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The animal in you.

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Active Ink Slinger
I got...
The owl is the tranquil face of the bird personalities. A creature of great integrity, its quiet demeanor accords it an air of mystery and diffidence. It is known as the serene, wise observer of human society. Always well groomed, it is a noble individual with elegantly chiseled features that border on the fine edge of beauty and homeliness. Its large eyes are often framed by handsome eyeglasses.

Owls have developed quite a reputation for intelligence, but it's really their calm and insightful nature that gives this impression. Instead of an intellectual approach to life they use their deeper spiritual senses to guide them, and like their nocturnal cohorts, the bats, have a deeply philosophical bent.

Spending much of their time in solitary pursuits, owls like to hole up in a quiet working environment and venture out only when necessary. They are not a playful creature. Only engaging in exercise and sport in order to keep physically fit, they avoid the more gregarious animal personalities like dogs, dolphins, and sea lions.

Owls are not without their assertive side however, and they won't hesitate to use their razor-sharp tongue to settle an argument. Never the aggressor in a confrontation, they fight only when their survival or honor is at stake and have no desire for a prolonged or physical struggle. Owls espouse nonviolence, think logically, and argue persuasively.

As an astute observer of human nature, owls are eminently suited to be judges or diplomats. Their trustworthiness and dependability find them in positions of responsibility, perhaps as bank managers, heads of state, or religious leaders. A conscientious worker, an owl takes responsibilities seriously, and when it accepts the burden of public office it does so with the grace and skill typical of the species.

With an enormous capacity for hard work, owls achieve great things in almost any field they choose. This success doesn't always translate into financial rewards, but invariably satisfies their need to impart their wisdom to others.
I am a beaver! ...okay ..okay ...calm down lads; the animal variety

Beavers are the workaholics of the animal world. No animal personality places more emphasis, nor derives more self-esteem than beavers do from their careers. They can be found at all levels of the working world, though they perform best in unsupervised positions that require serious responsibility. This makes them ideal for roles as a ship's captain, naval officer, judge, accountant or bank manager. As a handyperson they have no equal: If asked to fix a chair, they'll build one from scratch.

Organized and structured, their determined attitudes spill over into all aspects of their busy lives and they plan for the future almost unconsciously. Decisions made regarding their relationships, careers and families are methodically and practically prepared, and they are most comfortable at work or ensconced in their fastidiously decorated homes. In their spare time, beavers love to busy themselves around the house or tend their precisely manicured lawns.

It is arguable, however, whether the beaver's complex home-building skills require intelligence or simply instinct, much as a bird builds a nest. Today it is generally believed that the beaver's intelligence is overrated: though they will purposely fell trees to build dams, they are often killed by their poor lumberjacking skills.

While others are playing, beavers are usually hard at work. They are well prepared for any eventuality and their homes are well stocked with spare water, emergency radios and survival kits. Even the beaver is not sure why it spends such energy in securing its home, but it instinctively feels more comfortable when it does.

Beaver personalities come in all shapes and sizes. Generally in good physical condition, they find time to keep fit even with their busy work schedules. Their conscientious attitudes makes them dependable as friends and a commitment from a beaver is like money in the bank.
The owl is the tranquil face of the bird personalities. A creature of great integrity, its quiet demeanor accords it an air of mystery and diffidence. It is known as the serene, wise observer of human society. Always well groomed, it is a noble individual with elegantly chiseled features that border on the fine edge of beauty and homeliness. Its large eyes are often framed by handsome eyeglasses.

Owls have developed quite a reputation for intelligence, but it's really their calm and insightful nature that gives this impression. Instead of an intellectual approach to life they use their deeper spiritual senses to guide them, and like their nocturnal cohorts, the bats, have a deeply philosophical bent.

Spending much of their time in solitary pursuits, owls like to hole up in a quiet working environment and venture out only when necessary. They are not a playful creature. Only engaging in exercise and sport in order to keep physically fit, they avoid the more gregarious animal personalities like dogs, dolphins, and sea lions.

Owls are not without their assertive side however, and they won't hesitate to use their razor-sharp tongue to settle an argument. Never the aggressor in a confrontation, they fight only when their survival or honor is at stake and have no desire for a prolonged or physical struggle. Owls espouse nonviolence, think logically, and argue persuasively.

As an astute observer of human nature, owls are eminently suited to be judges or diplomats. Their trustworthiness and dependability find them in positions of responsibility, perhaps as bank managers, heads of state, or religious leaders. A conscientious worker, an owl takes responsibilities seriously, and when it accepts the burden of public office it does so with the grace and skill typical of the species.

With an enormous capacity for hard work, owls achieve great things in almost any field they choose. This success doesn't always translate into financial rewards, but invariably satisfies their need to impart their wisdom to others
Active Ink Slinger
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Im a beaver as well ! biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
Otter smile

Otters are petite, engaging creatures overflowing with positive energy. Intelligent and bright, they are also popular, eminently lovable and display the highly developed social skills that typify the small carnivores. Otters mix easily with a wide range of animal personalities.

Lazy? Let's just say easily distracted. Life has so many diversions for the otter that it's impossible to predict how it will fill its day. But when an otter gets focused on a problem, its keen intelligence rises to the challenge and it will not give up until the nut is cracked.

Otters feel entitled to the good things in life and a general sense of well being gives them the confidence to not have to save for the future. A lover who wants to impress an otter should know that otters love to eat out and have a predictable penchant for sushi.

Although intelligent and witty, otters have a tendency to suffer from self-doubt and fear of failure can prevent them from living up to their true potential. Still, they are a great problem solvers, with the ability to spend endless hours on abstract or practical challenges. As workers, they are dedicated and capable and always eager for a chance to prove themselves.

Their determination makes otters valuable employees, and although they often feel that their contributions are undervalued they would rather accept lower pay than risk confrontations in their workplace.

Although they are fine motivators otters avoid taking leadership roles, performing better in group situations with their social skills coming in handy when counseling coworkers through their problems. Their dexterous hands are useful in a wide range of careers, and they're ideally suited for work in engineering, advertising, and design.
amor est spiritus qui nos alet
love is the breath that sustains us
Active Ink Slinger
Oh typical! I take the test and get confirmation of my geneology **sighs**

"Wild Dog"

Most people who meet a wild dog are struck by its energetic, demonstrative and restless behavior. This mid-sized individual differs from its domestic dog and wolf cousins in a number of notable ways: it is physically more powerful than the dog and its social structure differs dramatically from that of the lone wolf. It is difficult to describe the wild dog's personality without explaining it in terms of its pack of friends, for wild dogs don't see themselves as rugged individualists but rather as members of a social team that demands constant bonding and cooperation.

Reliable in a crisis, wild dogs are charitable to those in need and have a strong sense of social justice. They are dependable and generous to a fault, but there is a darker side to their character. If they believe they have been wronged, they'll carry a grudge for a long time and punish the offender by withdrawing otherwise unconditional support.

Although they are not a natural leaders, wild dogs are popular and well liked and their indomitable sense of adventure attracts others who appreciate living on the edge. They were not blessed with a particularly handsome face, but their trim body is well conditioned by athletic endeavors and they take pride in their appearance.

As is typical of a carnivorous personality, wild dogs love to travel and choose to vacation in stimulating environments where they can expand their understanding of the world. They become restless when they haven't taken a vacation in a while.

Thinking of bringing that new invention of yours to the market? Put a wild dog in charge. No one can take an idea and run with it better than this hardy individual. Its powers of endurance and canine enthusiasm make for such a powerful combination that wild dogs are consistently amongst the highest wage earners. So why don't they simply run their own businesses and reap the rewards? Well for one thing, they don't possess the leadership and entrepreneurial talents of their canine cousins. Instead, by concentrating on relationship building and teamwork, wild dogs achieve the kind of job satisfaction that no salary can replace.

Wild dogs are highly principled individuals although they take a while before placing their trust in others. Employers should give them a lot of freedom since they do not perform well in structured environments. When it comes to stamina, they are without equal and are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. Versatile in their skills, their sharp minds can adapt to almost any environment.

"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
I am a wild dog... yes, thats me... especially in hobbies and careers!

Most people who meet a wild dog are struck by its energetic, demonstrative and restless behavior. This mid-sized individual differs from its domestic dog and wolf cousins in a number of notable ways: it is physically more powerful than the dog and its social structure differs dramatically from that of the lone wolf. It is difficult to describe the wild dog's personality without explaining it in terms of its pack of friends, for wild dogs don't see themselves as rugged individualists but rather as members of a social team that demands constant bonding and cooperation.

Reliable in a crisis, wild dogs are charitable to those in need and have a strong sense of social justice. They are dependable and generous to a fault, but there is a darker side to their character. If they believe they have been wronged, they'll carry a grudge for a long time and punish the offender by withdrawing otherwise unconditional support.

Although they are not a natural leaders, wild dogs are popular and well liked and their indomitable sense of adventure attracts others who appreciate living on the edge. They were not blessed with a particularly handsome face, but their trim body is well conditioned by athletic endeavors and they take pride in their appearance.

As is typical of a carnivorous personality, wild dogs love to travel and choose to vacation in stimulating environments where they can expand their understanding of the world. They become restless when they haven't taken a vacation in a while.

Thinking of bringing that new invention of yours to the market? Put a wild dog in charge. No one can take an idea and run with it better than this hardy individual. Its powers of endurance and canine enthusiasm make for such a powerful combination that wild dogs are consistently amongst the highest wage earners. So why don't they simply run their own businesses and reap the rewards? Well for one thing, they don't possess the leadership and entrepreneurial talents of their canine cousins. Instead, by concentrating on relationship building and teamwork, wild dogs achieve the kind of job satisfaction that no salary can replace.

Wild dogs are highly principled individuals although they take a while before placing their trust in others. Employers should give them a lot of freedom since they do not perform well in structured environments. When it comes to stamina, they are without equal and are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. Versatile in their skills, their sharp minds can adapt to almost any environment.

Careers and Hobbies
Horse riding
Surfing the net
Active Ink Slinger
I Got Wolf. Now that is really funny. A Coyote maybe, LOL.

The rugged wolf is athletic, good-looking and brimming with self-confidence. A close relative of the domestic dog, it is stronger and more aggressive, managing to generate notoriety wherever it marks its territory. The wolf's dark reputation is mainly due to jealousy of its consistent success in work and romance. A wolf in full stride is quite impressive. Firing orders at subordinates while on the phone to customers, no one can get the job done quite as efficiently as the wolf.

With an innate understanding of the value of teamwork, it's always ready to take its place in the chain of command either as leader or as simply a member of the pack. When a wolf decides to innovate, it makes sure that it has the backing of a capable team. The wolf is clear-headed and strong-minded, always willing to compromise in the interests of getting a job done.

Wolves are facially expressive and readily communicate their emotional states with body language. They work hard at developing their social relationships, although unlike their cousin the dog they are quick to anger when they sense threats to the social order. When confrontations occurs, they sometimes react suddenly and violently, barking displeasure at offending subordinates. Close companions know to avoid their biting tongue until they resume their normal gregarious behavior.

Wolves are intensely ambitious and never shy from hard work. Socially adept, they function well in leadership and management roles as well as in jobs requiring vision and strength of character. Being a natural motivator, their instinctive understanding of group dynamics serves them well in goal-oriented tasks.

As bosses, wolves demand absolute loyalty and they provide the same allegiance to their employees. Their ability to perform under pressure helps them attain the highest executive levels, and with strong communication instincts they maintain a constant stream of notes, letters, and email to coworkers. Their instinctive understanding of the chain of command makes wolves excellent soldiers or law enforcement officers.
I got wild cat.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lisa
I got wild cat.

Wild cat... sounds interesting smile Does it suit you??
Active Ink Slinger
I got the mole

It's easy to recognize a mole personality. They have pasty complexions and are usually seen in late night coffee shops, jazz bars or underground clubs. To avoid drawing attention to themselves, they favor dark clothing and sunglasses and are the first people to volunteer for the graveyard shift.

Physically, moles are not awe-inspiring individuals. Their pale skin and plump physique are usually accompanied by thick glasses or contacts that compensate for poor eyesight. However, they are comfortable with their flaccid bodies and seek companionship with others who appreciate their more philosophical qualities. Shunning contemporary fashions, moles prefer dark clothes and retro-styles.

There's something compelling about the mole personality, and in the early sixties it was quite fashionable to be a mole in the form of a creative and philosophical beatnik expressing angst through music and poetry. Bob Dylan and John Lennon carried the mole standard into the seventies, but the fashion largely died and moles were forced back underground.

Passive and unassertive, they prefer to retreat at the first sign of confrontation and would rather run than take physical action. If they were to be found on a rare trip to Disneyworld, angry tan lines would be a dead giveaway to their mole personality.

Moles are restless and, although constantly engaged in activity, they never seem to get anything done. Careers are taken seriously, though. So seriously, in fact, that with their little heads down and their backs fully into the job moles may not notice the world going by. But even moles have dreams, and long for a time when they can put down the shovel and take a well-deserved hammock break on a quiet shady beach.

Moles have extremely sharp minds and are excellent problem solvers. As reflected in their determined burrowing through difficult terrain, moles prefer solutions with straight lines rather than having to go around problems. When confronted with difficult issues they never give up; hacking away with dogged determination until the answer is found. This attribute makes them perfect for jobs in engineering, accounting or diagnostic work. With their unique underground perspective on life, moles have enormous potential as songwriters, poets, or left-wing journalists, and some of the world's finest philosophical writing has emanated from moles.
Artistic Tart
I'm a shrew? gross.

The diminutive shrew is the archetypal insectivore. Intelligent, thrifty and self absorbed, it knows how to get what it wants regardless of who stands in its way. Cursed with an overactive metabolism, the shrew is unable to stand still for even a minute. Whether it's picking up the kids, shopping at a garage sale or poking its nose into other people's business, it just keeps going and going. If its outta-my-way attitude provokes resentment from friends, that's just too bad. A shrew's gotta do what a shrew's gotta do.

Sharing does not come naturally to shrews, and they are typically the last to pay their portion at a group dinner. It's not that shrews are greedy, rather they're responding to a compulsive need to save for the future. In this respect they are much like their cousin the mouse, who takes planning for the future to extremes.

With the conviction that it knows what's best for everyone, shrews are always ready with free advice. They seem to delight in butting into other people's private affairs. Sometimes the shrew turns this hobby into a career as a gossip columnist, movie critic, or TV evangelist. But more often than not, it retains its amateur status and practices on its long-suffering friends.

Because shrews are constantly on the move, careers that require concentration and sober thinking are unsuitable. They perform best in chaotic jobs and thrive on the unpredictability of disorder, making them natural production assistants, circus performers, wedding organizers or emergency room technicians.

Their predilection for collecting and organizing things would also make them good librarians or or bookkeepers, while the desire to keep moving makes them suitable for any job requiring travel and creativity.

Shrews' sharp eyes have a knack for spotting the hole in the fence, and with their ability to make instant decisions they impetuously seize the moment and scuttle on through. Their smart mouths and high energy are put good use in the workplace, and they excel as salespeople and journalists. But sometimes their reputation precedes them and they encounter built-in resistance to their pitch even before they've opened their mouths.
im a bear..some of it sound like me...some not

Conflicting forces shape the bear's nature. Since it is a classic omnivore, this burly beast exhibits two distinct sides to its personality. The carnivorous component makes the bear gruff and powerful, while its herbivorous side reveals a sensitive and intelligent individual.

Their gruff, outgoing personalities, burly physiques and strong characters make bears easy to identify. Their natural confidence and swaggering gaits puts others on notice that a bear is present. They require a great deal of personal space, and when they enter a room the tension level rises immediately. As youngsters, bears excel in sports, although their propensity for laziness relegates them to being an observer and fan in later life. Familiar with the seduction of the couch, their ability to sleep soundly is legendary throughout the animal world.

Although it is alert and intelligent, the bear mostly succeeds through the sheer force of its personality. Rarely challenged to reach its full intellectual potential, it dominates conversation with its intense single-mindedness. However, it is unwilling to argue from a position that it doesn't truly believe in, which makes it a lousy lawyer.

Bears routinely enjoy success in all aspects of their industrious lives and their large and capable frames elicit respect and admiration in the workplace. Their natural leadership talents make them suitable for jobs in management, academia and personnel training, but their physical prowess also makes them excellent physical education teachers, martial arts trainers or professional wrestlers. Most bears could also have a measure of success in politics if they were to put their mind to it.

Two elements define the bear's style of debate: Never avoid an argument and never back down. Bears will batter their opponents into submission just for the endorphin rush -- there's nothing a bear enjoys more than pitting every drop of its intellectual juices against the mind of a worthy opponent.

ok...maybe that last bit is really me...heheee ;)

Gorilla or there was suitable Vulture and Porcupine

Gorillas are strong, unpolished individuals with a gruff exterior that conceals their soft and chewy center. They are capable, happy-go-lucky individuals with a disarming naivet�. Maybe a little hairy with a tattoo or two too, they are unpretentious and engaging creatures who brighten everyone's day with their enthusiastically warm greetings. They pay little attention to their physical condition and can even be a bit of a slob. With this tendency to be untidy, a gorilla isn't one to recycle or pick up after itself.

Even with the gorilla's warmly gruff exterior there remains an underlying sense of menace that percolates throughout its personality. Though it is built for physical confrontation, it's difficult to imagine a gorilla actually inflicting bodily harm. However, when the gorilla or its family is threatened, the transgressor quickly realizes their mistake. Its body hair standing on end and large frame at full height, the gorilla will never back down from a fight. In a child-custody battle it's better to negotiate an up-front peace with a gorilla rather than endure a prolonged and bloody battle.

Gorillas are intelligent but not overly motivated. When young they avoid formal learning, and as an adult their intelligence manifests itself as street-smarts. They have the talent and problem-solving skills to be excellent mechanics, plumbers or repair people.

Their career, however, takes a backseat to the pursuit of recreational activity and they will rarely reach great heights in business. However, if they're lucky enough to find a job that incorporates fun and physical prowess - such as a personal trainer or professional wrestler - they can certianly rise to the top of their field.

Gorillas' appreciation for the good life puts them in good stead for careers in the service industry, including the hotel and restaurant businesses, and customers appreciate a gorilla's gruff but can-do attitude.

Gorillas are unmotivated by money, and they avoid strenuous physical exertion in favor of spending their leisure time at play. Drawn to social groups, the classic gorilla scene is a group of Hells Angels revving their bikes, mimicking a gorillalike chest pounding and roaring.
Alpha Blonde
I am the "Sea Lion"...

These charming pinnipeds are agile, sleek and energetic with an eagerness to their spirit that's irresistibly compelling. The sea lion can be described as a combination of the dog and dolphin personalities - Part carnivore, part sea dweller, it is well groomed with an attractive mind and body. Like the dolphin, sea lions are pleasure connoisseurs who can be quite lazy when it comes to putting in a solid day's work. With the dog's loyalty and generosity, it manages to charm everyone with its effervescence.

Sea lions have little respect for the value of money, and even though they have the talent to accumulate vast wealth they're much more likely to be found at the beach. Alas, the lack of money doesn't discourage the sea lion from those spending sprees that leave it in debt, for saving for the future is never a priority and sea lions are forever emptying the penny jar or mooching a few bucks to buy a tuna sandwich.

The sea lion's agile mind is exercised by long hours of debate on issues of philosophy. Their lazy dispositions, however, can result in conversations that lack substance and logical grounding. Still, they are curious about the universe. Their cheerful dispositions belie a hot tempered core. When reacting assertively, their attack comes in the form of a sharp, barked retort, but they have no natural enemies and their slippery personas provide sufficient defense in the event of an attack.

Their smooth personalities are well suited to a wide range of sales positions. Whether selling real estate or motor vehicles, they are skillful, enthusiastic and sincere. Their straightforward, genuine desire to help others shines through in their work and others instinctively trust them. However, their careers suffer from lack of motivation, for they are prone to rest on their laurels. Their irrepressible nature craves the spotlight and they enjoy performing, telling stories and hogging the attention of their large group of friends.

An aggressive streak serves sea lions well in jobs that require physical and emotional strength, and they are a good fit for careers as police officers, air traffic controllers, paramedics or lifeguards.

As entrepreneurs with high levels of self-esteem, sea lions confidently plunge into risky business ventures. This confidence is not always warranted however, and they often find themselves in both financial and social trouble. Luckily, their natural buoyancy always helps them keep their head above water.

Careers and Hobbies
Performing arts
Air traffic controller
Her Royal Spriteness
i am the snake...
Pity the cold-blooded snakes. Without arms, wings or flippers, they are forced to slink through life in a solitary quest for warmth and acceptance. Shy and insecure, they must keep a low profile to avoid the disapproving glances and teasing of others. Of course, their poisonous wit and quick tongues help to keep tormentors at bay.

As a child its small frame was no defense against the taunts of the playground bullies, so its sharply vicious attacks were adopted as means of protection. Snakes have no illusions about getting breaks in life and while they see doors opening for others, they have resigned themselves to staying in their lowly, entry level positions. So don't try and humor the snake, for it has reconciled itself to its subservient position.

With their intimate connection to the earth and their unique perspective on life, snakes have learned to express themselves through their art. Whether writers, moviemakers or painters, they are obsessively meticulous about their craft. Every now and then, one makes an impact on the art world and is thrust into the spotlight. But the snake recoils from the glare of publicity, and its behavior becomes even more erratic than usual. Woody Allen, the proverbial snake, comes to mind.

In winter, the cold-blooded snake is miserable. It just can't cope in the low temperature that seeps in through its thin skin, affecting its mood and sapping its energy. Prone to colds and flu, they are pathetic sights as they snivel and cough throughout the season. But when summer returns with its warmth and light, the snakes' moods brighten and their spirits soar.

Snakes are not fussy about their choice of jobs. As cold blooded personalities they perform best when given warmth and kindness and will accept almost any job, provided they feel secure. However, if they feel mistrusted, they live up to their reputation and return the disloyalty. Consequently, they are often relegated to menial jobs in the fast-food industry or as unskilled labor.

Careers and Hobbies

Food industry

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

A worthog? Seriously? If I was an animal I'd be a freaking warthog? You've GOT to be kidding me...
Active Ink Slinger
Wild dog.

This part fits me perfectly. lol

"Reliable in a crisis, wild dogs are charitable to those in need and have a strong sense of social justice. They are dependable and generous to a fault, but there is a darker side to their character. If they believe they have been wronged, they'll carry a grudge for a long time and punish the offender by withdrawing otherwise unconditional support. "

The rest of it I don't completely agree with, but not a bad profile based on 9 questions.
Active Ink Slinger
The Swan:

Throughout the ages, swans have been venerated for their elegant grace and gentle beauty. So it's little surprise that these personalities attract such admiration as they sail serenely through life. The swan's noble reputation is its greatest asset and it takes care to cultivate its image by always appearing calm in public.

Things are very different just below the surface, for fueling the swan's elegant glide is a high-energy paddling that consumes most of its emotional stamina. While it's common for a bird personality to exhibit this kind of emotional volatility, it is particularly noticeable in the swan when contrasted with its tranquil exterior.

Supporting a high-profile swan persona requires substantial energy, and a high metabolism can leave them feeling exhausted and drained. When life gets overwhelming, they will take off and find a tranquil, gentle place to meditate and recharge before returning to the real world. This unsettled aspect of their personality means that a swan has probably moved to a different city at least once its life, or is at least planning to do so.

Appearance is important to the swan who enjoys the finer things in life and it spares no expense in pampering itself. It would be a mistake to simply dismiss it as a fragile beauty though; for it is a well traveled, worldly bird who has seen the best and worst of the human condition. Its experiences have made it a well-rounded and worldly individual who can adapt to almost any career. It has no problem with taking direction from a boss and is always prepared to accept input from others.

Its work is well integrated into its life and it strives to find balance in its career and family life. Because swan personalities are often gangly and awkward as children, they have substantial experience in dealing with difficult people and are well equipped to handle conflicts in the workplace. Their innate empathy makes them ideal therapists, doctors, nurses or personnel managers. With their natural beauty they are also well suited for careers in the arts, with a particular affinity for music, ballet and acting.
Active Ink Slinger
I am the Bat

Careers and Hobbies:
Social Worker

Famous Bats:
Gypsy Rose Lee

This is a decidedly nonconformist creature, for as an airborne personality, the bat tends to look down at the conventions of the ground animals. And yet, since it is not a true bird and has not mastered the art of smooth controlled flight, it often appears awkward in social situations (hence the phrase "acting batty"). But as compensation for this social ungainliness, many bat personalities sport a built-in radar which enables them to intuitively read the motivations of others.

Identifying bat personalities is not difficult. Being nocturnal creatures, they come alive at night and can be spotted in underground clubs or dimly lit bars. They prefer the sanctuary of dark clothing and dark corners, and you'll never see a bat sporting a heavy tan. These are intelligent, spiritual, creative individuals who use their full range of senses (other than their poor eyesight) to carefully navigate their way through life.

Bats have a habit of flitting in and out of social situations, swooping down to interact briefly with others before quickly flying off to resume their bat lives. Unassertive and aloof, they'll take flight at the first hint of a confrontation to seek comfort in their personal spaces, generally decorated in unusual but expressive ways.

A sixth sense gives bats a number of advantages in their work, and their insightful nature enables them to understand others better than they understand themselves. This intuitiveness makes bats excellent psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and palm readers. They respond poorly to direction however, and function best as a sole practitioners in their own business. Preferring to work at night and sleep by day, a bat's job must be flexible enough to accommodate these unusual hours. A creative streak often finds them in the design and architectural fields, and their unique relationship with dark caves makes you a natural archeologist or spelunker.

Although the bat's spiritual side is always on display, they are not overly emotional. Because of their unusual and sometimes awkward approach to life they can sometimes have difficulty finding companions. However, bats respond well to anyone who shares their philosophical perspective, and they love spending long hours in deep conversation. Once they have successfully located a partner, bats prove to be both dependable and committed companions.
Success is doing what you love, and doing it so well that someone will pay you for it.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Jebru
Wild dog.

This part fits me perfectly. lol

"Reliable in a crisis, wild dogs are charitable to those in need and have a strong sense of social justice. They are dependable and generous to a fault, but there is a darker side to their character. If they believe they have been wronged, they'll carry a grudge for a long time and punish the offender by withdrawing otherwise unconditional support. "

The rest of it I don't completely agree with, but not a bad profile based on 9 questions.

Does this mean i get to talk you for walkies and smack your nose if you pee on the carpet? biggrin

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Genus and Species:
Aptenodytes patagonica

Collective Term:
A colony of penguins

Careers and Hobbies
Board games

Family time Famous Penguins
Oscar Wilde
Truman Capote
Danny Devito

Now you see it, now you don't. Aggressive yet gentle, outgoing but shy, stable yet flighty - everyone sees the penguin in a different way. It's that black and white thing: the penguin only reveals the side that it wants to you to see. So whether you like this darling-devil or not, you have to concede that it's a fascinating and enigmatic individual.

Penguins are birds condemned to live out their days on the ground. Unable to fly, their excess energy has no outlet save their creative talents and emotional outbursts. Penguins are poetic, artistic, and intellectually gifted, and as writers penguins have no equal.

But, if unable to channel their impulses in a positive way, the resulting turmoil proves damaging to their relationships and careers.

Penguins are deceptively intelligent and are particularly animated when intellectually challenged. They excel at word games and puzzles but are modest about their abilities and are generally underestimated by others.

With their misunderstood personality, penguins find writing an ideal tool for expressing their true feelings. They have a natural aptitude for languages and penguin personalities dominate the world of publishing as writers, editors, and journalists.

With a natural aptitude for languages, penguin personalities dominate the world of publishing as writers, editors and journalists. A strong sense of drama draws them to the theater and cinema, although unlike typical bird personalities they avoid the spotlight unless they're able to hide behind the characters they play. Once on stage however, they prove to be excellent performers with their multifaceted personalities conveying the full gamut of emotions.

However, a lack of confidence affects their work. Penguins tend to give up on tasks they were otherwise capable of and are often disappointed with their performance. Still, work never dominates their life and they always put their family first.
Divine Rapscallion
Clearly, I am a raccoon.

However, since that is not one of the options, the test decided I am an owl — or maybe a bison or penguin.

I'm sticking with raccoon.
Maggie R
Active Ink Slinger

Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes them from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for no one, not even the much larger personality of the lion. They will confidently enter the territory of others -- woe betide anyone who blocks their path.

Like most carnivores, badgers stay in shape with regular physical activity and are well dressed and precisely groomed. They enjoy all sports and their competitive natures drive them to the edges of their abilities. Because of their small size, they sometimes feel the need to assert themselves to gain the respect accorded the larger carnivores. However, the badger's tendency to bite off more than it can chew often results in an overestimation of its capabilities. With the heart of a tiger, tenacity is both their greatest asset and biggest downfall.

Badger personalities seldom find time for the finer pleasures of life. Art and literature are considered distracting to the pursuit of resources, and their reading habits are usually confined to light fiction or popular action novels.
Badgers are almost always successful in business but often find themselves over their head. Towering ambitions cause them to make sweeping plans without considering the finer details of the exercise. With such an abundance of self-confidence, badgers sometimes rush headlong into overwhelming situations and are forced to burrow their way out. Even so, they never go down without a fight.

The badger is highly regarded as a leader, especially by the smaller animal personalities, but their physical stature can limit political ambitions. This doesn't deter them from running races they are destined to lose, however. Like their cousin the weasel, badgers are opportunists and sometimes team up in business with the more thoughtful animal personalities to help offset their impetuous nature. As a salesperson, they have few equals. Jobs requiring a high degree of proactive selling are ideally suited for the badger's get-up-and-go personality. As managers they are somewhat overbearing, but nonetheless fair and rational. They don't exhibit much of an ego and with their head down, rooting for opportunities, badgers always generate a great deal of respect from their peers.

Careers and Hobbies

-This thing is incredible!!! Pretty much describes me in a nut shell! WOW
I'm a badger too :-/ Never been called that before.
Porcupines are solitary herbivores that spend much of their time in trees in the New World or on the ground in the Old World. Often confused with their distant relative the hedgehog, these animals are highly adapted for self-defense - when threatened they will rattle their quills in warning, much like rattlesnakes do before striking. Contrary to popular belief, porcupines do not shoot their quills but instead detach them easily from their bodies and embed them in enemies' skin. The barbed quills work their way into the victim's body, causing painful infections and sometimes death.

The porcupine is a loner. Having experienced so many attacks on its character, its learned to avoid a casual friendship unless it believes that there is a good chance for a connection. Thick-skinned, fleet footed animal personalities prove to be its best bet for companionship - particularly weasels and gorillas. Nocturnal animals, they prefer the safety of their homes or small offices during the day, and most of their social connections take place at night. It can be painful to get close to a porcupine and only those who have earned its trust can endure an intimate relationship. It is comfortable and secure in the company of mice and mole personalities, but should fastidiously avoid the companionship of larger carnivores like bears, foxes and wolves.

The Porcupine Lover
If there were two words that summarized the porcupine lover, they would be 'use protection'! In the bedroom, the porcupine tends to be a little too curious and explorative. For them, sex is a gala event that should be spiced with all manner of strange toys and odd positions. Although it's hard to blunt a porcupine's ardor, they are extraordinarily unromantic and never mushy, insisting on enforcing their strange set of rules about not cuddling before or after lovemaking. Although the porcupine would never be indicted as a bore, its 'me first' credo generates significant friction in its love life. Fleshing out the soft underbelly of this brusque individual takes a determined and prudent partner.

Family and Marriage
The porcupine's mate must be careful where it steps, for porcupines are capable of being especially cruel to the ones they love. In fact, the closer one gets to a porcupine the greater the danger of being wounded. Ultimately though, these stabs turn out to be no more than pinpricks, and if its partner's pride and sense of humor are still intact the relationship will only die of old age. Give a porcupine a child, and you give it an opportunity to shine. Because it has no fear of rejection from children, it is consistently attentive and unconditionally loving. Porcupines are determined to provide their children with a life that is better than they had.

Communicating with a Porcupine
Forever curious about its mate's real motivations, a porcupine will not accept an answer at face value. By pressing for more information and challenging its partner's responses at every turn, conversations can resemble an inquisition. But, porcupines are impressed with spunk and give as good as they get. They are never superficial in their own responses.

Advice for a Porcupine
Wit is treacherous. It is the only weapon that can stab you in the back.

Careers and Hobbies
Collections agent

Active Ink Slinger
Genus and Species: Equus burchelli
Collective Term: A stripe of zebra

Zebras are differentiated from horses and asses by the distinctive stripes on their bodies. Only recently settled was the debate about whether the zebra's stripes are white on black or black on white (it has black stripes on a white background). Zebras are aggressive and fiercely protect themselves and their young when attacked. It is the only herbivore known to use its teeth as a weapon, and a kick from its powerful hindquarters is quite capable of shattering a lion's jaw. A species of zebra known as the quagga has quite a sad story. Hunted into extinction by South African settlers in the mid-1800s, it was not until the last quagga was shot that anyone realized that it was even endangered. Zoos requesting replacement animals were shocked to be informed, "We can't seem to find any."

A friendship with a zebra is a wild ride through unknown territory on a trusty steed. There is no telling what the zebra will suggest next, but you can be sure that it will reflect its unusual and adventurous tastes. And because zebras hate lazing about, friendships with the indolent walrus and gorilla are bound to cause friction. As is typical of herbivorous personalities, zebras tend to form mixed herds with other grazing animals and these mutually beneficial friendships often extend to business partnerships.

The Zebra Lover
You should never flirt with a zebra unless you mean it. This highly sexual beast is always on the lookout for a casual relationship and even an offhanded encouragement will stampede the zebra's libido into a full gallop. But zebras don?t expect sex to provide them with any kind of meaningful relationship; it serves simply as a sensory indulgence to distract them from their busy and competitive lives.

Family and Marriage
There's no such thing as a wishy-washy relationship with a zebra, and although they have a rather blas? attitude toward sex, they always take their mating duties very seriously. But as a partner, they can prove to be a handful. Compliant enough when it comes to trivial issues, they tend to take unassailable stances on matters of family strategy. Where the children go to school, how they are disciplined, and who will handle the purse strings are not issues for debate. The zebra knows best. With the right partner the zebra's potential is unlimited and its challenge is to find a mate that can equal its intensity and ambition. Few animal personalities meet these standards however, and the zebra's best bet is with the herbivorous sable, horse, and deer personalities. Relationships with traditional rivals, including lions, tigers, and wolves should be avoided. The zebra is prone to projecting its own high expectations on its children by pushing them to excel in sports and schooling. Under its driving encouragement, its children prove up to the challenge and end up making their parents proud.

Communicating with a Zebra
Don't cross a zebra unless you can match its sharp wit. And although zebras are formidable debaters, they are not necessarily good communicators. The problem is that they get so caught up in what they're saying that they never get around to listening to your views. In matters of intimacy, they reduce discussions to mere exercises of logic, leaving their mates emotionally isolated. And yet, underneath this coat of black and white logic beats a heart of pure gold.

Advice for a Zebra
The road to success is always under construction.

Careers and Hobbies
Football referee
Legal system
Famous Zebras
Christopher Darden
Rudy Giuliani
"I can resist everything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm a porcupine!

Porcupines are solitary herbivores that spend much of their time in trees in the New World or on the ground in the Old World. Often confused with their distant relative the hedgehog, these animals are highly adapted for self-defense - when threatened they will rattle their quills in warning, much like rattlesnakes do before striking. Contrary to popular belief, porcupines do not shoot their quills but instead detach them easily from their bodies and embed them in enemies' skin. The barbed quills work their way into the victim's body, causing painful infections and sometimes death.

The porcupine is a loner. Having experienced so many attacks on its character, its learned to avoid a casual friendship unless it believes that there is a good chance for a connection. Thick-skinned, fleet footed animal personalities prove to be its best bet for companionship - particularly weasels and gorillas. Nocturnal animals, they prefer the safety of their homes or small offices during the day, and most of their social connections take place at night. It can be painful to get close to a porcupine and only those who have earned its trust can endure an intimate relationship. It is comfortable and secure in the company of mice and mole personalities, but should fastidiously avoid the companionship of larger carnivores like bears, foxes and wolves.

The Porcupine Lover
If there were two words that summarized the porcupine lover, they would be 'use protection'! In the bedroom, the porcupine tends to be a little too curious and explorative. For them, sex is a gala event that should be spiced with all manner of strange toys and odd positions. Although it's hard to blunt a porcupine's ardor, they are extraordinarily unromantic and never mushy, insisting on enforcing their strange set of rules about not cuddling before or after lovemaking. Although the porcupine would never be indicted as a bore, its 'me first' credo generates significant friction in its love life. Fleshing out the soft underbelly of this brusque individual takes a determined and prudent partner.

Family and Marriage
The porcupine's mate must be careful where it steps, for porcupines are capable of being especially cruel to the ones they love. In fact, the closer one gets to a porcupine the greater the danger of being wounded. Ultimately though, these stabs turn out to be no more than pinpricks, and if its partner's pride and sense of humor are still intact the relationship will only die of old age. Give a porcupine a child, and you give it an opportunity to shine. Because it has no fear of rejection from children, it is consistently attentive and unconditionally loving. Porcupines are determined to provide their children with a life that is better than they had.

Communicating with a Porcupine
Forever curious about its mate's real motivations, a porcupine will not accept an answer at face value. By pressing for more information and challenging its partner's responses at every turn, conversations can resemble an inquisition. But, porcupines are impressed with spunk and give as good as they get. They are never superficial in their own responses.

Advice for a Porcupine
Wit is treacherous. It is the only weapon that can stab you in the back.
Flirtatiously Fluttering

Careers and Hobbies
Computer programmer
Jeopardy Famous Foxes
David Duchovny
Hugh Grant
Johnny Cochran
Michael J. Fox
Foxes are closely related to dogs and jackals and actually comprise a number of distinct species, each with a unique range. Assessing the population of foxes worldwide is difficult, as these animals mainly go about their business at night and are skilled at staying out of sight. During the day they rest in thick brush or in the hollows of trees. They are not particularly fast runners, nor do they have the endurance for a long chase, relying instead on their keen intelligence to make a living. The fox is the only member of the canine family to routinely climb trees and often escapes danger by running up the trunk of a sturdy tree and navigating overhanging branches. Foxes sometimes fall prey to coyotes and wolves, but today its main enemy is man: Because of its tree-climbing habit, it is an easy animal to trap.

Foxes put extensive energy into cultivating their community of friends , caring for them as if they were family. With a canine's sense of loyalty, foxes are always astonished when someone fails to meet their high standard of ethical behavior. Despite their worldliness, foxes can be quite naive when it comes to understanding human motivations. The fox tempers its serious nature with a sardonic sense of humor and engaging playfulness while interacting with its eclectic community. It expects others to be as honest about their strengths and shortcomings as it is of its own, and while these high expectations don't make the fox a snob, it expects its friends to first demonstrate their worthiness before returning the favor with loyalty and devotion.

The Fox Lover
As lovers, foxes are passionate and inventive, their agile minds and bodies lending themselves to exciting romps. Yet, because foxes are uncomfortable with the expression of emotional neediness, they need their partners to offer them safe harbor from their internal turmoil. Despite its roguish reputation, the fox is quite discerning in its choice of mates. It is moved by the creativity and gumption it sees in the eagle, zebra and wild dog; creatures with which it is physically and temperamentally well matched. Foxes should avoid wildcats and tigers though, for although they may provide immediate gratification, their feline characteristics are not appropriate for the fox's canine essence.

Family and Marriage
Beneath its even-handed exterior is a deeply emotional core that the fox keeps well hidden. Lovers soon realize that the fox prefers nurturing to being nurtured - a way for the fox to avoid intimacy. The fox's challenge is to find a mate whom it respects intellectually and trusts emotionally, before it can reveal its vulnerabilities. Foxes are widely known for their protective and gentle parenting, but tend to forget that children are prone to bouts of insecurity and anxiety. Efforts to comfort children with cold analysis often backfire. Empathy, not logic should be the fox's tool of choice when dealing with children.

Communicating with a Fox
A discussion with a fox is invariably stimulating and challenging. Its great curiosity and worldly experience makes it a wonderful conversationalist and it's able to hold forth on a number of different topics with ease. Sometimes, however, the fox will view a conversation as a competitive challenge, proving off-putting and annoying to its companions.

Advice for a Fox
The best way to remember your wedding anniversary is to forget it once