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Middle Age is truly depressing

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Oops, I think I might have missed it. Let's see: I was at the end of one good career, starting another, better one, driving a sports car, single, living in Philadelphia, dating a really neat woman -- no, I'm pretty sure I wasn't depressed in my 40s.

Dang! Why do I miss all the fun? I could have had therapy, done some really expensive drugs, had crisis after crisis - been just like my second ex-

Oh, wait a minute ... THAT's why I didn't do it. I was so glad to have gotten out from under her tyranny that I didn't have any time to be depressed!

I'm glad I got that straightened out.
Well, for me it was pretty much good one minute bad the next. I suppose since I had issues during my forties I could say I was depressed during my middle age... but at fifty I think I'm still middle aged too, so I can't really say until this middle age thing is over with.
I won't let some study or article tell me when I'm supposed to be happy. All of us live different lives and I know I'm the happiest I've been in many years right now.
Quote by roccotool
I won't let some study or article tell me when I'm supposed to be happy. All of us live different lives and I know I'm the happiest I've been in many years right now.

No! It's a "study", it MUST be true!
Oh, that's right. A consensus means it's all true. Plus, they can get more money to do further studies!
Whispers, think I'll begin a study on Lush's legs. Any "scientists" in here that wanna help?
I think the legs are fake and the white spot between them is a ploy. Now the breasts may be real - MAYBE ?

Now for middle aged, 52 and believe its all true. Ya look back and wonder but ya also look forward.
If I had done this or this then mayube. But if I did change things would I have the love of my life now. Thew future I may have - whicj I look forward to. So you can't change the past, so be happy iwth life now.

Bat 52 and moving on.
considering the alternative middle and old age ain;t so bad lol
I'm certainly past it at 66 so I can say what I thought.

I've always felt that 50 began middle age. It was right at 50 that my wife decided to join me in writing erotica and exchanging sexy emails and photos with couples we met through writing that erotica.

We only met, in person, one of those couples and nothing physical happened. But the fun and sexual openness of those years made them the very best years of my life. So, hey, I think middle age was wonderful!

And now I'd give just about anything if my wife were still like my middle aged wife.
Quote by Batman
I think the legs are fake and the white spot between them is a ploy. Now the breasts may be real - MAYBE ?

Now for middle aged, 52 and believe its all true. Ya look back and wonder but ya also look forward.
If I had done this or this then mayube. But if I did change things would I have the love of my life now. Thew future I may have - whicj I look forward to. So you can't change the past, so be happy iwth life now.

Bat 52 and moving on.

I turn 66 this week. You have a lot to look forward to: Interrupted sleep from an overactive bladder, needing to take the elevator where stairs were used before, becoming your doctor's best friend until he retires and sells his practice to a third-grader, people start mumbling and speaking softly when they talk to you. Also, you're sure you paid that electric bill, why the threatening letter? And why are they making TV shows so fuzzy these days? This list could go on and on.

Once the girls (up to age 50) in the convenience stores start calling you "Darlin'," you're on the downward slope. Fortunately, I cna sslit use a tpyrwiteer.
Quote by marktreble

I turn 66 this week. You have a lot to look forward to: Interrupted sleep from an overactive bladder, needing to take the elevator where stairs were used before, becoming your doctor's best friend until he retires and sells his practice to a third-grader, people start mumbling and speaking softly when they talk to you. Also, you're sure you paid that electric bill, why the threatening letter? And why are they making TV shows so fuzzy these days? This list could go on and on.

Once the girls (up to age 50) in the convenience stores start calling you "Darlin'," you're on the downward slope. Fortunately, I cna sslit use a tpyrwiteer.

I'm ahead of you. Wait until your body is unable to even attempt to respond to your overactive mind!! That's when middle age collides with senior status and YOU ARE GONNA LOSE! So depressing is the reality!!
Yes, the Middle Ages were a tough time to live in....Oh wait, wrong thing!
I'm fucking 52 in October...

(But I was depressed before...)


xx SF
i'm 31. when i hit middle age, most of you will be old. some of you will be ancient. Steph will probably be petrified like a fossil. it's great to be young.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I've always been at heart an optimistic mofo with a vibrant sense of the absurdity of it all and I think that's necessary to be any kind of "happy". The world we live in is acting like a Kurt Vonnegut novel, quickly trying to eat it's own tail, so if ya take it too seriously you absolutely will end up depressed, or self-medicating, or REALLY self-medicating. I'll be 62 this month. The only downside to middle age that I see is that Nature has reserved a shitload of dirty tricks for us as we age. A few nights ago I learned firsthand what "sleep paralysis" is. Ever heard of that? Google it, it's a fuckin' hoot. Ya wake up and can't move anything. Surprise!!!!! As someone once said, "gettin' old ain't for sissies."
“It's nice sometimes to open up the heart a little and let some hurt come in. It proves you're still alive.”
For me middle age has been both the best of times and the worst of times. The worst of times because after more than twenty years my marriage imploded. I had believed in marriage, been faithful, done all the right wifely things, and when it ended the experience was more humiliating than anything I had ever experienced before. But when the dust cleared middle age has become the best of times. I have had the opportunity to remake myself. I have had the chance to explore new things, utterly change the way I dress, ask some fundamental questions about what until then I had previously thought had been cut and dried. My relationship with my ex is not over, but we are good friends who were poor spouses. I also thought my sex life was over when my marriage ended... how wrong I was!
Says who? I'm just coming into my own!!
Depends on what you consider Middle Aged?

I am 45 and have never been happier. My kids are now young adults and are doing great, my horrific marriage is ancient history, I have a wonderful SO, my sex life is the best it has ever been and just keeps getting better.

So as far as I am concerned Fuck that study, No depression here.....................well maybe a little depressed at the NY Giants chances this year!! HAHA

(It's a CLICHE to say, "Oh, IF I KNEW THEN...")

Of course, NOW I do... (Everybody does!)

My middle age has CERTAINLY entertained me and continues to... (As a PERSON and indeed one who SIMPLY LIVES AND CREATES IN ONE'S way...) I think, and NOT to be VENAL, that the women, (and it's A LOT about the women with me) continue to do what they have always done... Fascinate, fornicate and fabulous...

But THE IDEA of my younger self, INDEED my younger women... Well Oh GOD! (I would NEVER want to go there again...) I REALLY believe that FINE WOMEN AGE LIKE FINE WINE... (Myself perhaps not...)

(And I DO like my drop...)

Of Course, one can APPRECIATE the beauty of a younger woman when one is Middle Aged... But to PRACTICE such nonsense does BOTH of you a disservice... (Although it's very flattering to be asked...)

Youth IS for the Young. (Middle Age has it's OWN stories, experiences, inestimable pleasures and understandings...) And NOT always quieter, NOT always less passionate, NOT ALWAYS EVER LESS PRECIOUS than earlier connections...)

The OTHER cliche OF COURSE is that AGE is just a number... Well, it really ISN'T... Because we all DO get older... So it depends on HOW you let that affect WHAT YOU WANT...

And in my case, that's not ever been a consideration... I do as I always ever have.

I do what I like and TRY to do it well.

52 in October.

(And trust me... I'm Getting BETTER!)

xx SF

Quote by asleep

I'm ahead of you. Wait until your body is unable to even attempt to respond to your overactive mind!! That's when middle age collides with senior status and YOU ARE GONNA LOSE! So depressing is the reality!!

That's what I'm looking forward to, having a softon. I can't wait to give my right hand a rest.
Quote by dpw

That's what I'm looking forward to, having a softon. I can't wait to give my right hand a rest.

God I hope that never happens. I'd be devastated.
Quote by dpw

That's what I'm looking forward to, having a softon. I can't wait to give my right hand a rest.

( I FUCK much more NOW than I EVER did when I was younger!)

xx SF
I'm 51 and life is good.
If you are middle aged and depressed you need to do one or more of the following things:
- See a Doctor
- Stop following politics
- Get a divorce
- Meet new people
- Stop hanging out with assholes
- Get a pet
- Enjoy nature
- Try helping others
- Have more sex
- Read more poems and stories on Lush!

I could probably add a few bullitt points but I'm that sure you all get the idea.
It killed me turning 30. Next year I'm turning 35 and 10 years ago I thought THAT was middle aged. Ufffff...
I'm looking down from a slightly loftier place than almost all of you.

I DO JOT agree with that article. Bullshit! The only thing golden about the golden years it what it costs to stay alive. There are those, "Golden People" who some god smiled on and they'll die at 100 having sex with six other people. I know some but the majority aren't that.

It's ALWAYS peaks and troughs, ups and downs, good and bad, however you say it, it changes and never stays the same. That's good actually, static means it's pretty dead.

All the motivational stuff you see and hear, "it's not that you fell, it's how you get up!" And a few thousand variants. They're all true and just a restatement of a principle that Gandhi said in the late thirties, "No one can hurt me." Shit they killed him! You say. Yeah, but they never "Hurt" him.

Youre in charge of you, no one else in the universe. You may give any or all of that control to others, or it may be taken, but ultimately you decided. By saying yes, or by not saying no. You choose which way you will go. I understand force and find things like slavery, subservience, to be abhorrant.

But you, ultimately, are in charge. Gandhi freed a country. HE convinced the British empire, a super-power, to just leave. He didn't drive them out, he simply stood there and said, "No, I choose not to do that." And they fucking left. A few fights, a few deaths and they left with a black eye. All because one man said, "No."

It's all in your attitude. If you have a good one, no matter what happens to you, life's not bad. If you have a crappy one, no matter what happens to you, life sucks!

I chose to not live there. Am I sad, yeah I am. I'm losing my life, she has dementia. Soon she'll be gone so I'm pretty fucking wasted. But every time I'm asked how I am, I'm, "Finer Than Frogs Fur!" And I am. It's an absolutely crappy time, but it's not my fault, my wife's, my customers, yours or the worlds. It just %{#?}£%¥+!>_~>}£>' happened. Do I hate it? It's the only thing I hate. But it won't destroy me. I'll change and find something new and, go on.

I discovered that in my late teens and early twenties. It's kept it all on a pretty even keel for me. Always peaks and troughs but I kind of smooth them out and it all seems to work out.

My middle years? From 28 when my wife and I "Got together" until 65 when she gave up it stayed very good. Away time on a job sucked but we survived and I never screwed around. I don't think she did either. Now it's sad but I'm still looking at the green side of the grass and so far that's the better alternative.

Just an observation on this subject from an old fart.

It's all in how you chose to live it. So why not try for the better one.

I am always a gentleman.
I am not even sure when middle age is anymore. Advances in medicine seem to be pushing it out.
Quote by Mancman2010

God I hope that never happens. I'd be devastated.

I don't want it to disappear altogether but a longer recovery time would be nice.
If I'm reading a good story here, I can jack off before half way, then have to jack off again before the end!! It puts me off reading one story after another.
I suppose I could read a lesbian story in between.HSjaxbknXR1DjUZ5
Quote by stephanie

( I FUCK much more NOW than I EVER did when I was younger!)

xx SF

Yes, but when were you defrocked?

I fucked most in my 40's. Jeez did I fuck then. I didn't have time to be depressed.

On a serious note, I think aspirations have been pushed too high and that causes depression.
Also the timing of the study has to be taken into account. Financial stability was bad then. Younger people have time to adapt or aren't worried. Older people can't do anything about it, they still reckon they'll be better off than their parents. Middle aged people will be more concerned because old age is getting close. They don't have much time to adapt and their hopes are threatened.
Quote by stephanie

( I FUCK much more NOW than I EVER did when I was younger!)

xx SF
I will tell you when I get there.