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Support Shifts Away from President Biden

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Should President Biden run for a second term?

Get back to me when it comes out that Sleepy Joe is regularly consulting with astrologers before making major policy, security and executive decisions.

Like, you know. Ronnie Raygun.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Quote by ElCoco

He's too old. I've seen several videos where Biden's out of it. Anyone can find them if they want.

But it's his policies that have opened our southern border, and I think that'll be good for the US in the long run. So I hope he doesn't drop out, although I think his age will be a real factor in the election. I remember when Hillary said she'd be able to take a call at 3 AM. I've got to wonder about Biden being woken up at 3 PM.

i think Biden's not doing a bad job, all things considered. that said, when he decided to run, my understanding was it was going to be single-term thing. he really needs to hand the torch to someone younger - a new generation. that goes for pretty much everyone in his age group, btw. Trump, McConnell... the list goes on and on. we really could use some fresh blood and fresh ideas.

that said, i'll probably vote for him if he does, given the alternatives so far presented.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Biden's getting the job done without causing chaos and criming every other day or skipping off to his golf course resort to not do a fucking bit of work for days at a time, unlike his septuagenarian predecessor - who routinely looked like he had one foot in the grave - all while he was constantly enriching his own interests.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Too old vs too fascist. #americanpolitics


Quote by ElCoco

Robert Kennedy Jr. has declared his candidacy. He's a plausible alternative.

he's 69. he'd be 72 when elected, if he won.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

he's 69. he'd be 72 when elected, if he won.

He's also not a democrat and anyone with a brain can see he's just a far right clownish trojan horse.

Robert F Kennedy Jr has zero in common with his father and uncle. He has astutely judged the field before his announcement and determined that the best way to not repeat the incidents associated with his two most famous relatives - is to align himself with that subversive/revolution minded subset of rednecks in this country who believe in punishing politicians they don't like - with pipebombs, rifle shots, public beatings and actual insurrections against standing governments.

I'd rather vote for Howard Stern than RFK Jr.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Don't be ageist.

Quote by Chryses

Yes, he is. And he displays none of the symptoms President Biden has.

such as common sense and empathy.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Chryses

Yes, he is. And he displays none of the symptoms President Biden has.

You're always wrong about these predictions, this is no different. RKJ is a joke and will get no support other than conservative media talking like, "Biden is in trouble now! who boy I tell you what!"

Agitprop and silly games is what the conservatives have to offer and they will continue to alienate everyone who isn't a moron.

The alternative to Biden ,at this point, is untenable. The continuous undertone of violence, great and small, in the global arena should be inspiration enough to keep a rational hand on the wheel rather than pompous egotist who spends more time on his bouffant hairdo and his bottled tan than matters of state.

Quote by sprite

such as common sense and empathy.

Too old vs too fascist vs conspiracy loony. #americanpolitics


Quote by noll

Too old vs too fascist vs conspiracy loony. #americanpolitics

Robert Kennedy Jr. is pro putting lead in crayons like the good ol' days.

Quote by Magical_felix

Robert Kennedy Jr. is pro putting lead in crayons like the good ol' days.

I'd say he's against putting lead anywhere. And while he seems to have done s lot of good things for the environment he's also a anti-vaccine lunatic who shouldn't be running any country.


For four years the USA and the world suffered a demonstrably incompetent, chaotic criminal masquerading in the White House as a polished, wise, sage and calm US President.

I don't recall you claiming that that moron was mentally incompetent - when it was on display daily with his addiction to Twitter and lodging at his many golf course resorts.

Only 4 years younger that Biden, three times less healthy and more invested in personal loyalty to himself than to upholding the rule of law and the US Constitution, he was a 1 man crime spree (and his many crimes are now being investigated) and he's going to be making demand appearances at many civil and criminal trials where his very words and actions (made in public) will convict him.

He can become the first felon to run for the office of the Presidency in 2024.

Donald J Trump - setting new records and harvesting infamous achievements.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

Quote by Tantaleyes

Maybe Trump’s conviction today for defamation and battery will help even the percentages.

i doubt it will make a lick of difference to his supporters. probably make them more fervent in their support.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Russia will be pushing hard again to get Trump re-elected for sure. Everyone who wants western alliances to be weakened will want Trump to be reinstated.


Quote by Tantaleyes

Trump needs more than his core supporters to win.

Are you suggesting that he can't win, or are you suggesting that even people, who are not part of the Trump cult, might vote for him?


I might be voting Republican if the Democrats don't get it together.

Biden needs to go.

Quote by ElCoco

Robert Kennedy is an attractive alternative.

He's a "wappie", as we say in Dutch.


I have never understood the penchant for American's to want a President well past their prime (Obama aside). Biden is clearly out of his depth, and as for Trump... well, he's delusional as well as a danger to humanity.

If Congress were to change the rules for eligibility we could send you Boris. It's extremely doubtful if he would turn things around for the economy, but his first term would be one hell of a party!

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”

Quote by ElCoco

Robert Kennedy is an attractive alternative.

We need someone young.

Quote by ElCoco

Newsom is only 55.

Who do you think is more hot? Newsom or RFK Jr?

I didn't want Joe Biden to come out of retirement and run for President in 2020. Trump is a walking criminal enterprise and he should never be welcome at the White House again after the stunts he's pulled.

I'll hold my breath and vote for Biden - things are about 300 times better since Biden's been President - compared to any time Trump was the office holder.

Republicans are abject failures - none of them are worth voting into office for anything. Over 140 sitting Republican Senators and congressmen still voted to not recognize Biden as the rightful election winner. Those traitorous motherfuckers can all walk out into traffic as far as I'm concerned.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.

...and Trump may be a convicted felon by the '24 election.

Trump sewed inflationary roots when he put tarifs on Chinese imports. China retaliated in a huge way, raising prices on their manufactured goods US megacorporations depend on. They had to raise prices to defend profits and bonuses for top execs.

American farmers, who depended on China purchasing their crops went bankrupt in droves, and Congress had ro bail them out with a large economic package.

Then, oh yeah, the Covid shut down, yes, that economic disaster was originally put into affect by Trump. All economists said inflation would follow.

Finally, inflation is seriously slowing, and under Biden's watch.

Quote by ElCoco

Ms. Williamson hasn't held political office before. She'd be assuming an unfamiliar role if she won.

With the DNC not organizing any debates between Democratic candidates, it looks like the fix is in.

Prior to 2019, she was an independent. You can't just say you're a Democrat five minutes ago, announce you're running for president, and and expect the party to primary the incumbent for you. I don't think that's any kind of fix.

Quote by ElCoco

That’s fair about her, and I've already commented about her lack of experience, but the fix I was talking about is the decision not to schedule debates at all. After all, Biden’s not the only Democrat running for that office.

Incumbent presidents don't debate in primaries... You didn't know that? lol

Quote by ElCoco

Right. The fix is in.

For how long has the fix been in? lol

Quote by ElCoco

It's starting to look like you're agreeing the fix is in. Now you're just asking how long it's been in.

The answer is... Since Ford, no incumbent president has debated in the primaries since Ford. 50 years.

Quote by ElCoco

Right. The fix is in.

This applies to either party. The psychology is supposed to be that you have an edge when you're an incumbent. It's not a conspiracy; it's a strategy.