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When Lush friends just disappear.

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It's always sad when you lose touch with someone either in reality or online. You just hope they are well and move on. Accepting the reality that it is the internet and is going to happen more often here.
Active Ink Slinger
Had a lady friend go without a word in October '14. Keep hoping she'll be back. We were pretty close friends, as close as you can be in an online sex room anyway. We shared lots of personal stuff and had built a great trust between us. We shared family pics and she was talking about showing me the big mule deer buck her daughter had shot! The next day she was gone. Knew her for 3 years, she was the first person who added me! Kinda sad, but that's life.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm pretty new on lush so haven't lost any friends yet, but if I would, I would feel a loss at being unable to no longer talk to them. Yet at the same time, I can only hope they know what they are doing, and eventually things get better. They won't be forgotten, but I won't dwell on them either; I have other friends that deserve my attention as well.
Advanced Wordsmith
I am reminded of a very, very old poem:

Friends may come,
And friends may go,
And friends may peter out.
But peter out,
Or peter in,
You'll always be
My favorite friend!
Yeah, 'friends' tend to just vanish here. Sometimes they don't delete their account, they just leave. Quite frankly, I wouldn't invest a hell of a lot in any friends here. Some people stay and don't leave, but there is a shit load of people, who for all you know got abducted by aliens, just leave and tells you literally nothing. How do you like them apples? Sour.
Prolific Writer
I have had a few friends just disappear without any goodbyes. It's always very sad when that happens.

A few times they came back and others I have no idea how they are or what happened.

I guess its that kind of a place.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

-- Dr Seuss
Active Ink Slinger
life happens...some "friends" take a tree....others...are like leaves....they were here for a minute and gone....
Active Ink Slinger
Strange... about a month ago I had five female friends from the Phoenix area disappear at once. All where flashy, loaded a lot of pictures..then after a couple years...poof. Lush had to be involved?
The Bee's Knees
Quote by Guest
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

-- Dr Seuss

one of my favorite dr. seuss quotes! i too hate when friends disappear. all i can do is remember the good times and wish them well.

Say. Her. Name.

it's hard to say 'goodbye' .. just awful... but polite ... despite the pain ..

It's a very shallow and selfish act!

Real Friends do not just leave!!

They reach out for contact outside lush, or at the very least give an explanation and a heartfelt goodbye.
Sometimes they still have an account and haven't logged in in months or a year or more.

You miss them and hope that they're doing well.
Active Ink Slinger
i agree with lurker
what's up sunshine
Scarlet Seductress
Sometimes Sprite gets really, really drunk and just deletes a bunch of people.

There's nothing we can do.

Quote by Liz
Sometimes Sprite gets really, really drunk and just deletes a bunch of people.

There's nothing we can do.

Lmaooo. too funny!
Quote by dvlslrtung

Real Friends do not just leave!!

They reach out for contact outside lush, or at the very least give an explanation and a heartfelt goodbye.

I would have settled for the latter two. Not knowing is so hard.
Devils Temptress
It's always upsetting to loose a friend, most times they come back after a break you just have to be patient. If they mean anything to you set up other ways to stay in contact ..
Snake Charmera
Quote by dvlslrtung
It's a very shallow and selfish act!

Real Friends do not just leave!!

They reach out for contact outside lush, or at the very least give an explanation and a heartfelt goodbye..

I agree 100% Just a goodbye would be sufficient but just poof they are gone can and does hurt. obviously this is the internet and you except and move on. Sometimes things happen and they come back other times you wonder what happened and how they are. Just lost one recently and hoping all is well and maybe they will be back. Good friends even on the internet are hard to find.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

It's very much to be expected. For many people Lush is just some sort of fantasy, an escape from the everyday. And thats just fine.
What bothers me is when they lead you to believe its more than that. That they really do care and they really do want to be a friend as opposed to just 1 of 100 on a list. And then they disappear anyways and you know that once again you've been led down the garden path. But it's not the end of the world and you get over it quickly.

"I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down"
Active Ink Slinger
I don't really have this problem, as there are only two people on my VERY short friends list that I've spoken with recently. But, I think that people should sent out a brief message, and post a quick blog on their profile. If they know exactly when they are going to drop out, they should let their close friends know for sure.

On the other hand, if people aren't looking to communicate outside of this site, then that would signal to me that they aren't really looking for close bonds, just fun when they want/need it. So, I'd just deal with it and move on. Personally, if I felt really close to someone here, I'd offer to exchange e-mails, and communicate on and off the site. But, I haven't become remotely close to anyone here, so, what would I know? lol
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Off-Market Listings
One has to understand the landscape. There are many on Lush with bubbles in their bonnet. I do miss the ones that I have had legitimate conversations (over writing) with. The drama crap and innuendos, do nothing for me.
Quote by Liz
Sometimes Sprite gets really, really drunk and just deletes a bunch of people.

There's nothing we can do.

From the evidence presented it looks like the fault is Cleo el Gato, not Sprite. You can't trust those damn cats. They are devious.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by ChuckEPoo

From the evidence presented it looks like the fault is Cleo el Gato, not Sprite. You can't trust those damn cats. They are devious.

be nice... i've been drinking all day and i'm starting to feel like deleting a few more...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I think sometimes people want to disappear for various reasons..... and I think that everyone has a right to disappear..... but then I also think there should be some type of intimation notifying that so and so has disappeared or deleted their account.... such notices would put many sensitive members at some ease smile
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by ChuckEPoo
I miss Steph and his wacky sense of humor.

I miss Steph too.

It sad when a good friend disappears, but lives are complicated, and there are so many possible reasons for leaving. And the anonymity makes it much easier.

I, of course, will never leave without saying goodb....
I have left twice when the emotional pain and turmoil caused by other people's actions became too much to bear. The choice to delete rather than deactivate my account was made in the heat of the moment in the early hours of the night when my faculties were at their weakest. It may seem to be overdramatic to many, but the action itself is a form of catharsis, but also self punishment. It is probable that only those with mental health issues will understand. I have lost friends whom I valued too, especially Steph, but also Debbie, so I understand the puzzlement and pain of those who remain.
Sometimes it is even more painful to say goodbye. And deleting is very hard and emotional. But at the moment when your heart is hurting and in a dark place, it's easier to just go "poof". Yes, many will say that it is the coward's way out, but they are NOT the ones in the dark place. Going through painful hardships in "real life". Things that their heart simply can no longer handle. So I DO understand Kind Heart.

(and my computer is still broken, I sneaked in using hubby's computer)
Hey there sneaky ;) I can see it from both sides. On the one hand, if nothing more post a "good bye " blog maybe just for a day or two. On the other, I've come to realize that it's something that has to be accepted here on the internet. Too most people, sadly enough. We only "exist" in cyberspace and AREN'T REALLY REAL people with real feelings.