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Plagiarism alert

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Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by DirtyDazza
I'm not actually sure that this Xporno site can be accused of plagiarism.

I've just been doing some research, and from what I've gathered, an act of literary theft can only be classed as plagiarism if the perpetrators are passing off someone else's work as their own.

I've not checked the site out, but from what I've gathered from previous posts here, the people responsible are not claiming the stolen works were written by themselves. Instead merely posting them without crediting the genuine author.

Can posting someone else's work on another site be classed as plagiarism if the perps are not taking credit and claiming they wrote it? It's literary theft, certainly, but is it plagiarism?

I honestly don't know the answer; law isn't my strong suit.

oh. you're Desperate Dan. NOW i get it. *puts on ignore*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by DirtyDazza
Double post

You ironically stole your own literary work on a 'plagerism alert' thread
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sweetsinner
From what I understand the stories can't be copied in standard viewing format. Is that correct?

No, only the context menu is disabled (which is actually bad usability practice), but CMD+C on OS X still works and I assume the same goes for CTRL+C on Windows. But even if that was disabled as well, then it would still be possible to copy the text. It would just be a little harder to do it manually, but in cases like it seems highly unlikely that it's done by hand anyway.


Quote by sprite

oh. you're Desperate Dan. NOW i get it. *puts on ignore*

Okay, so I've not had a shag for a few months, but that's no reason to nickname me Desperate Dan.

That's quite hurtful actually. I thought you were my friend.
Quote by noll

No, only the context menu is disabled (which is actually bad usability practice), but CMD+C on OS X still works and I assume the same goes for CTRL+C on Windows. But even if that was disabled as well, then it would still be possible to copy the text. It would just be a little harder to do it manually, but in cases like it seems highly unlikely that it's done by hand anyway.

Thanks, I know the keyboard functions still work, however, I can't actually select text in stories at all (almost like it is an embedded jpg or similar), which is more what I was referring to. I (wrongly) assumed disabling the ability to select (and therefore copy) in that manner would have prevented some of the plagiarism issues but I see it's far more than that.

Anyway, moral of the story, plagiarism is bad, people suck.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by sweetsinner

Thanks, I know the keyboard functions still work, however, I can't actually select text in stories at all (almost like it is an embedded jpg or similar), which is more what I was referring to. I (wrongly) assumed disabling the ability to select (and therefore copy) in that manner would have prevented some of the plagiarism issues but I see it's far more than that.

Ah, selecting the text worked for me, but perhaps selecting it is disabled in other browsers.


Quote by DirtyDazza
I'm not actually sure that this Xporno site can be accused of plagiarism.

I've just been doing some research, and from what I've gathered, an act of literary theft can only be classed as plagiarism if the perpetrators are passing off someone else's work as their own.

I've not checked the site out, but from what I've gathered from previous posts here, the people responsible are not claiming the stolen works were written by themselves. Instead merely posting them without crediting the genuine author.

Can posting someone else's work on another site be classed as plagiarism if the perps are not taking credit and claiming they wrote it? It's literary theft, certainly, but is it plagiarism?

I honestly don't know the answer; law isn't my strong suit.

The DMCA states that taking a work in whole and republishing it in whole without the express consent of the author and/or without the proper attribution is, in fact, a violation of copyright law.

That said, am I going to push to have these sites with the stories I searched posted on them shut down or prosecuted? No. I don't really care to invest my time and energy in banging my head against a brick wall.

As to the xporno site, well, someone owns the domain name, and someone is making money off visits to the site, I'm sure. Since every story is credited to "xporno", the de facto creditee is the owner of the site. Meaning that the whole "merely posting" argument is spurious in nature.
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I'm not for everyone
Quote by noll

That would be ignoring the way the web works and there are many downsides to that:
- text gets blurry when zooming in, unless the image is really huge
- text can't be read out loud by screen readers
- text won't be indexed by search engines
- text won't adapt to different screen sizes

There's always a risk of content being copied when one publishes online. You're either willing to take that risk or you shouldn't publish online. An advantage is that online copies are way easier to track than offline copies though.

- That would be ignoring the way the web works
Like Tumblr?

- text gets blurry when zooming in, unless the image is really huge
The image size doesn't have to be huge to be crisp, 3000 words in an image = @ 250KB. Zooming in on my cell phone, the image below is fine to read.

- text can't be read out loud by screen readers
Meh, I never use text to speech. Don't know anyone who does.

- text won't adapt to different screen sizes.
The text does not adapt to screens already. I can only zoom in and out on Lush. Too big and I have to scroll left to right.

Just a suggestion. If someone wants to find a way, they will.

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by gilrenard
- That would be ignoring the way the web works
Like Tumblr?

Perhaps, I'm not all that familiar with Tumblr. Does Tumblr post text as image? I know them mostly for collections of photographs, which is different as those pixel-based, not text-based, in their very nature.

Quote by gilrenard
- text gets blurry when zooming in, unless the image is really huge
The image size doesn't have to be huge to be crisp, 3000 words in an image = @ 250KB. Zooming in on my cell phone, the image below is fine to read.

Not everyone has good eyesight. There are people who have to zoom in so much that even a desktop monitor can fit onle a few words. And then there are many people in between.

Quote by gilrenard
- text can't be read out loud by screen readers
Meh, I never use text to speech. Don't know anyone who does.

People who are blind or have bad eyesight do. Or they may use braille displays, but these won't be able to handle text as image either.

The web started out as a text-based medium and new features that were added later have been provided with options to ensure they're accessible for people who use assistive technologies (like screen readers or braille displays) or alternative ways of navigating. Turning text into an image is just not accessible to many people. The same goes for search engine crawlers who are essentially blind too.

Quote by gilrenard
- text won't adapt to different screen sizes.
The text does not adapt to screens already. I can only zoom in and out on Lush. Too big and I have to scroll left to right.

That's because Lush currently isn't set up as a responsive website yet. If you look at for instance and you resize your browser window you'll see that the layout adapts itself to its width and the text reflows itself within its container as the dimensions change.


I'm not for everyone
Quote by noll


Yep, I am aware of all that.
I create instructional, interactive videos, documents, courses, and the webpages they reside on. All are 508 compliant. Everything we view on the web is pixels on our screens.
Thanks for weighing in.
Active Ink Slinger
I just got done checking the web for sixteen of my stories. Every one of them is also posted on at least one other site. No doubt '' is the largest offender. I was able to find most, (if not all), of my stories posted there. '' was probably the second greatest offender.

However, I did not find any instance where someone was claiming authorship of something I had written. What I did find were copies of my stories, but without attribution of any sort. There was no author listed and no copyright listed.

I agree with 'RejectReality'. Not worth wasting my time trying to take them down. I can't imagine why anyone would waste their time with those sites anyway, when they can easily find LushStories and enjoy all of its benefits.

It does seem though, that '' has pulled a major heist. That however looks to be an issue for LushStories and not something that individual authors need to concern themselves over.

I think that rather than getting all worked up over it, I'm just going to consider myself flattered to have so many of my stories copied and posted on other sites. (Kind of like a 'retweet'.) If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then unedited copying has to be high praise indeed. Wow!
I wouldn't let the fact that sites such as Xporno have chosen your stories to steal flatter you. I'm absolutely certain that the people stealing the stories have picked stories randomly rather than spent time reading them all and determining which they think are best.

They are stealing in bulk rather than cherry picking.
Quote by sprite
You need to watch your language, Alan. I, personally, am a little shocked at what you said that that thieving little skanky cunt.

i agree ... sooo unlike him... fancy using "skanky" ... who would have thought!
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
If everyone else's stories are on that site mentioned above, I'm quite sure mine are too...but I started writing back in 2009 and I pretty much lost count of how many times my stories and poems have been stolen a long time ago...

Here's an interesting one I came across tonight...a guy from the Netherlands took parts of my poem "Size Does Matter" and made a song out of the first four lines of my poem here...

Size Does Matter

And if you don't want to click on it, I'll save you the's a good poem btw...

"Size does matter, if you’re a car,
A bigger engine will take you real far,
Size does matter that’s understood,
When we’re talking about what’s under the hood"

Now...go read the lyrics on this YouTube video, and this guy was nice enough to include the lyrics...and note at the end where it says "Im a hotrod man ©2016 Lairdy333"...bastard...

There's a couple of other parts too...I have to admit it's kind of a catchy song...I wouldn't mind if he just gave me a writing credit here...I sent him a note through Facebook...we shall see...

I think this is the first time one of my Lush poems has been made into a song btw...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
An update to my last name got added to the credits here..."Lyrics: Alan Jankowski & Lairdy333 - Special thanks to Alan Jankowski!!"...I believe it's on a couple of other sites as well, and he is cooperating....I'm happy with the writing credit on the song, that was what I really wanted, and I believe that to be in everyone's best interest...

Apparently that guy who posted the video, Ian A. McCauley didn't actually write or sing the song, he only played guitar on the there was an initial response of ignorance, but things are working out as noted...and I told him to find out if any of my other works got used, and we can again work something, so far so good...

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