When I was a kid, my mother (Dad did not engage in this activity) would throw me and my two brothers in the tub at the end of the day, generally right before bedtime. I guess we were poor or it was a parental time management practice? I dunno.
The memories are scarring. Seriously though, one of my galfriends told me today - you men never use wash cloths.
I had mentioned to her...I use a bar of Coast soap, my hand and the sparse body hair to lather up. I then rinse. Most mornings I also suds up my face and shave in the shower.
No mirror needed. After 35 years of shaving, I know the contours of my face.
So, I propose this poll (and detailed explanations from you extroverts). This could be both funny and illustrative.
I won't cyber with hygienically dysfunctional female. Or male. Just thought I should throw that in at the end.
If your routine is not listed, please..........elaborate. Dysfunctional voyeurs like myself are interested.