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I agree ! Some professions are simply too much in the public eye, added with our personal faults of trying to find the worst in people, they are scrutinized for trying to be a normal individual.


First, I do agree that what a teacher does in his or her private life should not affect his or her job. What anybody does behind closed doors is none of my business. That said, this is hardly something that is part of her "private life". Everything was fine until she tried to test her sleazeball-boyfriend's fidelity. She's the one that sent her photos out in to the world, and she's the one that created this issue. She deserves what she gets. In this case, anyway.

Of course, when all is said and done, the only thing that really matters is...

I'd do her.

I still cant see how her career could be in ruins after that?
It has NOTHING to do with the school, unless the photo's were taken there or one of the students were involved.

Really I think schools have much larger problems to worry about than provocative teachers.
Quote by Oneline
I still cant see how her career could be in ruins after that?
It has NOTHING to do with the school, unless the photo's were taken there or one of the students were involved.

Really I think schools have much larger problems to worry about than provocative teachers.

Generally, I tend to agree with you. Like it or not, though, some people DO have certain standards to live up to. Policemen, firefighters, nurses, doctors... and schoolteachers. How would you feel if you found out that your heart surgeon spent his weekends binging on crystal meth? It would be okay, right? Since he wasn't doing it during working hours? Or if your neighborhood policeman spent his off-hours brokering nights with underage prostitutes? I know, these are extreme examples, but still... If her photos came out because she's a beautiful woman, and people everywhere appreciate beauty, then I wouldn't have a thing bad to say about it. But because of the way they came out, and finding out who her boyfriend is, and knowing what kind of judgement she has, I wouldn't want her teaching MY kids. Because like it or not, teachers ARE role models, and as such, have to live up to a higher standard than everyone else. They know this going in to the job.
I agree with you - teachers' private lives shouldn't have an impact on their professional a certain degree. It's just a shame she didn't keep her life private.

She comes across as immature with low self-esteem. Not one of the best personality types for the teaching profession.
I totally agree with you NudiePants but I bet EVERYBODY at some time has taken a nude picture of themselves, done sexual things etc etc, haha who am i kidding we all have!!

Does that mean that we're not fit to be role models for kids?
People will vouch I'm a really good teacher," she told a newspaper recently.

"My ability to teach and have good relationships with students is not affected."

Except that it is with parents.
The kids will get hold of the pics and that's another issue altogether.
We, as a society have a hard time differentiating between personal and public lives. We expect public servants to be above all other lowly activities at all times. After all, they are molding the future leaders of our country.
Quote by MMonroe
I totally agree with you NudiePants but I bet EVERYBODY at some time has taken a nude picture of themselves, done sexual things etc etc, haha who am i kidding we all have!!

Does that mean that we're not fit to be role models for kids?

It's not the fact that she took the photos - as you say, we ALL likely have. Especially in this age of do-it-yourself photographic printing - no photo labs, no horny old men ogling your negatives...

What makes her a bad role model in MY view, is that she chose to date a widely-known pornographer, then expected that pornographer to be faithful, and when he wasn't, she did her level best to get her revenge by publicizing her plight, and sharing her sexuality with every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the world.
I agree with the comments above that although this doesn't affect the her teaching ability, it will affect the way students and parents act towards her. If you want a private life keep it private or deal with the fall out.

PS I work as a tutor in a FE college, teaching little darlings how to cook.
Well this situation kind of reminds me of South Carolina governor Mark Sanford. He should not be punished for being unfaithful in his PERSONAL relationship. I remember everybody and their mothers were attacking him for having an affair, even though he was doing a good job of governor. But he should be punished for using government money for this trip to Argentina, heh.

But the teacher thing reminds me of mine friend who got suspended in 9th grade for taking a picture of a morbidly obese child at our school and altering it, at his own house mind you. He just put food everywhere, you know dumb stuff, and posted it on a social networking site. Then another student saw this and proceeded to tell the morbidly obese student and he told the administration. The student that posted the picture was suspended for 5 days. Now can some one help explain to me how something that occurred OUTSIDE of school have consequences INSIDE of school?
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
Yea a few years ago kids at my old school got in trouble for trashing a house. They got called for disciplinary hearings, but their representative kindly pointed out that in our rule book it clearly states that students will only be punished by the school for things done outside of school if they where wearing the school uniform at the time of the crime.

I still think as a society we punish unnecessary, we should focus on what really needs do be dealt with. Its like we don't have enough serial killers running around, really, if shit like this is news worthy I'm getting serious mixed signals.
I can understand about the pic of the fat kid... thats undermining and demoralising to him and as a role model, i think thats unacceptable.

I mean these days you cant put anything about work on any social networking sites in case it gives them a bad name. One of my work friends once put 'I dont want to go to work tomoro' and got told by our boss to take it down cos it shows them in a bad light. I think as representing a certain school or work place, you have to represent in a way that gives it a good name. I'm not saying thats what should be done but these days its kind of expected, and bosses dont want their company represented badly.

But yes we do punish unecessarily and the prisons are overcrowded and costin too much tax payers money as it is
That is one 'hot' teacher. Regardless of all the liberal minded, freedom of expression nonsense being banded about the truth is, as a parent, I'm not really going to focus on what she's telling me during any parent-teacher conference after that episode. I'm just gonna wonder how do I do her!!!
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw