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RUMPLATIONS: Awesome Honky Tonk and Cyber Bar

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Quote by LYFBUZ

Shame about your son, maybe the train is a more comfortable option?

I'm working on an SS Comp entry too, basically just futzing with it now. It will be the same for me, first time in both and actually my first story on SS. Looking forward to reading yours!

Woohoo! Happy to have you on SS! Let us know when you publish. There are 4 entries already, which is going well for SS.


Quote by KimmiBeGood
There are 4 entries already, which is going well for SS.

Indeed. I hope the pace keeps up. Last couple comps have been a bit on the light side. Getting back up into high teens again like we had a couple years back would be nice.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Quote by Seeker4

Good afternoon. This may be the first time I have had simultaneous comp entries on here and StoriesSpace. Perhaps not. Maybe it's been long enough that I forgot. It's partly because both are flash competitions so only 1000 words to work with and partly because my idea for the SS comp came on fast. Here's my entry. If you're a member on that site, comments most welcome (or you can drop them here, I guess).

Winding down. I was expecting to see my son soon but he's got a sinus infection and isn't up for making the drive down from Ottawa. Still hoping to see him and his wife over the holidays, just not sure when. A red wine, please.


I would encourage y'all to read Seeker's SS piece. It will confirm that he's telling the truth when he describes himself as a head-banging ape from the North.

Red wine, comin' up.

Anyone else?

BTW, if anyone's looking for Bunny to wash their … windows, she's gone south on vacation, so … take a number.

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

What with sprite up the stepladder and the reappearance of Bunny I completely forgot to order a drink. I'll have a Jack and coke please and a round on me (Ping's tab)

Prayers do come true after all.

The fair Bunny is back with us once again, I thought the place seemed extra jolly.

Happy Solstice to you all.

May you have a happy and a peaceful season. May you spend it with those you love and who love you in turn.

Rachel, that's one amazing skirt. It really shows off your legs.

I think I saw something else up there, so stay on the ladder.

Two writing competitions and some have entries in both?? That's some extra level stuff right there.

My pencil stands in awe at such dedication to your art.

Oh dear, I seem to have some mistletoe stuck in my hat.

I guess I will have to kiss everyone in the bar.

Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

Quote by Twisted_Skald

Prayers do come true after all.

The fair Bunny is back with us once again, I thought the place seemed extra jolly.

Happy Solstice to you all.

May you have a happy and a peaceful season. May you spend it with those you love and who love you in turn.

Rachel, that's one amazing skirt. It really shows off your legs.

I think I saw something else up there, so stay on the ladder.

Two writing competitions and some have entries in both?? That's some extra level stuff right there.

My pencil stands in awe at such dedication to your art.

Oh dear, I seem to have some mistletoe stuck in my hat.

I guess I will have to kiss everyone in the bar.

Now, there's a waste – mistletoe in your hat? Why not someplace, um, further south, say I.

Ah, well – you're a free woman, you are.

Thank you for the Solstice wishes, Michelle. And may the blessings of your Goddess be always with you!

Now, it's the day after Solstice, which means … (counts on his claws and claws) … it's SUNday. Not much sun here at the moment, and it's COLD, around -15C, which is about right for swimming – if you're a Polar Bear.

Now, caffeine…

Lady Dryad has worked her magic and made the bar look presentable, and we’re ready to get things rolling.

Tea Kettle is refilled and ready. There are pots of Red Rose and Earl Grey teas available on the sideboard, plus all the other fine teas in the box. Sachets of Swiss Miss are available, along with the usual mound of mini marshmallows.

Big Bertha has been cleaned, rinsed, and refilled, and is humming away.

Today we're using Ours Noir coffee – that's Black Bear en anglais – from Muskoka Coffee Roasters

I've put out donuts.

And I'll be back in a bit with more bites!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Okey-dokey – we've got some ice cream profiteroles, some Eton Mess (which is more a summertime thing, I know, but it's a weakness of mine), and some cream-filled cannoli.

Now, if Carl would reappear, we could get the band back together…

BTW, THREE days til Christmas … just Bearly time to get your favourite Bear-tender all the presents you want to get him, so get moving!

BTW, I'm open as to hair colour – blonde, brunette, redhead, black, white – all good! 😎

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Cannoli!!!!!!! Scarfs down 4. Morning all, coffee for me please. Bunny, you do look rather lovely today, I see you have dressed for the occasion. Come on, I'll show you around out back, there's a hot tub....

Quote by Twisted_Skald
Happy Solstice to you all.

Hope you had a nice Solstice, Michelle.

Earl Grey and a profiterole.

Doing vacation planning. Have to figure out what to do onshore at our Cruise's various port stops. We are basically just island-hopping and have been to 5 of 8 islands before.

Question: If a story that continues from a previous one is a sequel, and a story that precedes a previous one is a prequel, what is a story that parallels a previous one. It's a trick I have done before but I have never thought there should be a name for it until now.

For those wondering why, my next story here will be a flash retelling my current one from the store clerk's POV. It is basically done but I am holding my fire until the comp ends. Though Minnie isn't getting much love since the initial rush so maybe it doesn't matter?

Minnie's Merry Mall Christmas

In a "flash" she made some mall workers merrier

Quickie Sex

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Quote by Seeker4
For those wondering why, my next story here will be a flash retelling my current one from the store clerk's POV.

Same picture please!

Woke up too early again. Bah humbug. Better hit me with a coffee. I plan to laze away the day reading comp entries on both sites. Maybe make an attempt at a flash for the rhymes-with-gnu site.

I had a 182 word story up for about 10 minutes. Decided I didn't like it and deleted it. Thanks to the 3 or 4 people who actually saw it. I may try to whittle it down to a micro.

Coffee please! I hope that's not a gummie I see at the bottom of the cup. It's not even noon!

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Quote by Seeker4

I though gummies went in bourbon, not coffee? Wouldn't a gummy basically melt in coffee (assuming fresh made and therefore hot)??

Melting is the point! It just adds a little flavor, and a little bump. Okay, I've never tried it, but the internet says it works great!

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

who turned on the sun? please turn if off or close the blinds or something... sheesh. so, there's a few xmas traditions at casa de sprite. for example, watching A Charlie Brown Christmas and Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas. Last night was Emmet Otter. It never gets old and yes, The Nightmare Band deserved the win. smile

We take what we want
We do anything that we wish
We got no respect
For animal, birdy, or fish
The grass does not grow
On the places where we stop and stand
Riverbottom Nightmare Band

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by fillelapine

I think I am becoming addicted to Daquaris. Pool is tops optional. Some very nice breasts on display. Not that I'm looking. What is SS? – it's the clean sister of Lush. A number of us write there – but we don't make mention of Lush or Lush writers when we're there. Some of us allow our families to read our clean stuff, and wouldn't want to lead them back here. There's a comp going on there right now, if you're interested in reading some clean stories for a change.

Meanwhile – any chance of a Bunny postcard from that-there topless resort?

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Talk about postcards from the edge. I think my stepladder idea was better. 😋

Easy on the daiquiris Bunny, they can catch up with you and the hangovers are brutal. And you might misbehave.

I'll have a strawberry daiquiri please, in a toast to the pretty madamoiselle in the yellow dress.

Quote by fillelapine

You are so funny. smile

I'm known for it. Hilarious is my middle name, in fact.

Nice postcard, BTW. Are you the one on the right? She looks as if she might be blond-ish.

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Quote by Seeker4

Good afternoon. This may be the first time I have had simultaneous comp entries on here and StoriesSpace. Perhaps not. Maybe it's been long enough that I forgot. It's partly because both are flash competitions so only 1000 words to work with and partly because my idea for the SS comp came on fast. Here's my entry. If you're a member on that site, comments most welcome (or you can drop them here, I guess).

Winding down. I was expecting to see my son soon but he's got a sinus infection and isn't up for making the drive down from Ottawa. Still hoping to see him and his wife over the holidays, just not sure when. A red wine, please.

got my first story up on the other site too, I'm "tinhatcat" over there. Read yours Ape, EXCELLENT!!!!

EDIT: got Bear's too, also EXCELLENT!!! Good work gents, both terrific stories.

So anyone got a link that just shows only the Comp entries like on Lush?

Quote by LYFBUZ

got my first story up on the other site too, I'm "tinhatcat" over there. Read yours Ape, EXCELLENT!!!!

EDIT: got Bear's too, also EXCELLENT!!! Good work gents, both terrific stories.

So anyone got a link that just shows only the Comp entries like on Lush?

Sure thing, LYF … here you go:

Sounds of Silence

Now, given that it is the Day Before the Day Before Christmas, let's start some celebrating!

I've got Peet's Celebration blend of coffee for Big Bertha – plus some amazing copper polish Lady Jay and I bought in a bell foundry in Normandy, France to shine her up like new!

Turns out that it was the foundry that refurbished the bells for Notre Dame à Paris. When we were there, we asked if they were doing work for Notre Dame, and they just looked at us and said "We're not allowed to comment", which is a pretty direct answer.

And we've got Red Rose and Lasang Souchow teas, plus hot water from Tea Kettle for those who want to make hot chocolate.

We've got some nice, festive donuts for y'all, plus some Christmas cuppycakes.

Got some early shopping to do to beat the rush, so … see ya laters, alligators!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Morning, Sexy People! wave

Last… day… of… work… this… year! Kimmi got this!

Quote by LYFBUZ

got my first story up on the other site too, I'm "tinhatcat" over there. Read yours Ape, EXCELLENT!!!!

EDIT: got Bear's too, also EXCELLENT!!! Good work gents, both terrific stories.

So anyone got a link that just shows only the Comp entries like on Lush?

Read your profile on SS. And your writing is far from “crap”, Sir! Loved your entry! Also agree with you about labels and us just being good humans. All the Rumpies knocked it out of the park on the SS and Lush comp entries! (Clappyhands)

P.S. I’m WriterGirl over there.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Read your profile on SS. And your writing is far from “crap”, Sir! Loved your entry! Also agree with you about labels and us just being good humans. All the Rumpies knocked it out of the park on the SS and Lush comp entries! (Clappyhands)

P.S. I’m WriterGirl over there.

Hey Kimmi! Sounds like things are finally calming down for you. YAY! Anticipated my question, I want to make sure I know who the Lushies are over on the blue site. I'll be sure to get some reading in on SS, looking forward to seeing what folks are coming up with. and you are so right, the Lush folks have some STELLAR work over on SS.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn – it's the clean sister of Lush. A number of us write there – but we don't make mention of Lush or Lush writers when we're there. Some of us allow our families to read our clean stuff, and wouldn't want to lead them back here. There's a comp going on there right now, if you're interested in reading some clean stories for a change.

Meanwhile – any chance of a Bunny postcard from that-there topless resort?

I am so dumb. I went to look at the site and realized that not only did I know about it, but I have a story posted there. I also have an idea for a competition story I'd like to write.

Quote by LYFBUZ
I want to make sure I know who the Lushies are over on the blue site.

I am obvious. Different name, same ape. Should probably use a different avatar here if I really want to disconnect them but I like my ape and it hasn't been a problem yet.

Good morning. I think Bunny's post blinded me. Or at least I have that bright yellow burned into my retinas.😁 Yummy.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Quote by fillelapine

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all enjoying yourselves! Since James brings donuts and coffee I thought I'd bring a little sunshine.

THUD. Sorry, just fainted. I'll be fine.