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Where and how did you learn of the attacks on 9/11/01?

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Active Ink Slinger
I was four years out of the Navy and going through college with a buddy of Mine, an ET1 in Great Mistakes IL. I was almost reactivated to active duty, My mind could not comprehend the situation. To this day I believe our intelligence senior personnel knew about this and allowed it to occur due to the deterioration of our military capability as a result of the great drawbacks and base shutdowns experienced in the 80’s and 90’s.
My universe may not necessarily agree with your's, but you have every right that you live happily in both.
Respect mine and I will respect yours. I fought and risked death for the right to be whom I am, even if I am clueless as to whom that may be.
I do not like the dark spots in My brain, but the spider webs are even worse.
Combat Veteran covers a vast arena, third degree burns from friendly fire with a disgruntled shipmate, stab wound from someone who felt is was permissible to hit a Lady with a twelve pack of alcohol; hit by a pickup truck by an individual on heroin. Was very quick to disabuse them of those ideas. Its all about control, only need physical contact in approximately 7 points of the body to enact terminal velocity upon those vermin.
It was the first day of class. I was excited to go to to class because after the previous year of taking calculus, physics, molecular biology and biochemistry I finally got to take a course that I actually was interested in. Assessment and Treatment of Sports Injuries. (a topic that would later become by specialty and basis of my career many years later." I say down in the lecture theatre with a cup of coffee a bit early as I tend to do. (Due to my OCD I always arrived early with a coffee and chose a seat that was at then end of the back row. A few minutes later, my friend Jon (who is now a Doctor in Australia) came into the lecture theater and sat beside me.

"Did you watch the news?" he asked, slightly excited.

"No, I didn't."

"A plane crashed into the World Trade Center!"

The first think I thought of was the 1947 Empire State Crash. But them Jon told me more.

He said that a plane crashing into the building caused the collapse of the entire structure. I was astounded, but still thought it was probably an accident. Then Jon told me of the second attack and the collapse of the two buildings. He also talk me about fight 93 that he said was headed for Camp David. I still remained calm and waiting, fully expecting class to start soon. After about 15 minutes late, someone came into the class someone came in and said that class had been cancelled and well all went home. I later found out that the class had not been cancelled because of the attacks, but because the professor had had to go for emergency dental surgery.

I went back home to the dorms and watched the coverage on TV. I remember my asshole roommate claiming "It's about time! The finally get what they deserve." I remember being very irritated by his comments. I sat and watch the news and waited for my next class.
The Linebacker
I was at school. The teacher was called out and came back in a few minutes to tell us. She turned on the class TV for us to see the news. Basically, all normal daily school activity ceased. I teared up. I remember thinking how can there be so much evil and hate in the world, but as the day went on, my feelings toward terrorists turned to deep rage. That eventually subsided.

Unresolved rage, lack of empathy, no respect for human life, racism and bigotry against different peoples, cultures, religions, or lack of religion, no conscience, depravity, and absolute radicalism of a belief system – the ingredients for terrorism.
Advanced Wordsmith
At work. No cell fones, no t.v.'s. A guy came in the breakroom, he had called his wife on his break, she told him what had happened. We didnt understand and didnt know the facts. Gal the worked under me in my area was overcome, Had a melt down. Had an 18 yr old boy and thought sure he would have to go to war. Had several folks on a cruise from the plant. We worked 4 on 4 off and had 4 shifts, never shut down. When they were stranded for days and could not fly home and no way to drive from where they were, We had a lot of o.t. to cover so it was a few days before the whole thing really hit home for me. My boys were 10 and 6 and was my total focus. Had to be carefull as I had anger and rage but didnt want it to spill over to them so questions were delt with carefully. I felt like we as a people came together and we were strong. Proud to be ameicans. Now it makes me sick as we squable about everthing that means nothing. Folks dont look at the big picture till something bad happens. Shame really
Active Ink Slinger
I was home chatting on another website and someone said to turn on the tv.
Active Ink Slinger
I was at London Bridge Railway Station, and London went to "lockdown".... I managed to get a hotel room with others that night......
I was in my bookshop and heard it on the radio. Needless to say, I closed and went home to sit in front of the TV.
Marx Sister
Parents woke me up early to tell me before school. It was actually my first day of high school. On a kind of interesting related note, my first discernible memory is the news footage of Tiananmen Square.
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Active Ink Slinger
I was at work on the second floor of the IRS Service Center on I-35 in Austin when a lady two rows over from me gasped loudly. She was listening to her radio and heard the first report. Within 30 minutes, an announcement came over the PA that all federal buildings were closing down. It took an hour to get out of the parking lot since all but one exit was closed. I picked my son up from day care and went home.
My Senior year of high school... I had the morning free and was getting ready to head to second period... I ran to my grandpa as soon as I saw the news as it was happening... my parents went to the school to get my sisters... a day, week, months, years full of tears
Chat Moderator
Drinking my morning coffee and the news broke in on tv... Called work and went in... Spent the day in one of our schools on lockdown watching over the kids and the news...
characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent

Intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic; zealous

vehement; fierce burning, fiery, or hot
Whistling on my journey
drinking my morning coffee packing for Germany, needless my trip was canceled

My latest two micros

Party Dreams

Jane's Need

Active Ink Slinger
I was at the Pell Center for Peace, sitting in one of the cooler rooms and going over my notes for a lecture I was about to give. I stepped out of the room, and a dear old friend was standing there waiting for me to leave, and told me, she just heard that "they have hit one of the twin towers in New York" and it is on fire!" This lady was as agitated as I have ever seen her. She had turned on the media in my lecture site, and as I ascended the stairs, I could hear someone crying. I entered and a lady who was the first to arrive for my lecture was sitting in front of a television and crying almost uncontrollably. I looked at the set and knew instantly what I was looking at. I even know who was likely to have done it, as that site had been hit not long before that. It was the first time since the Korean War that I have seen this nation fused as ONE behind our response. I doesn't happen often. But when the American people sense that they are under real threat, they unite. Few people can do that.
Idk... Gryffindor?
I was sitting in my 5th grade classroom waiting for our D.A.R.E. instructor. She came running into the room late saying "Turn on the tv, turn on the tv. Turn on the news." My teacher did as the officer said and we saw smoke billowing out of the tower and then saw the second plane hit. I didn't know until later that day that it was done intentionally. After the parents had flocked to the school in droves to take their kids home.
Active Ink Slinger
i was staying with a friend in Williamsburg recovering from another friend's wedding on 9/9 down on the Jersey Shore. The first plane hitting the tower woke us all up.

We were on the building's roof in time to watch the second plane hit and stayed there throughout the ordeal.

A day I will never, ever forget. To this day just seeing footage of it on TV makes me well up and taste the dust once again.
I was ill at home, and as a result was very late out of bed (UK time). I crawled down in my zombified state to my study and whacked BBC News 24 on (new and novel at the time) and less than 10 minutes later they broken in with initial reports of an air incident in NYC and I sat there watching live as the second plane came in.

I didn't go to bed that night, I just remember sitting there all day and right through to the next morning, stunned. The BBC gave up and just simulcast the BBC World ever where in the end. I distinctly and vividly remember the BBC journalists in NYC being utterly shell shocked and trying to keep standing. They basically consisted of the NYC business team and they were pretty much plumbing in 500m people to what was going on, on their own for 24 hours.

I have a friend who had a meeting on the 101st floor. His plane had a head wind in from Dallas and he was stuck in traffic still trying to make hos meeting.

I have another friend who would usually get the bus that was blown up on 7/7. His train was late in and he wound up on the one behind it

I have lucky friends.
My birthday is August, so I was only 8, but remember I was helping in the stables mostly,
and when I went up to the main house to help muther with food,
she told me that America is being attacked by someone with planes.

I thought she meant someone using their military planes attacking the American military,
not civilian aircraft, and killing so many innocent people flying into their buildings.
It was an evil, immoral, self-important, crime.

Terrorism ist meine only hatred I think. Can not forgive them, or forget.
I have friends who were hurt during Bastille Day in Nice, France, and a friend hurt in Berlin during Saint Christopher's holiday.
We've had many attacks in Germany from of their evil Sharia Law Moon Cult.

Everyone will not forget America's hurt too...

Ya not alone, never forget this. Everyone will not forget the 9/11 attacks too.

I was home in bed, and my best friend called me and left a message on my answering machine. She called twice before I listened to it, and had to run it back to understand what she was saying. "I hope you're not at work today, with everything going on!"
What's going on? I went to the tv, and saw the two large structures, one of which was bellowing smoke. I wondered what all the hoopla was about, it was just a refinery fire. At least, that's what I thought. Then I saw the second plane hit Tower number two, and gasped. It all seems so surreal to me, then and now. I called my mom and told her to turn on her TV. We both were in shock watching as they re ran the footage.
I was an airline employee then, still in ground ops and although it was my day off, I had to go in to work. Even though all traffic had stopped, some planes were still in the air, and we waited with terror as they finally found an airport with enough gate space for them.
Soon, the TSA summoned every airline employee to the American Airlines gates. As we listened and learned how to search baggage for bombs, while we sat facing these big silver birds, that were the AA planes. There was speculation at the time that it was a Southwest airplane that had crashed into the pentagon.
I still call Stacy every year. She's still a flight attendant, and is enjoying her life with her husband. They actually married on that date, to honor the fallen.
Such a horrible time...

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

I was home, still on maternity leave after the birth of my oldest son. My son was still asleep and I was trying to get things done before he woke up to nurse. My husband was at work. I didn't have the radio or television playing.

The phone rang, and since I didn't recognise the number, I didn't answer. Checked the voicemail--it was a prerecorded message from the Canadian Consulate advising me that "conditions have become unsafe" and giving a number to call should I require assistance with evacuation. Something to that effect.

I immediately put the cat in his crate, started packing up clothes for my son and myself, packed up the pet (cat and dog) supplies, made everything so that I could grab it and go. At that point the Columbia Tower in Seattle was being evacuated (I had the television on now) and there was distinct concern that the second shoe would drop in the form of a West Coast attack. It sounds callous now, but my husband was an American, and I was fully prepared to leave him behind to get my son to safety. Fortunately that second shoe never dropped.

Also, my mother called me--her first words were "Happy Fucking Birthday". No joke.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

I was 11 1/2. Mom drove me home from my after-school program, and told me she needed to get gas; people were worried about that, and stations gouged their prices accordingly.

I had a nightmare that night of a man on the radio telling people in cars to "Pull over!" and a siren. Haven't had a more frightening dream before or since.
Active Ink Slinger
I had just landed in the Memphis airport and going to Northwest Club, saw the first plane hit the tower. As soon as I saw the second plane, I called Hertz car rental and went to pick it up. I got the last car there. Long drive home, but I wasn't stranded like everyone else and home with my family the next morning!
Constant Gardener
Quote by longinmat2
I had just landed in the Memphis airport and going to Northwest Club, saw the first plane hit the tower. As soon as I saw the second plane, I called Hertz car rental and went to pick it up. I got the last car there. Long drive home, but I wasn't stranded like everyone else and home with my family the next morning!

You saw the first jet hit the North tower?

Maybe a few dozen people actually saw that and I would wager most of them died upon impact as they stared out the windows of that building at their doom. There might have been another dozen or so on the ground who actually saw something fly into that building.

There wasn't any film or video of the 1st tower hit shown until a few days later and even then you couldn't really tell what exactly flew into the tower.

I'm guessing that your memory is slightly faulty on this point.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart
Quote by WellMadeMale

You saw the first jet hit the North tower?

Maybe a few dozen people actually saw that and I would wager most of them died upon impact as they stared out the windows of that building at their doom. There might have been another dozen or so on the ground who actually saw something fly into that building.

There wasn't any film or video of the 1st tower hit shown until a few days later and even then you couldn't really tell what exactly flew into the tower.

I'm guessing that your memory is slightly faulty on this point.

He probably meant that he saw on the news that a plane had hit the WTC you buffoon.
Constant Gardener
Quote by Magical_felix

He probably meant that he saw on the news that a plane had hit the WTC you buffoon.

Of course, reading comprehension is one of those courses you probably repeated several times in grade school.

You need a refresher course now, too.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart
Quote by WellMadeMale

Of course, reading comprehension is one of those courses you probably repeated several times in grade school.

You need a refresher course now, too.

I comprehend that you're a buffoon who is needlessly attacking someone talking about where they were on 9/11. Pretty obvious what they meant.
Active Ink Slinger
I was at work and somebody came in and said a plane had crashed into the buildings in New York. We went into the only office with a TV and were watching when the second plane hit. I turn to a colleague and said "think things are going to get interesting over the next couple of years". I was to serve another 11 years to serve in the British Army after the attack more or less all of it dominated by the events which happened on 9/11.
Advanced Wordsmith
I came out of a meeting near Csmbridge Uk with a potential sales channel for a gene therapy report we had written.

On my mobile was an 'end of the world' voicemail from a colleague near Manchester.

I realised no business would get done in the Us for weeks, if not months.

We had a four hour drive to Manchester then a need for a new business strategy.
Constant Gardener
Quote by Magical_felix

I comprehend that you're a buffoon who is needlessly attacking someone talking about where they were on 9/11. Pretty obvious what they meant.

I spent 30 minutes looking at past threads just now, trying to find the one I started about Bill Cosby, and I came across a 9/11 where were you: thread started by SimmerdownChick a few years ago. You had the very last post in that 3 page long thread.

You were attacking Nymph - as you are wont to do. About stupid shit that you make up. As you are wont to do.

Don't bother lecturing me on forum comportment - turd knocker.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.