play classical piano
4-My father shot a rattlesnake on a ranch that was coming after me when I was a small child. Blam with his gun.
5-I can kick box
6-I can cook Greek food
7-I have traveled the globe
8-I spoke fluent German as a child
9-I hate musicals
10-I have a shoe fetish
1. I got my college degree at 19.
2. I like the smell and taste of Red Wine.
3. I like traveling but hate to do it alone.
4. I love going to art exhibits.
5. I can prepare a good meal given I have enough time.
6. My dad taught me how to ride a motorcycle.
7. I'm racially ambiguous.
8. I don't smoke but I find comfort in the smell of cigars.
9. I like yoga.
10. I love everything Apple.
1. I do not have a 12" penis
2. My shoe size is 10 (North America) but if a girl asks you, tell them 14.
3. I have had more fights in ice hockey than minor penalties
4. I cut my face shaving at least twice per week, keep sharp objects away from me.
5. Love is the music between the notes
6. Most people don't "get" me, I'm quite comfortable with this
7. Women are constantly telling me I have an old soul...I have no fucking idea what that means.
8. I once blew $5000 in 3 weeks just partying in bars...I can't remember if I had fun or not.
9. I once got an important lesson in personal finance that cost me $5000
10. The best meal I ever had was Cambodian, I have absolutely no idea what it was but the flavours were incredible
1. I am addicted to NFL football
2. I am afraid of wet grass
3. I love pineapple
4. I clean my ears twice a day, everyday
5. I am a gamer girl
6. I am in love with a man on lush
7. I hate clowns
8. I own 200 pairs of high heels
9. I love the Latin language
10. Oral sex is my favorite.
1. I am very claustrophobic
2. I smoke too much
3. My aunt is Sally Mann Romano from Jefferson Airplane
4. My mother was an actress
5. I have shaken hands with 2 Presidents (Reagan and Clinton)
6. I was a casino boss at Caesars' Palace
7. I have bungee jumped (don't do it)
8. I have a pilots license
9. I am a scratch golfer and played the TPC at Sawgrass
10. I am bi-lingual
1. workaholic
2. never knew my grandparents
3. I am an under achiever/perfectionist
4. mixed drinks for many stars
5. I am 9 credit hours from three degrees
6. cant stand animal abuse
7. doubt existence of aliens
8. I have been stepped on by both a bull and horse
9. I use to carry my medical records and x-rays with me
10. I enjoy cooking
1. I love long drives to no where

2. I collect anything to do with M&M's candy

3. I love to refinish old furniture

4. I would live on a houseboat if I could

5. I love being in the rain

6. I love music, it makes me happy

7. I love to paint, houses that is, inside or out

8. I love the color Red

9. I am bi-lingual

10. I married a great guy on lush and I love him with all my heart
Active Ink Slinger
In awe of mother natures endless power

Loves to enjoy the outdoors

Happy with my own company, where many aren't

Dislike people with bad manners

Wants to travel more

Likes home cooked meals

Likes to see the best in everyone

Ready for a career change and or country

Laughter relaxes me

I did mention sports? Love it smile
1: I am allergic to seafood.
2: When in high school I was in the top 21 of school girls for rowing and netball Australia wide.
3: I get brain freeze when having anything to cold.( it cripples me)
4: I have steel plates in my knees
5: I love having my hair played with, it will put me to sleep
6: I collect elephants ( lol not alive ones)
7: I cry to much in movies
8: I love going to and participating in drags cars. The rumble gets me every time.
9: I bite my finger nails
10: I am a god mother to 5, aunty to 14 and great aunty to 6 at the age of 34.
1. I have a mild obsession with penguins and minions...
2. I couldn't say cinnamon correctly up until a few years ago
3. I am a closet theater freak
4. I've visited 13 countries and have lived in 3
5. I would pick a Disney movie over a grown up movie any day
6. I hate the color pink
7. I have an arch nemesis in Poland
8. I think fruity gum tastes like barf
9. I'm a classically trained musician
10. I once made friends with a rhesus macaque monkey named Mickey
Advanced Wordsmith
1. I am a little obsessed with the Kennedy's
2. My great grandfather was very high up in the mob.
3. I'm Mexican and cant speak spanish ?
4. My dad died when I was younger.
5. I found my dad's body.
6. I want to get my pilot's license
7. I love warm weather.
8. My favorite city is Boston
9. I am very outspoken
10. I wear my heart on my sleeve