Italian Gin, Many years ago, myself, my gf and two boys we met on a coach trip from Austria to Italy came back to our hotel with a couple of bottles and went to their room to drink them. My gf felt ill and left early, I stayed. There is a gap of about 12 hours in my memory and I woke in my own room wearing just a t-shirt, My girlfriend swears I walked in happy and cheerful some hours earlier in just trainers and t-shirt, apparently sober and very satisfied. Kissed her long and hard, then went to sleep for several hours. Jeans, jumper, and panties were returned next day by one of the boys. I obviously had a great time, just wish I could remember some of it.
Still drink on occasion, but I will never touch tequila again after having this cheap, dark brand of tequila. It made me cut back on my drinking and was a sign for me to grow up a little.
Non-alcoholic: Mountain Dew. It looks like radioactive elf piss, and tastes just about the same.
Alcoholic: Screwdrivers. Just drank way too many one night in my freshman year with a ridiculous 50-50 ratio of vodka to OJ. That night didn't end too well, and the next day wasn't all that great either. As a result, I rarely drink vodka anymore.
First: Whisky. Over indulged as a teenager and now can't even bear the smell without my stomach reminding me!
Second: Pernod. The only drink I over did as a youngster and can't remember a thing about it.
Third: Gin. Again, when young was the only thing available after one of the above ran out. Drank some and had to check the bottle thinking I had picked up my friend's Mum's perfume bottle by mistake!
Inversely I enjoy Woods navy rum but now a bottle can last a year.
I also like beer especially strong, dark ones brewed by small local breweries.
I also like German bier, especially wheat bier.
Always occasionally now though. I hate the feeling of inebriation which I can now achieve with only one beer if it is a strong one!
WooHoo!!!! 27,000 views! Could I dare to hope for a famous story...
Bacardi cola. It always made me sick, even if I only had one. And after a drinking contest with Schelvispekel (a spiced fisherman's liquor from Vlaardingen, Holland) I swore to never drink that again, but I didn't keep that promise. It just tastes too good.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing
In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.
Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Quote by patokl Bacardi cola. It always made me sick, even if I only had one. And after a drinking contest with Schelvispekel (a spiced fisherman's liquor from Vlaardingen, Holland) I swore to never drink that again, but I didn't keep that promise. It just tastes too good.
I'm not too flash with Tequila anymore. I used to love doing Tequila shots but after a friend and I did a bottle of Cuervo in one night (when we were both petite little youngsters) I've struggled to touch it ever since. I've been coerced into a couple but I usually end up wanting to throw up so is not a pleasant experience.
That's not surprising. It's kind of a local drink from Vlaardingen, under the smoke of Rotterdam, and it's pretty strong, 35%. There's only one distillery that still makes it.
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing
In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.
Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Pina Colada. I am sensitive to coconut, and the first time I had one, I actually got something of a proper allergic reaction, so, I' good on that pretty much forever. Also, it was gross.
I saw so many friends and even a family member so addicted to alcohol and other drugs, that it f----d up their lives. In 1978 I walked a friend into a detox center, and never looked back. It is almost a "religion" with me. However, I do not sit in judgement of those who do drink. That's for gods and I am far from that!!
Don't like tequila, but nothing that I got soused on ever made me stop wanting to drink it again. But the first time I tasted Scotch i thought it was vile. It reminded me of an awful medicine, and I've never tried it again.