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Your opinion of an overused saying or statement.

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Anyone who says 'I'm high on life' has just give you permission to punch them in the face, lol. Hate that phrase.

And if someone ever starts a sentence with the phrase 'I'm not racist but' just walk away from them then and there. That phrase has never lead to anything other than a person looking like a c*nt.
This post comes to you from the original and highly disorganised mind of scared, I certainly am, lol
Quote by SigurdOokami
Anyone who says 'I'm high on life' has just give you permission to punch them in the face, lol. Hate that phrase.

And if someone ever starts a sentence with the phrase 'I'm not racist but' just walk away from them then and there. That phrase has never lead to anything other than a person looking like a c*nt.

Ohh the anger in that just made me laugh! I agree lol
"No offense" has to be the worst!!!! I mean of course they mean offence, they just dont want you to get mad at them for the hurtful / mean thing they are about to say.
No offense, BUT ..... If your going to insult someone, at least have the balls to just say it rather than hiding behind no offense!

The over use of umm in a sentance, example you need to umm meet me ummm in town at umm 7o'clock , spit it out for gods sake, if you take this long to get a sentance out, I dread to think how slow u are at everything else ;)
"I don't know" is one. To me, it means that that person is too apathetic or lazy to give a thoughtful opinion or say something that has some meaning to it.

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It is, what it is... damn I hate that lol
Right? I just explained something and then you reply with "right?"
'Whatever' bother the shit out of me
Have the courage to make the change, the strength to see it through, and keep the faith that it will turn out for the best!
no disrespect to the member above me, but the term "fucked silly" is very annoying.

who is silly after being fucked? (maybe a change in partner is required??)
Quote by Dudealicious
One of mine is the statement "you know" it drives me insane! Another is "like".

Hey Dude...whatever do you mean you don't like the word "like?" I happen to think the word "like" is like totally fuckin' awesome, and if you don't mind me saying it may in fact be the best thing since sliced bread...

Btw, keep this list coming...if it gets big enough, I may want to see if I can use all these words and phrases in a poem...

Just sayin'...

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Quote by MsYumm
no disrespect to the member above me, but the term "fucked silly" is very annoying.

who is silly after being fucked? (maybe a change in partner is required??)

oh, it happens.... incoherent, babbling, half-giggling...mmmmmm

In any event, the phrase the bugs me the most is the southern thing where you say "thank you" to someone in service (server, cashier, whatever) and they respond "uh-huh". grrrrrrr.
I dislike the phrase "so to speak" i had a history teacher who said in 387 times in a semester..we tallyed. and thats just the days we actually went to class. since then i just hate it.
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I cringe when I hear someone say "at the same time" when offering a counter point to what they just asserted and I believe I may do physical harm to the next person who says "ginormous" or "fantabulous." Seriously, I could see myself using my IPad in an unnatural way.

"Like" and "you know" drive me fucking mental.

We have a few here in Australia. The Lebs love to say "seriously" in a non Australian accent. I have a very small tolerance for the way they carry on anyway. Surfy guys love to use the word "devo'd. I went to have a surf the other day and there were no waves, I was devo'd. As if someone just died. You're not devastated if there is no surf ya fuckwad. Actually, the whole surfy language and the way they talk (Bill and Ted style), just does my head in....oh, that could be an over used saying too..people just need to stop doing my head in and I'll stop saying it..
I say "you know what I mean" all the time. I bugs me but I cant stop! Grr...

From other people- I am annoyed by the words that are butchered by ghetto speak: I axed him and I axed him, but he still won't go which me.
Quote by naughtynurse

From other people- I am annoyed by the words that are butchered by ghetto speak: I axed him and I axed him,

You know...I think there are time when it really is appropriate to say "I axed him and axed him"...if you know what I mean...

Just sayin'...

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(clears throat) there are a few...

"that is all"

I hate all of those!!
"To be honest" after a statement bothers me. I started saying it for a while, but I was pissing myself off, so I stopped saying it.
Here is another article related to this topic...

7 clichés that make you want to punch someone in the mouth

And btw...true to my word here, I did write a poem today using mostly all that were mentioned here in this thread...

I'm not going to be posting it here or on the blue site for now...I'm fairly happy with it, and plan on giving a shot at getting it published in one of the poetry journals...

In the meantime, if anyone wants to actually read it...just send me a PM here at this fine site known as Lush Stories...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini
Here is another article related to this topic...

7 clichés that make you want to punch someone in the mouth

And btw...true to my word here, I did write a poem today using mostly all that were mentioned here in this thread...

I'm not going to be posting it here or on the blue site for now...I'm fairly happy with it, and plan on giving a shot at getting it published in one of the poetry journals...

In the meantime, if anyone wants to actually read it...just send me a PM here at this fine site known as Lush Stories...

how the hell are we going to steal it and claim it as one of ours now? you are the least thoughtful poet in the history of the universe, Alan!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I can't stand when someone says, I love him/her to death. Well thank goodness you don't love me then. I'm pretty happy with living.
'legit!' i cant stand that word!!!!
When people respond with "Sure."
I feel like that's a rude, off-hand way to way "F*** you," or something similar. And when that word comes with that certain tone...ugh!
when ppl say..."enough is enough"
I get ticked off when people say "Like.. Ohmigowwwsh" -_______________-......
Question: "Do you like that song from back in the 80's?"

Answer: "Oh no, that was way before my time!"

WTF!? The Beatles were before your time, you've never heard of them!?

HATE that! lol
my opinion on overused sayings......hmmm i think it is what it is, and you'll have that
"My Bad"... Can you at least be grammatically correct? Please?