To continue on my health and fitness journey and become slim, sexy and self confident in 2011. To find some time each day to just feel content.
Slog out the hard yards and travel several hours a day to fit uni into my schedule and continue working, saving, and helping my family (parents and siblings)...
Just a few things.
lirri-loo, 23.
on a self imposed drought.
going crazy, making friends.
They never work for me.
I think the association with the whole concept sets them up for failure.
Learn Norwegian and French.
Lose 20 kilograms. (via moderate diet, exercise, and lots of shagging)
Read a book every week.
Win an literary contest.
Have a 3 some with identical twins.
Not to get hurt...(im accident prone...)
Find a job
Learn more french
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"
The usual crap im afraid.
Stop smoking (which I have already got a jump start on)
Lose weight (a girl's perogative)
and cut down on the drinking
None of these however, I will actually succeed in.
Naturally, rules are made to be broken ;) xxxx
My resoultion is the same I've had since I was eighteen: not make any, especially those which are the easiest to break. Instead, I've written down a list of goals I would like to accomplish in 2011. I have some goals that I didn't meet this year, so they will be carried over until every single one of them are met.
Latest story:
Not to drink any more. Mind you, I'm not going to drink any less.
Easy, to be kinder to those that have less, life up those I can .
I dont make resolutions cos its always more dissapointing when i dont do them but my goals for next year are to graduate uni, find or at least get a lead on a proper job and start saving and move out from home and get my own place
I will not mock their faces OR spouses. more tattoo's, cause one of these days they're going to start peeking out my collar....
Also.....stop mother from getting more tattoo's because one of these days I'm going to stop explaining that they're not decade's old, they're fresh.....
to look after myself more....put on some weight....and have more "Me Time"
I usually don't have resolutions. Never really thought about making a long list.
Just try to do the best I can. Though, I guess often, that's not enough.
But I guess if I were to have one resolution, it would be that. To do the best I can.
Though I am sure, for some, it's just not enough.
i want a new challenge.....job wise.....and something that makes me smile,and a sexy stockinged woman and so much more !!!!
This year, I'm reclaiming my identity and taking back the power that I gave away. This is MY year.
I have a goal to get down to my goal weight which isn't far off before my mom comes over to visit me next year. I'd also like to travel some more next year. This year has been a write off because the goverment has had my passport since March. I deserve to see a bit of the world.
I'm gonna have to start thinking about some...haha... or maybe mine should be not to have any at all.. that would be an easy
I never make resolutions because like someone said, you are setting yourself up for failure.
But I do set goals. I only have a couple so far. To get back to running every morning, over the last few months, I have slacked off and I can feel the difference. To finish some of the stories I have started writing. More to come!!
My resolution has been the same for years.....To live life to the fullest and be kind to others!
Works regrets!
There is only one goal I wanna actually do this year and that is to ride my bike a full century in one day that is 100 miles yes I am talking a pedal bike I don't do the whole new years resolution stuff never works out. I'd rather try and set small goals for myself through the year.
Move out of where I live and get a new place.
I guess one goal I have is to keep going to the gym and perhaps lose
20 to 30 lbs... not that anyone really cares.