In doing this I am rather hoping that everyone who participates in this competition, if they do not win, will think seriously about supporting the site through the purchase of the Gold membership. I have such a great time on here; the stories, the chat, the laughs close on numerous occasions to rolling on the floor with my legs up in the air (not a pretty sight I assure you) and of course more (winks and blushes). Lush without a doubt for me has become such a big player in my social life and this is my way of saying ‘Thank you’. Please ponder on what Lush means to you and if appropriate and you can afford it ‘give back’ and become a Gold member.
I have been going crazy for a week trying to think of a rather fun and site themed competition but have failed miserably so it’s simply and rather boringly a case of picking a unique number within this thread, ideally having checked all the other posts first, between 1 and 500 and posting. Please only one post per member, do not edit it after you have posted and existing Gold members are welcome to participate (you can gift someone should you win).
The thread and effectively the competition will close when I get up Monday 2nd September (usually 6am my time). I will close it down by way of a new post, effectively the cut-off and final one, and edit this one also. Subsequently I will then post the winning details

I will use a random number generator to select three numbers between 1 and 500 shortly after I close the competition. Those three members who have selected the right numbers, or are closest, will be the three winners and I will mail them accordingly. In the event that more than one member has selected one of the winning numbers the first member to have posted will be deemed the winner. The latter method of selection will also apply where a winning number has not been posted and two or more members are equally closest to that winning number.
Wishing everyone lots of luck … John.
Damn it I meant to put the link in here to tell everyone what Gold membership gives them. Here it is ...
Latest list is on page 10 (second post down) to save people time trawling through all the posts prior to that to identify a number that has not already been allocated

224 numbers have gone as of 2nd September 7am UK British Summer Time .. thank you

Firstly a big thank you to everyone who participated in the thread and furthermore to those who helped run the ‘lists’ for its duration, promote the thread through their blogs, the forums and mailing friends etc.
Some statistics:
• 294 replies
• 4796 hits
• Thread duration circa 230 hours
• 224 numbers of out 500 selected.
The three numbers that the random generator chucked out when I got home yesterday were 239, 435 & 486.
• 239 – not selected so closest was Myhorseisamazing with 236 – gifted Gold membership.
• 435 – selected by Alex7 – gifted Gold membership.
• 486 – not selected so closest was Cocokisses (now Coco) with 487 – since Coco has Gold membership she has opted to gift her win to a friend.
Congratulations to the winners.
Thank you again everyone and enjoy Lush.