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The Rage Cage

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Quote by sprite
come on people, i am the least together person i know, but i can still manage to get through a check out stand without creating 5 seperate issues for the cashier and holding up the line behind me for a record amount of time. if you're not ready to check out, don't get in line!

I am sooo in agreement with you here!!! I want to, absolutely, shit myself when this happens - as it did not more than two days ago when this selfish woman, after having checked in her groceries, decided that she needed one more item but couldn't quite decided which isle she had seen said article in - and then when I gave her a dirty look and shook my head as she squeezed her fat arse past me to get back to the till she looked at me and asked; "what?" - I think a three foot flame shot out of my arse at that stage - so yes!! - one of my pet hates!!
OK, here goes...

I did something that I would never normally have done. I spent a long time debating whether or not to do it, as it was somewhat out of my comfort zone.

Eventually I capitulated because I thought that it was what someone wanted, and in doing so, I would not only be pleasing them, but also making myself feel sexy and breaking through a personal barrier.

Which seemed to be the case. I certainly felt very sexy, attractive, wanted etc.

However, it seems that I was just part of a 'collection', perhaps some sort of personal competition.

Now I feel angry, hurt, used and let down.

I feel more angry with myself for behaving this way when I should have known better... I'm such a tool.
Fucking son of a bitch plagiarizers and story theifs - write your own godamn stories, you motherfucking wastes of like and don't be claiming that my personal experiences were yours or that you've been fucking my girlfriend or my best friend and what the fuck, admins who are more concerned with you harshing their mellow than doing the right thing after you've been over the top respectful? i hope their fucking mickey mouse site goes belly up, sons of bitches. and yeah, i so got my ass banned, and it's one of the proudest moments of my life!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Ok seriously people! When I have something listed for sale online and you want to know where I am located you may want to think about learning to read a map! They are made for a reason. I keep one by my computer for that exact reason, so I can see where the hell you are! It's not that complicated and some of you have even learned to read them in school.(rednecks excluded) Do yourself a favor and pull your head out of your ass. If you can find my post online then surely you can find a website that gives you directions!

Sprite- great topic! This may be the thread that gets me banned, let's hope not!
The decisions we make dictate the life we have.
Follow your dreams, for those that do not will only try to discourage others.
Damn Sprite! You took the words right out of my mouth.
take your positive energy and shove it up your ass you fucking hypocrite. you make me wanna smash your face.
why the hell were you shocked that i could care less that you are in pain when you decided to get drunk and fall down the hill at 3am. You made me get out of warm bed, ended a great dream and made me work hard. I don't care that your leg hurts and yes i did laugh at you when telling the story of how you got to the bottom of the hill
FUCK ....I love coming here!!! - Sprite, you're a genius!!! I get to have such a good laugh when reading the posts

...and BTW

...@ LMB - should one actually do as suggested ...would this said energy (up inside one's arse now) interfere with television/cellphone or radio signals? ...
Yea, I know the damn dog was their dog. Thats not why I called you stupid bitch! I called because I had a genuine concern for the dog and was wondering what happened to him. I was the one who took care of him for the past year, fed him and gave him a warm place to sleep. He was free to come and go as he pleased but he chose to stay at my house because thats where he wanted to be!
Hey Hollywood, come up with an original story and I might go to the movies again.
Hey politician, fuck you, you too Obama, eat me.
Hey car manufacturer, fuck you.
American Airlines, good riddance, go rot and stick your peanuts up your ass.
And TSA, you are all a waste of space, and a useless drain on oxygen.
Don't tell me about sacrifice, unless you do the same.
Local news, you're a joke, not a journalist amongst you. Congratulations on being true whores. The rest of you should say something as real journalists, if you are that.
I'm tired of working my ass off, getting nowhere, and being told what "we" need to do. Come up with an actual plan and implement it.
Hey there Mitt, I read your bullshit proposal, 20 pages of rhetoric and catch phrases, and the rest noting that Obama sucks. Guess what, I already know that sparky.
Rogaine, little blue pill, all you pharmaceutical people, kiss my ass. Thanks for preying on all our insecurities. Make a pill that cures stupid, now that would be beneficial, and the rest above would disappear. Ahhh, dare to dream.
When will people wake the fuck up!!
*Image removed by Rage Patrol*

Honestly, it is the truth...
If the Electricity department (Johannesburg - South Africa) had another brain cell to share between the lot of them; they would be elevated to becoming a fucking pot plant!!

How in God's name can anyone, in a private residence, use R12 500 .00 (US$1 562.50) worth of power in one month? Are they absolutely cooked?
Fuck me, I would need to have a battery of heaters, enough to heat half of my fucking suburb to achieve that kind of result. But these half-witted idiots, them and their bosses elected into positions through nepotism, have not a clue as to the running of a, even half successful, department.

And when queried, their response is; "Pay it and then we will look at it and see if there's anything wrong." FUCK THEM!!! ......vacuous cunts!!!!!!

And then we won't even mention the numerous times when our power is interrupted through their neglecting to service the sub stations on a regular basis - once every six months, arseholes!!! ...not only once they have blown up!!!!!
Fuck!!! ...they are such ....words are insufficient to describe their status.DHnUUQx2SkFhM4Xs
Apologies if the profanities (above) offended anyone. I was just marginally annoyed (understatement) at the department responsible for the way in which they completely cocked up my bill ...and then refuses to do anything about it until I had paid them.
Quote by eviotis
Hey Hollywood, come up with an original story and I might go to the movies again.
Hey politician, fuck you, you too Obama, eat me.
Hey car manufacturer, fuck you.
American Airlines, good riddance, go rot and stick your peanuts up your ass.
And TSA, you are all a waste of space, and a useless drain on oxygen.
Don't tell me about sacrifice, unless you do the same.
Local news, you're a joke, not a journalist amongst you. Congratulations on being true whores. The rest of you should say something as real journalists, if you are that.
I'm tired of working my ass off, getting nowhere, and being told what "we" need to do. Come up with an actual plan and implement it.
Hey there Mitt, I read your bullshit proposal, 20 pages of rhetoric and catch phrases, and the rest noting that Obama sucks. Guess what, I already know that sparky.
Rogaine, little blue pill, all you pharmaceutical people, kiss my ass. Thanks for preying on all our insecurities. Make a pill that cures stupid, now that would be beneficial, and the rest above would disappear. Ahhh, dare to dream.
When will people wake the fuck up!!

Well that about sums them all up doesn't it??? Ah the power of mind reading.

I'm tired of working for a mom and pop company that say its "family" oriented but really don't think of you as a family member. They only think of you as the family horse that gets them to where they wanna go.
This is brilliant.

I am sick to fucking death of being sick. I have been in this room for three days. I can't eat, I can't talk, I can't hear through the ringing in my damn ears. Medicine don't want to work fast enough and I need to move around. Bronchitis and flu, fuck... I can't even make myself climax, I'm too freakin weak. And if someone else rings my phone, I'm gonna shit in your cereal when I can. Stop calling cuz there's not a damn thing you can do. I need this shit out of my body. That is all..
West burrow baptist church! For those who don't know who these assholes are I will give a brief rundown. These assholes are a group of lawyers (some who are barred from practicing law) who go around picketing military funerals, concerts,schools, and even and murder victims funerals all in the name of "god". They have a website I am not gay and not religious at all, with that said I feel to each his|her own. What kind of piece of shit wishes ill on babies and harasses families in a time of such pain. So here's my rant fuck you pastor fred, hope all the ill will that you wish on e erybody else who has never done anything too you comes back and bites you in your fuckin ass ten fold!
As I am leaving one place, you phone (someone else to ask them) to ask me if I can make a 40 minute detour to pick up your kid and take her to the party that mine are going to.
(which I admit is inconvenient, but my kids like your kid and it'll mean a lot to them)

So we're almost at your house and I ask my daughter to text you to tell you to have your kid ready and you text back to say that we need to take one of your other kids as well - of course, there is only room for one more person in the car, so you say that in that case, neither kid can go....

Fuckwit - you could have fucking organised it - it's not my fault that you don't bloody drive - seriously, someone else would have taken my kids - I could have take all of your fucking weans if you had asked...

Instead everyone's disappointed because you can't pick up a fucking phone... Idiot!
Meh, it's all fucked up...
Hope you're ok, Mazza x
Why are some people so damned rude??

SO bloody annoying, seriously, it's taking all, well some, of my willpower not to rip them a new one...
Ughhhhh so sick and tired of this FREEZING cold! I miss the sun
you know what? if any of you dont like it you can jump in a goddamned lake.
I wish i could write down how f**ked off i am right now, but i can't.. I just never want to talk to this a**hole again.. im fed up of being f**king lied too...

( im not actually smiling right now)
Ice cream + Candy = Yummy
Hey asshole if you are putting an alarm clock on a freaking Sunday because you need to wake up early, here is a little tip, when it goes off wake the fuck up instead of pushing snooze every five minutes for an hour.
All you fuckers that stole my cheese for my Mexican night! It was nacho cheese!

it makes me laugh that when i went thru this 7 years ago you didnt even take that its ur turn you cry like a pussy. fucking man up!
Not sure why, but getting pissed off in the chat rooms with newbie horn dogs just going down the list of ladies and trying it on!
But then again, there are some "ladies" who do fall for it!!

Think I need a break!!!
If you are sick do something about it, don't expect me to continually pander to your needs being a nursemaid when you don;t do anything to fix the situation yourself. I am compassionate but it can only go so far before I run out of patience! There is no need to be sick all the time, if you are then something in your lifestyle is obviously wrong and needs fixing, fix the problem don't just get a little rest and be in the same place again next week.
pissed off at my work on here being stolen by vile bastardos who probably can't come up with a sentence to save their souls.

unfortunately, it makes me not want to submit another story .......... our work here should be protected from thieves.

BTW I LOVE this thread!!
(absolutely NO apologies to anyone this may insult)

So I'm not your traditional sort of person. I do what I like, when I like and however I like. Within reason. I don't call people because I want something from them.

I had my kids out of wedlock, and its ABSOLUTELY none of your fucking business who my daughters father was. I've raised her. She's mine.

I pay my bills. I don't take handouts, but I sure did give an awful lot of people a hand and an awful lot of money to help them out. And I don't lie... unless I can spare someone's feelings. Anytime you lazy bastards want to think about paying me back, it would be GREAT. There's interest now, only 25% yearly.

I am a good person. I don't believe in God, nor do I believe in family or friends anymore. If I wanted a fairy tale, I'd go read Dr. Suess, not the Bible. But thats MY opinion. Not yours or anyone else's. So take your bible thumping bullshit elsewhere. I'm full up on crazy.

I'm jaded beyond hope and have more baggage than I care to ever dump on another person. So no, I don't want to talk to ANY of you judgemental bastards. Its just one more thing you assholes like to talk about behind my back AND to my face, as some of you really brazen pricks like to shove in there. Know-it-alls. Like you know ANYTHING about me except what you all like to make up and assume.

I'm tired of being used. The last time I asked for help I got lectured. Fuck off. If I wanted a lecture, I'd go back to school. Keep your opinions to yourself. Do me a favor though and hold your breath til I ask for your almighty opinion on my life.

So, don't get your nose out of joint if I don't return your phone calls, or even acknowledge your existence. I'm not here to make you feel better about yourself because you've deemed to lower your standards and interact with me or my kid.
Tough luck, your resident Black Sheep is closed for business... Go kick a puppy instead you bunch of two-faced, backstabbing, arrogant fucks.

Ahhhh thanks... I feel MUCH better now