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What can we expect to experience during Trump's 2nd term as President

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A shit ton of Revenge

More ongoing Crimes emanating from Trump and his clan of grifters.

Loss of stability and security - nonstop chaos.

The same operators will be coming back to the Oval Office and their zeal will not be suppressed after learning the ropes during Trump's first term.

Trump should have started with taking over the Pentagon in 2017. He used it as best he could this time, with General Michael Flynn's brother in charge of determining whether to send in the National Guard during the attempted coup de tat.

This time, Trump will eviscerate the Pentagon first and get that powerful military to focus their sights inward at the vast Left leaning snowflakes which need to be locked up or, just mowed over.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

A whole helluva a lot of lies.

Mexico will still not pay for The Wall.

Trump's effiminate butt will get larger.

He'll defend his dick size from the podium... again!

He'll commit more crimes!

He still won't pay his taxes.

He'll still be Putin's sock puppet.

He may put tariffs on NATO countries at his daddy Putin's request.

He'll probably put tariffs back on China causing more inflation.

To win the election he'd have to successfilly steal it.

He'd use his presidency to gerrymander and rig future elections.

He'll accidently grab a copy of Huckleberry Finn and wave it at the media, thinking it's a Bible. He's never read either one.

He'll make the USA the absolute laughing stock of the world.

He'll continue to spray tan and dye his hair that twists around his bald head.

He'll croak from a heart attack while attempting to have sex with a way overpaid washed up, fake tittied pornstar in bed at at Camp David.

Quote by Buz

A whole helluva a lot of lies.

Mexico will still not pay for The Wall.

Trump's effiminate butt will get larger.

He'll defend his dick size from the podium... again!

He'll commit more crimes!

He still won't pay his taxes.

He'll still be Putin's sock puppet.

He may put tariffs on NATO countries at his daddy Putin's request.

He'll probably put tariffs back on China causing more inflation.

To win the election he'd have to successfilly steal it.

He'd use his presidency to gerrymander and rig future elections.

He'll accidently grab a copy of Huckleberry Finn and wave it at the media, thinking it's a Bible. He's never read either one.

He'll make the USA the absolute laughing stock of the world.

He'll continue to spray tan and dye his hair that twists around his bald head.

He'll croak from a heart attack while attempting to have sex with a way overpaid washed up, fake tittied pornstar in bed at at Camp David.

Your post makes it sound far more entertaining than it will actually be.🤣

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Quote by Seeker4

Your post makes it sound far more entertaining than it will actually be.🤣

I'd probably tune in every evening that show was on LIVE. But Trump would have to be the banana republic dictator of some South American country.

Putin could install him as the new premiere of FuckedUpIstan and I'd watch that too.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

The only way to avoid this advertised plan being implemented & foisted off on America (avoiding becoming the most powerful Russian pawn - Think of the USA as Belarus with thousands of nukes & the most powerful military in the world at your beck n call) is to vote for the Democratic Incumbent.

Close aides believed Trump had crossed a psychological line during his Senate trial. He now wanted to get even; he wanted to fire every single last "snake" inside his government. To activate the plan for revenge, Trump turned to a young take-no-prisoners loyalist with chutzpah: his former aide John McEntee.

By the end of that year, Trump also had a second tool in his armory, a secret weapon with the innocuous title, "Schedule F." The intention of this obscure legal instrument was to empower the president to wipe out employment protections for tens of thousands of civil servants across the federal government.

The mission for McEntee and the power of Schedule F dovetailed in the lead-up to the 2020 election as Trump planned (but lost) a second term and fumed over perceived foes.

If former President Trump runs again in 2024 and wins back the White House, people close to him say, he would turn to both levers again. It is Schedule F, combined with the willpower of top lieutenants like McEntee, that could bring Trump closer to his dream of gutting the federal bureaucracy and installing thousands devoted to him or his "America First" platform.

After a New York Times deep dive details how Donald Trump and his top allies are planning to massively reorganize the entire executive branch to hand him unprecedented power and decimate the constitutional basis of checks and balances should he win re-election next year.

"Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands," The New York Times' Jonathan Swan, Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman report.

With the assistance of entities like the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank that was transformed during the Trump years, The Times reports several of Trump's well-known associates have been working on plans for his second term.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

“Imagine an FDA filled with far-right Catholic appointees looking for every imaginable way to end access to birth control, abortion, and gender-affirming care—and likely succeeding. Other agencies, like Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, and the Pentagon, would also be looking for ways to ban or severely limit access. Odds are that all three services will be effectively unavailable in the country before the end of Trump’s next term.”

Tannehill warns if Trump gets a second presidential term, he will pull the U.S. out of NATO, reverse the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” kick all transgender service members out of the U.S. Armed Forces – and possibly all LGBTQ people, and women, as well.

“With Trump in power and weaponizing the government against ‘enemies of the people,’ he will likely use the Federal Communications Commission, FBI, IRS, and DOJ to silence critics and end investigative journalism as we know it.”

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Trump admires dictators. He'd do his best to become one. Donald Trump has never supported enhancing democracy. He ONLY believes in his own deity

Insanity at a level one could never imagine. His former attorney

,Roy Cohen, schooled him in corruption.

Trump has been very up front, we'd be switching sides in the Russia-Ukraine War. Trump said he'd end all aid to Ukraine. Trump is a pro-Putin puppet all the way.

As a young man Trump was unwilling to fight for America. Trump was a draft dodger and has denigrated true American heroes. As an old man he'd bow down to Russia.

Maybe he’ll convince his base they need to donate to Russia to finish off Ukraine and invade Finland.

An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge

Will we see him as President again? I'm kinda hoping so but idk, the saga continues.

More cowering before his boss, Vladimir Putin.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Unadulterated Insanity.

I have no idea what to expect from US politics any more. It has changed so much since when I was young.

But it does make me laugh when I hear Republicans say "This 81 year old man is too old to be president.." (he is) ... "So vote for our 77 year old guy!" (he is too old too).

Civil war. Trump is ramping up his totalitarian rhetoric. People are getting more desperate. The Republicans have been ramping up using the government as a tool of oppression for the people.

For better or worse, a second Trump election is going to spark big changes in the US. Your options will be an extreme totalitarian regime and massive loss of liberties or civil war.

Quote by MsStep

Democrats control the Senate and Oval Office.

Yeah, they don’t control Florida, now do they? Keep up.

Republican controlled states are where this is happening, not federal laws.

Quote by MsStep

Okay, so you’re saying the Florida will do what? Secede? You don’t really believe that, do you?

If you don’t keep up with what’s been going on in states like Florida or Texas in the past few years then I’m really not responsible for bringing you out from your rock.

we will experience a move to Canada.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I hope he sends the recent immigrants back home and help out the ones that have been here for over 10+yrs.

Other countries send immigrants back but US wants to keep them here, why?

I started to reply to you, but found myself struggling to find an adjective which might apply to you, which wasn't perjorative or obnoxious,.

You've won by being more ...that.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Everyone in the Think Tank is obnoxious.

You should have answered my question as you were doing so. You would have told me something different.

You, Damon and ElCoco tend to make sense, more than the others.

Okay, thank you for the invitation.

You're an obsequieous, over infatuated, full of yourself sort of whore. Who thinks that everyone should line up and take tickets to fuck her.

Your kind has been seen here for the entirety that Lush has been alive (since December 2006). You talk/type the languague which only morons have the ability to understand. You get it, but few other people with working brains do understand.

You're a fucking outlier.... I mean who gives a shit what kind of sex you enjoy - you wanna tell everyone in the world about your fantastic sexual life - and 4% of the rest of the globe gives a shit about your lust. Except the incels... they are hanging on your every breath.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Quote by Magical_felix



Is my observation off a kilter or three

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.


Again, I ask, this question.


What countries "send them back" and what is the process for doing so?

Quote by Magical_felix


What countries "send them back" and what is the process for doing so?

Canada, Australia and last I recall Mexico but they opened the floodgates for those who illegally migrated into Mexico to migrate into the states.

Quote by Dasiydoes

I want to comment here so bad...but I won't 😈

You should definitely post.


Canada, Australia and last I recall Mexico but they opened the floodgates for those who illegally migrated into Mexico to migrate into the states.

Damn, Mexico opened the gate on Trump's wall, those tricky bastards!

And what is the process for "sending them back" in those countries? lol

Quote by Magical_felix

lol and what is the process for "sending them back" in those countries?

Unfortunately, they have to stay in the states for hearing which makes little sense.

Mexicans are dropped off at the boarder.

The US has these stupid rules for immigrants that make no sense.

This is from 2018, when the world began to change for the worse and here we are.


Felix, you dickhead lol that wall is useless w/ those big ass gaps lol