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What have you stolen?

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Nearly everyone is a thief, to a greater or lesser degree, be it hotel robes or pens from work, all the way up to embezzled funds, or even a girl's panties! What have you stolen? Or are you scrupulously honest?
As a child I stole sweets from the corner shop, as a teen I once stole a top from a shop but after wearing it once felt so bad that I threw it away and recently I've nabbed a whole load of miniature shower gel, body cream, shampoo and conditioners from an expensive hotel I was staying at (fuck it was Elemis, I had to didn't I). I also took my dad's car once to track down a cheating boyfriend and I still haven't told him about that and that I went about 80 mph down the motorway to chase the git down, other than that I never stolen anything
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
A few kisses, maybe a heart or two.......
Fuck you are a smoothie!
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
I probably have stolen something in my life but I can't remember anything recent.
Does a guys virginity count - I am guilty of taking a few of them and a couple of girl to girls experiences too.
I am neither covetous nor needy....rather, I like to be able to say that everything I have, I have earned. However, I have a few
lady friends I'd like to steal from their daily routines and just spend the day with, with or without "benefits." I am quite serious about that.
The only thing I recall stealing was a comic book (25-cents back then) which I felt remorseful for.
I've stolen a few smiles! Although it's not really stealing when I give smiles in return.
I haven't stolen anything
Quote by AmericanBeauty
I haven't stolen anything

Untrue, you've stolen many a heart here with your charm, wit and genuine feelings for others
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
Quote by poppyx

Untrue, you've stolen many a heart here with your charm, wit and genuine feelings for others

I once stole crackers and cream cheese because I had no money and no food. I paid the guy back a couple weeks later. He was unimpressed by my honesty.
when i was in middle school i shoplifted for a brief period. i stole things like makeup and earrings. a group of friends and i were in a store stealing candy and were spotted. once we figured we'd been made, we started unloading candy along various aisles. in the process store clerks started following us. we then bolted out of the store with employees chasing us and yelling in german (i lived in germany at the time). was the last time i stole anything.

Say. Her. Name.

Some things are better left unspoken of.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Well unfortunately one or two hearts I'm afraid❤️❤️. But I take enjoyment in stolen kisses! ??
I don't know if I have stolen anything. You tell me?
Bet you've stolen someone's popcorn while they weren't lookin - everyone has done that.

The only bad thing I've stolen - is a total stranger's entire box of pop-corn at a cinema smile
I'm undecided if I have stolen anything
I stole a witch's garden rake and am now cursed to wander through a leaf strewn forest until I can find a way to atone & also I've probably stolen pens and lighters.
I like to think my heart is pure from thievery but I have side-swiped a few dark thoughts from other's.
My husband's heart.....
I stole a CD in a Christmas market. I had every intention to pay for it but I was waiting and waiting and nobody appeared so I just took it and left. Then felt guilty when I got home.
I've never stolen anything. I could never gather enough courage to donut. My friends used to borrow money for personal expenses, I never did. In fact if I have to climb down 6 floors using the stairs just to pay somebody back like Rs.2 I do that, which I actually did yesterday. So yes I am a coward.
Quote by honeydipped
when i was in middle school i shoplifted for a brief period... in the process store clerks started following us. we then bolted out of the store with employees chasing us and yelling in german (i lived in germany at the time). was the last time i stole anything.

I had to smile. Frankfurt is my home. When I was 10, I started going to DOD schools. My dad is military. I've seen families get sent stateside for that. I mean there one day and gone the next. I can imagine you running for your life.

I'm scrupulously honest.
? A True Story ?
Eyeliner. I got caught, but it was worth it
Quote by avrgblkgrl

I had to smile. Frankfurt is my home. When I was 10, I started going to DOD schools. My dad is military. I've seen families get sent stateside for that. I mean there one day and gone the next. I can imagine you running for your life.

I'm scrupulously honest.

" live outside the law you must be honest." -- Bob Dylan