well i am not fake and it is my real pic but may be a lot of fakes i just dont know
I don't know the percentage of fake profile and I'm not even going to guess it.
I don't however believe that as some have mentioned that it is as high as 90 to 95 %. The day I will believe that, would be the day that I would probably leave the site as a member and just be a guest for the stories.
DancingDoll wrote some great guidelines. Thanks!
I would add to that: if someone ask for your friendship without saying one word and without any prior interaction they just need to know when you're online... Consider it 99.9 fake and even if it isn't you may not want to interact with.
Choose n Practice Happiness
Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
I think DancingDoll said it perfectly.
I do understand the point about receiving an invite and not getting a message, ( besides "hey look at my pics or wanna cyber?" type thing, those i ignore!). At the same time, I am shy meeting new people so I have sent invites not really knowing what to say without sounding cheesy or saying "hey wanna be my friend?" That is something I will have to work on as time goes.
After I am friends with someone, if their is something they want to know, I will reveal what I feel comfortable with, and if I don't feel comfortable I tell them upfront.
I have to agree, those that are young bi/les emo looking teens posting how slutty they are are 99.9% fake to me.
Also the more "slutty" the profile looks the less likely i am to accept an invite, meaning that they say "fuck me, I am a horny slut wanting to fuck anything not nailed down". I do not like bare profiles either. I look to see how many stories they have written and how much they participate in the forum and when they joined...are they friend collecting or just have some friends they regularly talk to. Just different things I look for before sending/receiving an invite.
Honestly, I don't care. I'm here to have fun. I don't cyber so it doesn't faze me. I'm a forum junkie so there is a lot of "room to move" without having to worry about who is or isn't a fake. Just for the record, I'm real, my mantra is: Always tell the truth, that way you never have to remember anything. It works for me.
For the most part i could care less, the people ive become close to i know enough about to know that they are who they say they are even if i dont know their real names. But the point is if you have come to care about someone then does it really matter WHAT their real name is? My only peeve i guess would be those who post pictures, not avatars, and intentionally try to mislead people into believing they are the person in said pictures
For a second, I thought the title of this thread was "what percent do you think must be FAT here." And I thought, what a messed up thing to ask! Then I realized. And yes, I have no point.
I haven't a clue.... I have my friends that I chat with, I have fun in the forums and couldn't really care less about those who may be fake.... I am real. If your dishonest on here, its bound to catch up with you sooner or later, so its better to be honest and straight forward with others.
Over 20 I would guess 70% or more . Under 20 they are a lot more naive and I would say less that 50%. I know that I have been in the past and if I am hassled most likely will again. A lot of people are protecting there real identity because of job and home life concerns and that is a valid point. The younger ones are a little reckless with there pic and where they might end up but the older ones are a little more cautious. Even the owner of this site does not display her identity so it is fair enough that others do the same.
I would say more than half the women here are fake. I've seen many profile pics from porn sites. and even half of them talk like men
Real or Fake - Time will reveal all...
I again say, what does it matter? If someone comes here to live a fantasy life, why is their fantasy so wrong.
Unless, you plan on meeting someone in real life, let them have their fantasies. If they live it well enough to be believable, then just enjoy it with them.
My guess is that there are a lot of men here posing as women. So what? If they have latent homosexual desires, this may be their only way of living them. If you fear cybering with one, consider this. Did they present themselves in a way that turned you on? If they did, then enjoy the memory. It doesn't mean you had sex with a guy, from every perception you had, it really was a 19 year old nymphet who is so taken by your animal attraction she just had to have you. Take it as that and you will be happier for it.
Same thing goes for our actual lesbian members. Enjoy what you have and don't worry so much about being 'tricked'
It's a fantasy. Try not to expect it to be real.
39.27% are real. The rest are wax reproductions!!
When I first joined here, I was bullied for face pictures. Those people are no longer on my friends list, and at least one of them accused me of being a fake.
I'll let you decide. It's not really difficult to tell. Dancing Doll's list is pretty accurate. I am a sexual creature, and I'm into men and women alike.
I'm also 39 years old. So in some ways I fit the profile, and in others I don't. Am I real? I certainly think so!
On the other hand, I recently saw a portfolio of the most blatantly faked pics - poor photoshop of the same face pic plastered across several different naked lady pics.
It was horrible! And the comments? "Oh sexy!" "Babe, you're gorgeous!" etc. WTF? Are people actually that clueless?
As for myself, I might take artistic license when I write stories, but for the most part the stories are rooted in my real-life experiences.
And I post very few pics, but the pics I post are me. I deliberately post only pics that obscure my facial features.
All that being said, my experience so far has been that there are a bunch of false profiles here, just like every other sexually-oriented site on the web.
Buyer beware. Use some sense.