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What is your favorite beer,wine or whiskey and how do you like it?

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when i did drink, it was Miller Lite, or Coors Light, Jack Daniels, but i havent drank in over 10 yrs.
There is a brew called Johnsons...very dark and very tasty.
Best beer is Boulevard. Any kind, but chilled.
Beer; Ice Cold Tusker malt
Wine; at the moment.... Boschendale Shiraz 2009
Whiskey; Lagavulin, Talisker and.... Jim Beam
Beer: MGD, although I don't do beer very often anymore.

Only other things I drink anymore is Vodka or JD.

Used to live on Peppermint Schnaaps, straight, one liter bottle at a time.
beer: Miller Light
Wine: nasty none
Whiskey: Jake Daniels

how do i like it Jake and Coke
Red wine or Jameson on the rocks
I typically only drink liquor, Jameson is prefered
tequila straight and tequila sunrises yummy
Hmmm, i love wine, red or white, depends on my mood.
Tonight it's red, a cotes du rhone, very tasty.

I hate beer, but I will drink cider, such as stongbow happily, but not too many, the bubbles are too filling.

As far as spirits go, i don't drink them much, but I do like a gin and tonic or a vodka and tonic.

I'm a margarita girl, with the occassional tequila shot.

Has to be top shelf though - none of that rotgut junk.
Beer : Miller Lite
Whiskey: Has to be Jack Daniels straight up on the rocks or JD and Coke
Jim Beam, soda water and a splash of diet Pepsi....soooooo good!
Chianti with liver and fava beans.
I am no longer a drinker. When I was, I would regularly drink Crown Royal or Johnny Walker. I liked room temperature shots with a Diet Cola chaser.

When I was feeling particularly swanky (special occasions) I'd get (A) shot of the Johnny Walker Blue Label....That ain't cheap...Lemme tell ya....$30.00 a shot.

I have always preferred a blended Scotch over a single malt.

Was never much for beer. Maybe one or two Miller High Life in the bottle....Right out of the ice.....

Never been much for wine but I never minded a white with dinner....
I;m a man of simple, if somewhat expensive tastes.

Beer: Ithaca Aprcot Wheat Stone cold!

Whiskey: Oban or Laphroag Single Malt Scotch Neat or on the rocks

Wine: Any New York State Reserve Chardonnay 56F
1. Frozen Margarita with salt, 2 CaptanMorgan and Diet Coke, 3 Miller Lite Beer. Don't drink wine as I got on a really bad drunk once and finished the night with wine after drinking Bourbon all night. I was sick for 2 days. lol
Favorite beer by far is Miller Lite, me and my boyfriend have at least 2 cases at all times since theres no plan when we might get crazy. Always cold, always straight from a can.
I'm not much of a fan of liquor cuz people usually drink it to get smashed right away, but i'll have an occasional shot of Jack or Jim
1) Königspilsner vom Faß
2) Dry Silvaner from the Rheingau or a Spätburgunder from Franconia
3) Not much for Whiskey; I'd rather have a medium Sherry, but don't mind a shot of a little Party Schnapps called "Ficken" - no kinding is is really called that LOL
Si vos postulo me, sed non vis me, oportet me manere.
Sed si vis me, sed non vos postulo me, oportet me abire.
Beer - Hacker Pschorr Weiss with a lemon in a tall glass.
Wine, prefer Shiraz. As for spirits, malt whisky and Vodka/tonic.
Beer. Typically I go for an unfiltered beer or an Irish Red.
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set her free." -Michelangelo

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Most American beer is colored water!! Give me a good Dopplebock or New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale sweetened with a little bit of sweet mead

Mixed, I like coke and rum

Wine, a semi-sweet mead, German Riesling, Spatlese, or Italian Amarones.
Sauvignon Blanc, chilled and in a large wine glass!
Love a good riesling from Fogarty vineyards portola valley CA
Beer: Tennents/Coors Light/Bud/Miller
Wine: Whatever is free on the table
Whiskey: Laphroig