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Tabletop Games

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Cryptic Vigilante

Tabletop Games

Despite the advent of technology and the unlimited diversity of entertainment that's brought along with it, board/card games still remain an incomparable way to have a crazy amount of fun among friends and family. Everybody knows of the classics which you can buy in any department store (eg. Monopoly, Clue, Risk), but several specialized shops offer a plethora of games to satisfy people of all ages, penchants and skills. We even have such a store here in Montreal that's located right at the heart of one of the trendiest spots of the city (ie. Le Valet d'Coeur, which is actually the shop featured in the picture above). Decidedly, embracing your nerdy tendencies has never been so en vogue!

Whether you're an unrivaled chess wizard, an avid game connoisseur or simply a casual card player (including poker), feel free to join the discussion:

- What is your favorite game to play among friends/family?

- Are you a regular player?

- Any fun moments/memories to share?

- Any recommendations to make?

- Any strategies to propose?

- Any breathtaking chess sets to show?

- Any mind-blowing poker videos to present?

Everything that's vaguely related to having collective fun around a table is more than welcome in this thread!

(though you might want to save your smutty strip-club anecdotes for another thread)
Rainbow Warrior
I have two groups of friends... friends I have sex with, and friends I don't have sex with. The games we play tend to be different. Among my non-sex friends, we play Apples to Apples, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, and some strictly chance games, like Pigmania and Uno. Once in awhile we play poker or rummy. We don't play regularly. Just when a bunch of us have time to get together for a pizza party.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
We play Risk and poker.

The beauty of Risk is that you are free to form treaties, and free to break them. But if you break a truce, the other player's only reason to continue to play is to assure your destruction.

There is a zombie version of Risk we are looking at getting. Christmas, maybe.
We're pretty old fashioned, so when it comes to board games we play this...

What's really cool about it is we can play this on our phones, laptops, via Facebook, i-pad, various tablets...
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Verbal
We play Risk and poker.

The beauty of Risk is that you are free to form treaties, and free to break them. But if you break a truce, the other player's only reason to continue to play is to assure your destruction.

There is a zombie version of Risk we are looking at getting. Christmas, maybe.

I'll be honest and admit that one of the reasons that inspired this thread is that I planned to review 'Risk: The Lord of the Rings Edition' all along, haha. I bought it a few years ago and actually played with friends this past weekend. Parker Brothers has released so many different versions of Risk over the years, this one is infinitely better than the original (which can already be a whole lot of fun). I'm guessing that pretty much all the newer versions improved over the original, so you probably can't go wrong with that zombie edition either.

Anyway, I'm tired right now and don't have much time, but I promise to come back with a full review:

Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by Xanaphia
I believe I mentioned being a massive nerd? I love tabletop RPGs, like D&D, and card games like Magic the Gathering. Don't get to play them much in person anymore, but I have found online versions that scratch the itch.

It's been such a long ass time since I played table Dungeons & Dragons, I used to play with friends fairly regularly between the ages of 12-18. Funny thing, my parents were pretty damn liberal and occasionally allowed 6-7 of my friends to sleep over so that we could play until 3-4 am (during weekends/vacations, obviously).

I always find it funny that Dungeons & Dragons is typically associated with asexual dorks: one of these friends grew into a legit womanizer while another was charismatic beyond fucking compare. Whatever, haha.
I haven't really played a lot of tabletop games since Son of Seeker began eschewing them in favour of the computer variety.

Monopoly and Risk were old faves with both friends and family.

Family were more into card games, though. Blackout, UNO, cribbage, etc.

Among friends, it was more boxed wargames that abounded pre-computer, so things like Third Reich where you could pretty much re-fight WWII or Kingmaker where you played one of the factions in the Wars of the Roses. A favorite was Starfleet Battles which was a tactical wargame set in the Star Trek universe (Which still exists owing to a weird rights thing that happened. They can make the game but have no rights to anything outside the original series and animated series so they have Klingons and Romulans but no Cardassians or Ferengi.) For less detailed and serious gaming, there was Diplomacy. And then there were tabletop RPGs like D&D which sucked up a lot of our free time in high school and university.
Xanaphia mentioned a tabletop RPG; are those available for work meetings?

I'm not a big player of board games but we did have epic tabletop hockey tournaments that may have involved various alcohol and substance abuses. The below model was great as the puck stayed in play and the game even featured a button that played an audible "Booooooooo" that was most beneficial for setting the appropriate tone. You may have to be Canadian to understand...

We play a different tabletop game now...I call it "Tangled"
Rookie Scribe
There are lots of board games I like to play. I ended up with a group of friends after college and got into what was called at the time Eurogames. Some of my favorites are:

Settlers of Catan.
Power Grid

I do find Flux a good game for my friends that are not into games.
Spent many nights stoned/drunk and playing endless hands of euchre, which is a great card game if you're stoned and/or drunk. As for board games, one of my favourites was Poleconomy, which was sort of like Monopoly but featured Canadian companies and was about three times as complicated. I haven't played it in a long time, but recall enjoying it whenever I did.

Don't believe everything that you read.