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What was your highschool persona?

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What was your highschool persona?

Ahh, highschool... what a perplexing (and often traumatizing) experience which inevitably confronts us to where we stand on the social spectrum.

What was your own highschool persona? Did you embrace it or despise it? Do you still identify with that persona today?

Let's contemplate what the demographics of a Lush highschool would be!
God, a few of those could apply. I wasn't really the nerdiest of the nerds (I was involved in geek culture but wasn't strong in traditional geek subjects like math or chess) so maybe dispirited dork or misunderstood misfit. Need to contemplate on it a bit. While I was already flirting with writing, I wouldn't say I was an aspiring artist at that point. That came more in my university and later years.
I was a classic overachiever. I've been fighting the workaholic tendencies my whole life.
Drama/debate/lit magazine nerd. I had long hair and over-idealized the 60s, so a little bit of hippie thrown in there too.
Always a good girl, I studied hard when I needed to and was nice to everybody. Graduated a year early and was a close friend of the librarian. I wasn't really a nerd but not one of the cool kids either.
I was a good girl for the most part, studied, got good grades but was no where near the smartest in class, quiet usually read after completing homework or drew a little. Due to my shyness other students thought I was weird, left highschool my sophorme year to attend a trade school graduated from both and during my senior year got in a little bit of trouble which changed the way teachers looked at me, but everyone's entitled to a few mistakes. Also the librian liked me and often let me spend lunch peroid in the library reading and helping out.
How come no choice for stoner sexpot? Sad now.sad

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

arts and drama I always wanted to be a actress
Quote by sprite
How come no choice for stoner sexpot? Sad now.sad

I wish I'd known a few more of those in high school. Not that they gave me the time of day, let alone more.
I guess the closest is the misfit... but I was voted "Most Unforgettable" so I guess that's something.
Revolutionary rebel, always, but I was also the first of the class.. :P
My twin and I were so antagonistic towards each other, we literally divided the whole class into the Philippa camp and the Beth camp. Hers were the social-climbing brown-nosers. Mine were the misfit revolutionary libertines. She pretended to be Miss Goody-Two-Shoes, while I was the class slut! (I'd only slept with ONE boy, for Chrissakes!) But by my junior year, my rep had nothing to lose, so I started living down to my reputation. I was also a band nerd and majorette, while she was a cheerleader.
For the first year, I was quiet, fairly insecure, by the second, I found i could make people laugh, which boosted my self confidence to good comfortable heights, third found I had on of the bigger penis' in school, and confidence went thru the roof...
I was a jock and dated a cheerleader but... I also was in the aspiring artist category.

By high school, I had become pretty confident. I was getting past my ADHD, had learned to deal with dyslexia, and after a lot of hard work, I was finally gaining a lot of academic success to go with athletic success. Unlike my lower elementary school days when I hated to go to school, by high school I loved to go to school. I looked forward to seeing my friends at school every day and I was involved in lots of extracurricular activities. And I loved that my athletic letter jacket was covered in patches and pins for championships my teams had won and honors I had earned.
I was a mixture of several of these. I played baseball. I won the most spirited award. My English teacher called me the most mature teenager and most immature adult she knew. I marched in a protest march to support a sanitation worker's strike, which occured at the same time as the one in Memphis where Martin Luther King Jr. died. I must have masturbated a thousand times thinking of the French teacher at school.
I was an athlete, tennis and cross country. My GF, now my wife, was a cheerleader and a fierce volleyball player. We reconnected four years ago, and it was instant love, just like in HS.
Jock. Quiet and the Wingman
Jock - rugby team captain and Army cadet
Rebellious misfit though I did hockey, football and track. High school bored the fuck outta me; I spent most of my time looking out the windows.
Quote by LYFBUZ
Rebellious misfit though I did hockey, football and track. High school bored the fuck outta me; I spent most of my time looking out the windows.

Yeah, they shouldn't hold cheerleader practice during class hours.
Well, I started as a Misunderstood Misfit which of course led me to become a Revolutionary Rebel. I was the family black sheep. Long hair, rock music, in a band, a hippie. I got great grades and didn't really have to work at it. It gave me much more time to work on music which to me made me an Aspiring Artist. Like Bethany, I was a band geek, After I had surgery on my knee from football (short career, now bad knee) which also took away wrestling and baseball. I became a Drum Major for the marching band and the school's first guitar player for the dance band. So I kinda hit several of the categories .... but identify with the artist.

Bethany, I would take a majorette over a cheerleader any day.......

There are times she is kneeling out of obedience, reverence and respect. Those are the times it is okay to stand above her. But when she is kneeling because the weight of the world is just too heavy to bear … that is when You should be kneeling beside her.

Daddy has a lovely family - Daddy’s Little Family …

He is behind the curtain - Someone’s Watching ...

Some childhood memories return - Memories of Daddy …

Just a ride in the country - Afternoon Distraction …

She waits to keep a promise - Promises …
Drama, debate, literary mag geek. I was straight A and squeaky clean until my senior year, and cuz I was seen as a good student, I found I could get away with anything. Skipped first hour government class 2-3 times a week so I could sleep in and still got A's, skipped PE and made up all the missed days during the bowling segment (I love to bowl). Partied hard every weekend - drank a ton of cheap wine, smoked a ton of nearly worthless Iowa ditch-weed (it grows wild, we'd dry it ourselves and smoke it).
Popular. I dated the same guy from middle school through soph year of college (over 6 years) so I wasn't any kind of a popular because of sex girl. I was hot though, hotter then than now i'd say. I don't regret that as such but we should have broken up way sooner.
I was a good girl ,got good grades was nice to everyone played softball and volleyball . volleyball was short lived when I got in a fist fight with our team's star player . graduated near the top of my class .
My high school personna (my entire school career actually) was that of lightning - I chose the path of least resistance! I wanted out of school the quickest and easiest way possible! Now I wish I had paid more attention, but back then I just wanted out - plain and simple!
I started out as sort of a nerdy misfit but things gradually changed and I was a cheerleader my last year of high school.

I was a complete misfit in a boarding school for girls from far more affluent and social backgrounds than mine.
I was caught in bed with another girl and segregated. It had to be my fault as I was not a 'young lady'.
There was a teacher who it turns out was lesbian and the two of us formed a relationship which changed my whole life - for the better, fortunately.

I became the source of knowledge for any girl who wanted to know "what it was like". Everybody was aware of my previous history of sexual experiences.