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RUMPLATIONS: Awesome Honky Tonk and Cyber Bar

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Quote by KimmiBeGood

Bearkeep, pour me your strongest, please.

Heartbreaking day with Dad. I’m not strong enough to go through this again. At least Mom’s not here to see it… 😢

I'm so sorry to hear of your day with your Dad. You are a good daughter and a good person for doing that so selflessly. My heart goes out to you. I hate that fucking disease.

Congrats to Dubya and Life and the other winners. A drink for all of them.! I truly did not think mine worthy of a podium.

I'll have a coffee. Trying not to eat so much junk this year, so no sweets.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Ping is in the contest on Bleu! Come read him! And us!

Team Red: CuriousAnnie, Ape, Sprite

Team Blue: Verbal (me), Writergirl, Lyfbuzz (tincathat), Bear, Courgette

Team Transparent: Kistin

Anyone wants to join a team, or leave a team, or change teams, or ignore the teams, or make up a new team, or declare teams unnecessarily competitive and yet another sign of the end times, feel free. I was just doing this to ramp up some interest. Highest average wins, and the losers have to go to the winner's bar/coffee shop, and, I don't know, say something nice. Don't mention Lush over there. Pearl clutching may ensue.

Me? I'll have a shot of bourbon. If there's a gummie floating around recklessly at the bottom, I shan't complain.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Congrats to Ensorceled and WannabeWordsmith on the Comp and thanx for the well wishes. It must be the gummies. smile

Just a coffee for me. I may have had an early start...

I completely forget how the team scoring works but that's OK doesn't only Ensorceled need to know?

Okey-dokey, Annie Oakley – it's Tuesday. And if Lion were here, it would be Tunes-Day, but I'm merely a humble Bearkeep, so we'll have to wait and see.

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and English Breakfast teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is eager to serve.

Today we're using Folgers, in hopes of enticing said Lion back with his favourite coffee brew.

There are donuts.

Plus I've got some buttercream cuppycakes to try to entice Kat to come back.

Take care out there, 'K?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Quote by LYFBUZ

Congrats to Ensorceled and WannabeWordsmith on the Comp and thanx for the well wishes. It must be the gummies. smile

Just a coffee for me. I may have had an early start...

I completely forget how the team scoring works but that's OK doesn't only Ensorceled need to know?

It’s very simple. Okay, simple-adjacent. Best average score wins. 1st place = 1, 2nd place = 2, 3rd place = 3, top ten = 4, unplaced = 5.

Add up the scores, divide by the number of team members. No, not that kind of member.

Hi everyone. Hope the day is treating you well. A coffee please.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

And here we are. Somehow it's Hump-Day again. Strange how that happens, eh?

Lights are on, Lady Dryad has cleaned up and we’re ready to kick things off. Or take them off, may it please your Grace.

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Irish Breakfast teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is now ready for your caffeine enjoyment.

Today we're using Bad Ass Kona Koffee, from Hawai'i, because I'm just a Bad Ass!

(checks behind, wiggles bum) Well, actually, when I say "Bad Ass" I mean really GOOD ass!

Eat your heart out, BG!

I've put out donuts.

Plus I've got some of Kimmi's buns for y'all to enjoy.

BTW, Just checked the weather, and there's more cold weather coming for the centre of the continent – and the southern states and Gulf Coast states may get more snow.

Kimmi – if you haven't already done so, go find a snow shovel. You might well need it!

Take care out there, 'K?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Jeez Louise – Where did everybody go?

Ape goes on vacation, and everybody vanishes.

Hunh. Remind me to be nicer to him next time.

(wipes the bar with a noily rag)

Lights on, Lady Dryad has cleaned up and we’re ready to go.

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Darjeeling teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is now perkin' away.

Today we're using La Guoachoa beans from Guatemala, because it's got a nice alliteration, and this here is a lit'rary bar, see?

Even if it's actually from El Salvador…

I've put out donuts.

Plus I've got some Nanaimo bars – guaranteed to clog your arteries, or your coffin money refunded!

Take care out there, 'K?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Quote by Ensorceled

It’s very simple. Okay, simple-adjacent. Best average score wins. 1st place = 1, 2nd place = 2, 3rd place = 3, top ten = 4, unplaced = 5.

Add up the scores, divide by the number of team members. No, not that kind of member.

Hi everyone. Hope the day is treating you well. A coffee please.

red team currently has a score of 5. blue team currently has a score of 0. red team wins. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

red team currently has a score of 5. blue team currently has a score of 0. red team wins. smile

It's not the score in the middle of the game that counts, it's the score at the end.

Besides, I'm not sure you didn't just make that up. Can you count all the way to five?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Quote by sprite

red team currently has a score of 5. blue team currently has a score of 0. red team wins. smile

I question the validity of your results, given the number of SS entries the blue team is assured of a score greater than zero. 😋

Coffee for me please. Those nanaimo bars look delicious but I shall resist.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

It's not the score in the middle of the game that counts, it's the score at the end.

Besides, I'm not sure you didn't just make that up. Can you count all the way to five?

nobody likes a poor loser.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by LYFBUZ

I question the validity of your results, given the number of SS entries the blue team is assured of a score greater than zero. 😋

Coffee for me please. Those nanaimo bars look delicious but I shall resist.

i am guessing it will be a negative number.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by LYFBUZ

I question the validity of your results, given the number of SS entries the blue team is assured of a score greater than zero. 😋

Coffee for me please. Those nanaimo bars look delicious but I shall resist.

Quote by sprite

i am guessing it will be a negative number.

The only team mathematically able to beat a score of 1 is Kisten, who, as the only member of Team Transparent, and unentered in the comp, has a score of 0. Gasp! 0, I should point out, is an evil number. The Wikipedia link of today's first rabbit hole:

Coffee please. My knee hurts this morning, but I will resist gummies, as they will make me all goofy.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

The one with the (so far useless) degree in Mathematics will calculate the scores and winning team. smile That’s me!

Heading to Smokies early Saturday! Woohoo! Celebrating my son’s bday! :)

And it's Get-Fried-Day!

Not that that will be much of a change for some of you lot, but – hey! – at least now it's official, right?


Quote by sprite

nobody likes a poor loser.


Not true, Rachel. We all like you.

Well, most of us do.

OK, one or two of …

Oh, never mind.

Caffeine…that's the ticket!

Lights are flickering, but they're on, Lady Dryad has cleaned up – you know, I really need to figure out how to thank that kind spirit. Wood alcohol, perhaps? Hmmm…

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Lemon Ginger teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha is clean, rinsed, refilled, and ready.

Today we're using Black Bear Coffee Beans – to help make your day BEAR-able.

Besides, today is The Day of the Bear!

There are donuts for them what wants 'em.

Plus Marigold has put in an appearance, and whispered in my ear (which tickles, BTW) that for the right guy or gal, she might be willing to put out as well!

Storeroom #4 anybody?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Toss Marigold in with my boy toys, Bear. She can keep them fed and watered until I return from my getaway. biggrin

Y’all have a great weekend! kiss

Quote by KimmiBeGood

The one with the (so far useless) degree in Mathematics will calculate the scores and winning team. smile That’s me!

Heading to Smokies early Saturday! Woohoo! Celebrating my son’s bday! :)

You're in charge of the math, Kimmie! It takes one more thing off the plate of my poor depleted brain-cells.

Hunkering down before The Big Freeze this weekend. Went to the store, and going to bring home a mess of takeout so we can eat leftovers all weekend and watch Flow and Starve Acre (our designated weekend flicks).

Coffee please. Say hi to Marigold.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Hey there, hi there, ho there…

First of all, I've heard from Kat. She's been having a rough time of it. Her sinus surgery went well, but along the way, she picked up an infection. The doctor is trying to chase it down to give her the right antibiotic, but so far, without luck.

Still, she's breathing better, and has more energy, and is feeling optimistic. She's also back to writing, and says there will be another Mac and Grace story in the bye-and-bye.

Ape seems to be having fun on his cruise – the lucky stiff. Hope he hoists a drink or three for us!

And … so much for news of the world. On to other things.

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Earl Grey teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is ready and waiting.

Today we're using Loon Call Breakfast Blend coffee beans from Muskoka Coffee Roasters – which seems appropriate for you lot of loons.

I've put out donuts.

Plus I've got some of those bacon and cheese wraps that people seem to enjoy.

It's market day, so I shan't tarry…

Take care out there, 'K?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

And it's Sunday Morning…

and here are Spanky and Our Gang…

Next, let's get some caffeine brewing…

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Green Matcha teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is now perkin' away.

Today we're using Folgers Black Silk coffee.

I've heard, indirectly, from Lion and he has had one rough go of it. Y'all know he lost a toe when one of his horses stepped on it. Apparently, after that he got COVID bad and was having trouble. There's more, I think, but I have hopes he will make it back here soon. We'll keep a booth up front for him so he can be next to the Wülitzer.

I've put out donuts.

Plus I've got some good looking strawberries from Mexico, so had them made into a strawberry cream pie!

Cream pie, anyone?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Sorry to hear about Carl. Thinking of you!

And my best wishes to Kat for a full recovery.

And a hello to Marigold and her twin crosses. Hard to take your eyes away from that!

Cold as fuck here. HOT coffee and a danish please! Happy Sunday!

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Quote by Ensorceled

Sorry to hear about Carl. Thinking of you!

And my best wishes to Kat for a full recovery.

And a hello to Marigold and her twin crosses. Hard to take your eyes away from that!

Cold as fuck here. HOT coffee and a danish please! Happy Sunday!

Afternoon all y'all!
So glad to be back in action. I've missed my Rumpie pals!

I'm in touch with our resident Lion and will keep all y'all posted. He mentioned hoping to come round the bar sometime when he can.

I just submitted the first story since November, and it felt good to get it published.

My surgery went well, but the first week afterward was rough. I am finally on the mend, though, and so far, I have to say the surgery was worthwhile. The only bad thing was that I still have an active infection. It is a "mystery" infection in that every time he sends a culture to the lab, it doesn't pinpoint what the actual infection is. He's trying again, because he'd like to target it with a specific antibiotic. In the interim, he has switched me to something different for two weeks. He told me that my sinuses were the most infected he's ever operated on. UGH. So, we are hopeful that we can rid me of infection so I can concentrate on maintenance with Flonase and such. But I can breathe better than I have in years, so that's a huge positive outcome.

I'll have a Coke Zero on ice, please. No wine until I'm done with the antibiotics.

Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up

Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story

The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more

Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel

Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus

Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex

We have a positive Kat sighting, which is great. Perhaps one of my own concoctions could rid you of that pesky bacteria, Kat! It's called Doc Bear's Bruising Bacteria Buster. Try it, you'll like it! …maybee.

Let's hope Lion makes it back. I miss not having to hide the Jameson's and playing Hide and Sip…

Meanwhile, I've heard from Kimmi. She's having a wonderful time, unplugged, and should be getting home tonight. I hope she gets home before the snowstorm that's roaring across the southern States makes driving bad!

Now … caffeination for a Moan-Day – even if it is a holiday in the US to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lights on, Lady Dryad has cleaned up – which is about as good as it's gonna get.

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and English Breakfast teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is serving with a smile. I think.

Today we're using Howling Wolf Coffee Beans from Muskoka Coffee Roasters, just to start things off right.

I've put out donuts.

Plus I've got some buttercream cuppycakes for Kat.

Kat, I think you're in for some cold weather, but not as cold as here. It's currently -17C which is just below 0F, so it's cold. It might even be possible that you get a few flakes of snow there in the Tampa area over the next day or so. And worse, for your neighbours to the north in the Panhandle, they're going to get what looks like freezing rain. I'd rather have snow any day!

So, everybody – take care out there, eh? The world is about to get even weirder and more dangerous.

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!


Nom Nom Nom... wipes the crumbs from my face and licks the frosting from my fingers...

Yum! Thanks, Bear!

I have zero self-control when it comes to buttercream frosting. LOL!

It's 46 with a feels-like temp of 32... too damn cold for someone who lives on a beach in Florida. But there is no snow, so I'll stop my whining. I dug out my winter coat as I have to go out this afternoon to get something notarized.

So, I will have some HOT green tea and another cuppycake, please and thank you!

I was pleasantly surprised to see that contractors actually showed up to work today despite the cold weather. They tend to pull the "It's too cold" card when it's under 50. So, I am amazed that they are out there working. We've got one group working on making our knee wall higher to help keep sand from building up on our property during heavy winds and storms. It won't help stop surge waters, but it will save us thousands of dollars in sand cleanup.

The other group of guys work for the landscaping company. They will be digging out the sand and salt-infused soil and adding fresh new topsoil to all the areas where there will be grass, trees, and bushes.

It feels so good to see progress.

FEMA finally came out on Saturday. Now we wait to see if we get any grant money or at least qualify for a low-interest loan to help cover the costs of special assessments to repair the property. Fingers crossed.

Happy Monday all y'all!

Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up

Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story

The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more

Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel

Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus

Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex

Yay! Kat's back. And apparently there are cupcakes. And FEMA too! Good luck with all that.

Going back and forth between listening to the news and avoiding it.

A coffee please. The day seems to call for a gummie, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

And it's a chilly day in Canuckistan – and an even colder one in America, from the way I interpret the headlines.

Oh well – caffeine to the rescue…

We're using Frodo's … I mean Folger's coffee today in Big Bertha who is all spiffed up and ready to shine!

Tea Kettle sits ready to serve as well, and we have Red Rose and Irish Breakfast teas on the sideboard, other kinds in the box, and sachets of Swiss Miss for them what wants hot chocolate.

And there are donuts and bear claws to tickle your tonsils and tantalize your tummy.

Cold here this morning … -19F with windchill to -23C, which works out to -10F.

So let's not hear any complaining from you folks in the Southern US about how cold it is there, 'K?

And take care out there. There's a nasty, cold wind a-blowin'…

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

I sorta lost track of the Red Team Blue Team thing, so let's assume we all won. It was a great comp, and produced some great flash. Head over there to stores space and read the entries! WriterGirl's is especially moving.

I have a new story up over there, called Sunshine, where I try to conjure away the Brave New World we are entering in the US with kindness and empathy. It's short, and it's true.

Coffee please. And seven donuts.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

And it's a chilly day in Canuckistan – and an even colder one in America, from the way I interpret the headlines.

Oh well – caffeine to the rescue…

We're using Frodo's … I mean Folger's coffee today in Big Bertha who is all spiffed up and ready to shine!

Tea Kettle sits ready to serve as well, and we have Red Rose and Irish Breakfast teas on the sideboard, other kinds in the box, and sachets of Swiss Miss for them what wants hot chocolate.

And there are donuts and bear claws to tickle your tonsils and tantalize your tummy.

Cold here this morning … -19F with windchill to -23C, which works out to -10F.

So let's not hear any complaining from you folks in the Southern US about how cold it is there, 'K?

And take care out there. There's a nasty, cold wind a-blowin'…

Sorry but when in SNOWS in my state (panhandle, but still) and I have to wear a WINTER COAT because the “feels like” temp is 32F I think I might be entitled to whine a little.

It snowed where my kid lives in Alabama and I teased that she didn’t move far enough south. She pointed out that I probably didn’t either considering that this January is supposedly the 10th coldest in recorded weather history.

My oldest two kids and all the grandkids are home today. It is currently -2F and feels like -18F with windchill. Too cold for school so the adults are working from home.

It looks like something resembling normal temps will come back here on Sunday. My poor brother is like WTF? He’s never been here when it’s been this cold. 🥶

So, the culture of my infection was inconclusive which makes targeting it with a specific antibiotic an unavailable option. I was told to continue the current antibiotic I am on and that my ENT will use an endoscope on my second post op appointment next week. I’m still breathing better but I thought the surgery would prevent more infections. Sigh…

On a very happy note, my follow up with the cancer doc was yesterday and I am still cancer-free! So everyone’s drinks are on me today!


Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up

Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story

The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more

Boardrooms & Boudoirs - a Mac and Grace novel

Under My Umbrella - a true micro about coitus interruptus

Dessert Is Best Served In Bed - a true micro about delicious makeup sex

Empathy and Kindness – do you think it will ever catch on? I'm for it, but…

Oh well – It's Hump-Day again, so let's get rollin'.

Lights are flickering … flickering … flickering … and … on. Lady Dryad has cleaned up and we’re ready for another day.

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Earl Grey teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is serving up a storm.

Today we're using Dark and Stormy Coffee, from the Carrib-Bean Coffee Roasters.

I've put out donuts.

Plus I've got some almond croissants because I like 'em, see?

Still Polar Bear weather out there. It was -23C when I woke up, with a wind-chill lower than that, around -25. For those of you who live in Palau (or America) that translates into about -16F.

Anyway you slice it, it's cold, so take care out there, 'K?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Kimmi freezing!!!! 5 degrees!!!

I’m gonna bathe in a bear-sized cup of hot cocoa with lots of marshmallows! smile

The Smokies was pretty! Relaxing! My son has shoulder-length, curly, dark hair. I caught a cool pic of snowflakes in his hair. Zoom in… super cool! They were all over his hair like little crystals!

Enjoy today, Rumpies! kiss