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JFK!!! 50 years and still no truth!!

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Active Ink Slinger
Today is anniversary of the horrible assassination of JFK and all this month they had documentaries and specials about what happened on that day, dissecting and analyzing every piece of evidence they can find and trying to figure out exactly happened. It drives me crazy and it is sad after all these years the REAL truth has never been revealed of what happened. It was a man's life, he was a father, a husband and member of a loving family. I wish someday the truth would be revealed but after all false truths. When the REAL truth is revealed will anyone care or even believe it??!!
Active Ink Slinger
I also have followed ALL of the documentaries about the most horrible murder in American History. Yes there are definitely a lot of theories behind JFK's assassination. I even have my own theories. I have also been to Dallas to see and visit the Museum in the Texas School Book Depository, the Grassy Knoll, and took a picture of a white X in the road identifying the exact spot where he was assisnated. In my opinion Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall guy behind a much larger group of individuals that know the truth behind the assisnation. Like Shelley said "When the truth is revealed will anyone care or even believe it". We as the people have a right to know what really happened. Don't get me started on a conversation about this, as I said I have my own theories. Bottom line is this, our government and other government agencies work for "US" the people of the United States. We have a right to know the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn it!!!!
watched a new program on the audience channel this week

seems Johnson was unhappy with his position in the white house

pres kennedy relied on bobby more than Johnson

and he, Johnson was not happy about that

there was a rumor going around that the pres was going to possibly replace Johnson as VP

sort of got me thinking....

however the same program also said that Johnson admired and respected the pres

so do we really want to know if pres might have been gotten rid of by the govt of which he served?

I don't know if ..I do....
Rookie Scribe

It's not just the JFK incident you're not been told about - this is an area I've researched for a number of years - If you're interested then David Icke, especially his books (recent) are a great place to start, the JFK angle is covered along with many many others most people would not dream of thinking of.
there's a you tube video - Secrets in plain sight - which is also great viewing although 4 hours long!

In short - Kennedy was doing as Lincoln did, trying to get rid of the Fed and issue own interest free money to the American people - obviously they both ended up in the same situation - Kennedy had a sister that died in a plane accident - when you join up the dots you begin to see the whole picture - that picture is STILL in full swing today - Good luck if you head down that route as it is a lot of reading, time and effort.
I too have seen and read a great deal about it. To me, the truth now seems obvious. It was a mafia hit organized by Sam Giancana; aided and abetted by the WORST accidental discharge in history and Oswald was nothing but a FAILED CIA agent and FBI plant who was made the fall guy for it. He was then killed by a mafiaso named Jack Rubenstein (aka Ruby) who had been a pimp in Cuba and became one in Dallas working for the Marcello family. Johnson KNEW the truth and the entire Warren Commission Report was and is the most organized cover up in history.
TWO shots were fired from the depository building that day. Although THREE casings were found there; two new ones and one discolored and dented one; the REASON is that the dented one was in the chamber to prevent the firing pin from striking an EMPTY chamber and breaking (a standard precaution with that type of rifle). The FIRST shot MISSED and struck the street where it fragmented. A LARGE fragment struck and wounded a bystander down by the underpass and smaller ones sprayed the back of JFK's head. (which is WHY the INITIAL Secret Service report states that he said "Oh My God I'm hit!" (Note that his hands are moving towards the back of his head in the Zapruder film). Had the FIRST shot been the one going through his throat he couldn't have said ANYTHING! The second, "magic" bullet wasn't magical at all, it was a heavy full metal jacketed round that punched through two men who WERE precisely aligned at the instant the round was fired. The HEAD shot, was from the ONLY other rifle KNOWN to have been there that day and CLEARLY seen in the Zapruder film LEAVING! It was the experimental AR-15 in the Secret Service trail car! It went off when Agent Hickey TRIED to stand up with it on the seat of that moving vehicle! Just like the M-16 it has a thumb activated safety AND IF your finger is INSIDE of the trigger guard, should you slip; you will automatically and reflexively grip down on it. BANG!
Just read the books, "Double Crossed" by Chuck Giancana (Sam's younger brother) and "Mortal Error" those two EACH tell a part of the story I've just outlined above.
interesting wardog

but I have only one issue with that

there is no way the mafia could have kept it covered up for so long

and no way the government would allow it

if they (govt) didn't have a part in it
The mafia kept it covered up by very simple means, murder. Like I said read the book. No way that LBJ and his old buddy J. Edgar (the guy who FAILED make the Kennedy's AWARE of the Mafia plot to kill JFK that was tape recorded IN MIAMI; in which EVERY ELEMENT of what happened in Dallas was laid out? (From a building, with a high powered rifle, during a motorcade AND lay the blame on some patsy who gets labeled as "lone nut gunman".) THAT J. Edgar? The one the Kennedy's intended to REPLACE with Parker from LA? The SAME J. Edgar who struck a deal with the mafia to protect our Eastern ports from Nazi sabotage in WWII yet claimed (until the televised testimony of Joe Valaci before the Kefauver Committee in 1962 left him NO choice) that there was "NO such thing as organized crime in the US!" THAT J. EDGAR?! Yeah, the government KNEW, the "government" just had reasons of it's own TO pin it on "a lone nut gunman"!
again disagreeing with respect especially with the spying on kennedy

nothing happened WITHOUT the government approval

and maybe THEY..used the mafia

maybe find it a little too pat to blame it on a group of people who really didn't benefit from his death

the pres did NOT want the war and wanted to LIMIT the powers of the govt

both very dangerous opinions to have in govt
Oh but they DID benefit from his death (as you mention it, something that most people don't realize is that even in CI 101 you're taught that , THAT (who stands to benefit from this person's death) is the VERY FIRST question to be asked in ANY murder investigation; and yet was the one thing IGNORED in Kennedy's!). HOW, did they benefit? They got rid of Bobby as AG and he never again was ABLE to go after the mafia as he did AFTER the mafia had used voter fraud to get JFK elected in the first place. Another "benefit" was to send a message (when THEY double crossed us, we killed a pope AND a US president, and if you do we can kill you too! The ironically funny part being, that they were the SAME "experts" that the CIA consulted in THEIR FAILED ATTEMPTS to kill Castro!)
As to government involvement, remember they had BOTH LBJ (who NEVER won an HONEST election) AND J. Edgar to handle the cover up for them (isn't it "unfortunate" that ALL of the evidence just "somehow" disappeared? How it was ALL misplaced and thrown away. The moreso when you think of all of the tons of things the government has stored for MANY decades.)
Were there others who wanted him dead, and who stood to benefit from it? SURE! But, there is NO evidence LINKING them to it. The evidence IS there to show that mafia planned the EXACT SAME THING in Miami! AND, the ballistics PROVE the accidental discharge. (Gosh, I wonder WHY, the Secret Service nearly got into a fist fight with the people at Parkland Hospital over WHO was going to do the autopsy? MAYBE, because TWO of the nations TOP forensic pathologists were AT Parkland Hospital! They WOULD have FOUND the spent casing from the .223 round IN their vehicle afterwards.)
Quote by Wardog
I too have seen and read a great deal about it. To me, the truth now seems obvious. It was a mafia hit organized by Sam Giancana; aided and abetted by the WORST accidental discharge in history and Oswald was nothing but a FAILED CIA agent and FBI plant who was made the fall guy for it. He was then killed by a mafiaso named Jack Rubenstein (aka Ruby) who had been a pimp in Cuba and became one in Dallas working for the Marcello family. Johnson KNEW the truth and the entire Warren Commission Report was and is the most organized cover up in history.
TWO shots were fired from the depository building that day. Although THREE casings were found there; two new ones and one discolored and dented one; the REASON is that the dented one was in the chamber to prevent the firing pin from striking an EMPTY chamber and breaking (a standard precaution with that type of rifle). The FIRST shot MISSED and struck the street where it fragmented. A LARGE fragment struck and wounded a bystander down by the underpass and smaller ones sprayed the back of JFK's head. (which is WHY the INITIAL Secret Service report states that he said "Oh My God I'm hit!" (Note that his hands are moving towards the back of his head in the Zapruder film). Had the FIRST shot been the one going through his throat he couldn't have said ANYTHING! The second, "magic" bullet wasn't magical at all, it was a heavy full metal jacketed round that punched through two men who WERE precisely aligned at the instant the round was fired. The HEAD shot, was from the ONLY other rifle KNOWN to have been there that day and CLEARLY seen in the Zapruder film LEAVING! It was the experimental AR-15 in the Secret Service trail car! It went off when Agent Hickey TRIED to stand up with it on the seat of that moving vehicle! Just like the M-16 it has a thumb activated safety AND IF your finger is INSIDE of the trigger guard, should you slip; you will automatically and reflexively grip down on it. BANG!
Just read the books, "Double Crossed" by Chuck Giancana (Sam's younger brother) and "Mortal Error" those two EACH tell a part of the story I've just outlined above.

there where 3 shots actually fired !! when you look closely, you could see it. he was shot and his wife looks and says something. but soon another shot was fired damaging his skull !! the first shot hit on his shoulder, the second just missed or couldn't remember properly, and the third in his skull !! god, who knows the truth, it maybe FBI OR federal reserve !!
As I said above, in the book "Mortal Error" Bonar Menninger (who set out to prove that the WCR was correct) realized that TWO shots were fired from the depository building, the FIRST missed, it hit the street and fragmented. One large fragment wounded a bystander by the underpass who was also latter treated at Parkland FOR that wound. The SECOND shot was the so called "magic bullet" (there was NOTHING magical about it, it was a large round that punched through Kennedy's throat and hit Connelly too finally becoming lodged in his thigh. The seating arrangement in the car put Connelly right in line as the bullet exited Kennedy. The LAST shot was from the AR-15 in the Secret Service trail car. It was fired by accident when the Secret Service agent tried to stand up on the back seat of that moving vehicle to look for the source of the gunfire! THAT was the "headshot" that blew JFK's brains out the front of his head! The difference in the ballistic characteristics of the two rounds is BECAUSE they were different caliber bullets fired from two separate weapons. The 6.5 mm round from the Manlicher Carcano is just a typical large caliber round that will simply punch through meat and bone; that's what it's DESIGNED to do! The .223 caliber (or .556 MM) round fired by the AR-15 (or the fully automatic version the military M-16- the selector switch just has one additional "stop" on that weapon) has an off center drilling in the back of the bullet that allows the TIP of the round to spiral straight to the target BUT causes the REAR of the round to spiral WIDER! SO, when the round strikes it can do all sorts of crazy things INSIDE of the human body! It might tumble, it might turn it might explode; there is no way of knowing WHAT it will do.
Call me crazy, but I think people would prefer it to be a mystery. It could be just something simple, and that's it. Only we have no idea. Would it be satisfying to find out what really happened all these years?
Active Ink Slinger
The Truth really? Quote" You can't handle the truth " It was A conspiricy. Not by any one group but by several. They all had A part Organized Crime. The secret Service, The CIA, & other people not even mentioned. People who run this country & the world. They say Money talks, But sometimes it can be quiet. What you might call a deadly silence. Trust me their never going to tell you the real truth. It's not in their best interest.
Quote by Wardog
As I said above, in the book "Mortal Error" Bonar Menninger (who set out to prove that the WCR was correct) realized that TWO shots were fired from the depository building, the FIRST missed, it hit the street and fragmented. One large fragment wounded a bystander by the underpass who was also latter treated at Parkland FOR that wound. The SECOND shot was the so called "magic bullet" (there was NOTHING magical about it, it was a large round that punched through Kennedy's throat and hit Connelly too finally becoming lodged in his thigh. The seating arrangement in the car put Connelly right in line as the bullet exited Kennedy. The LAST shot was from the AR-15 in the Secret Service trail car. It was fired by accident when the Secret Service agent tried to stand up on the back seat of that moving vehicle to look for the source of the gunfire! THAT was the "headshot" that blew JFK's brains out the front of his head! The difference in the ballistic characteristics of the two rounds is BECAUSE they were different caliber bullets fired from two separate weapons. The 6.5 mm round from the Manlicher Carcano is just a typical large caliber round that will simply punch through meat and bone; that's what it's DESIGNED to do! The .223 caliber (or .556 MM) round fired by the AR-15 (or the fully automatic version the military M-16- the selector switch just has one additional "stop" on that weapon) has an off center drilling in the back of the bullet that allows the TIP of the round to spiral straight to the target BUT causes the REAR of the round to spiral WIDER! SO, when the round strikes it can do all sorts of crazy things INSIDE of the human body! It might tumble, it might turn it might explode; there is no way of knowing WHAT it will do.

you have all the details smile thank you ;) so that's why they aren't revealing his death report !!
( No there are SOME details no living person knows and those FEW who DID know took those facts to their graves: such as the NAME of the ACTUAL triggerman in the depository building). Actually, Menninger has a copy of the autopsy report in his book. All I've done is cite what I remember from it. For those interested in the actual truth of what happened that day I would HIGHLY recommend reading it.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by kornslayer1
Call me crazy, but I think people would prefer it to be a mystery. It could be just something simple, and that's it. Only we have no idea. Would it be satisfying to find out what really happened all these years?

That is an interesting thought actually .What really puzzles me is the fact that even after all these years passed by ,nothing much seems to be really revealed .Mostly lot of speculation ,good or bad leads and theories .Officially ,all there seems to be is highly questionable conclusion of the Warren commission about the assassination of the most prominent,charismatic and powerful politician of his time .And his brother followed shortly after?
Can't believe U.S. police force and intelligence agencies couldn't or can't do any better ...
Her Royal Spriteness
The moon landing was faked, too, you know.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
The moon landing was faked, too, you know.

Yes, it was filmed in my parents' living room. Walt Disney helpd with the animatronics
Candy Connoisseur
Quote by HeraTeleia
Bullets can take crazy trajectories upon leaving the chamber of any given rifle and then again upon first impact, all dependent upon literally thousands of variables. There is no conspiracy. No "magic bullet". Just basic physics. Sorry to disappoint.

I know. I've played paintball many times. Have you seen those pellets wobble through the air? Your first five shots are merely tracers. By that time, the fucker is behind a tree or plane carcase.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by HeraTeleia
Bullets can take crazy trajectories upon leaving the chamber of any given rifle and then again upon first impact, all dependent upon literally thousands of variables. There is no conspiracy. No "magic bullet". Just basic physics. Sorry to disappoint.

I don't have a very detail insight of the assassination ,have to admit that!My knowledge about it is mostly based on Oliver Stone's JFK .And when you see the movie, or take some time to examine some of the general facts personally, it becomes pretty difficult for me to believe it was a deed done solely by L.H. Oswald.

How could Oswald see Kennedy so well through the tree branches which seem to have been covered in green at that point ?
And why did the victim's head moved backward after the headshot if car was moving away from the alleged shooter ?
And wasn't Oswald already murdered when Robert Kennedy met the same fate ?
I still think Oswald was there just to be the one who takes the fall .
Rookie Scribe
Quote by HeraTeleia
Bullets can take crazy trajectories upon leaving the chamber of any given rifle and then again upon first impact, all dependent upon literally thousands of variables. There is no conspiracy. No "magic bullet". Just basic physics. Sorry to disappoint.

And I completely agree with you on bullet trajectories .
But this one looks like it had quite amount of energy of it's own.Almost unbelievable agile and vigorous ...
Quote by voyager
But this one looks like it had quite amount of energy of it's [sic] own.Almost unbelievable agile and vigorous ...

Okay. "...unbelievable [sic] agile and vigorous..."? No. Snipers have made shots from over 1000 yards away--meaning that things like the curve of the earth itself is calculated into the shot taken. Gravity, the fps rate at which the bullet leaves the chamber, the weight of the bullet itself, wind speed (or lack thereof), ambient temperature, humidity, truing...these are just a few other examples of the variables I mentioned earlier that affect how a bullet behaves upon being discharged.

Presuming that you actually want to understand how, exactly, Oswald could have placed that single shot that killed Kennedy and gravely injured Gov. Connally, may I suggest that you study up on this thing called "ballistics", a science focussed entirely on any given bullet acts once it is discharged from the chamber of any given firearm. Believe me, bullets can take crazy trajectories.

For instance, in November of 2016, one shot fired from the rifle of an SAS sniper killed three individuals, first passing through the head of one, then the neck of another, before ricocheting off of a wall and killing the third Daesh fighter. And no, the Daesh were not standing stock still in a straight line.

Also in late 2016, two Canadian Forces snipers attached to separate regiments knocked out kills from over a mile away, meaning that the shot left the barrel of their rifles heading for a target that the sniper himself could not visualise, and that each sniper was relying entirely on information relayed to them by their respective spotters--spotters who could see the target as just a dot on the horizon.

Now, Oswald wasn't a professional sniper by any means, but his calculations would have been vastly more simple due to the proximity of the President's motorcade. Even if he just accounted for the speed of the motorcade, it's well within reason that he could make a shot on a target that he couldn't even see well. Hell, I could make that kind of shot, given only the speed of the motorcade, the ambient temperature, the ambient humidity, and the known fps of the bullet upon leaving the rifle.

I hope this helps. If it doesn't, feel free to get back to me--after you've thrown a few tens of thousands of rounds downrange. Lack of the understanding of ballistics does not equal conspiracy.

As for the RFK shooting...well, let's use Occam's Razor. One crazed man vs. a vast conspiracy; the "one crazy man" wins because, well, conspiracies, especially complicated conspiracies, tend to fail because eventually someone makes a mistake. Additionally, even if you stubbornly stick to the "vast conspiracy and cover-up" thing, why wasn't Ted Kennedy also taken out? If there was truly some giant mission to kill Kennedy men, wouldn't he fall on the list as well?

Again, this wasn't a "magic" bullet; it was an ordinary bullet behaving in more or less predictable, ordinary ways.
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Rookie Scribe
”Hell, I could make that kind of shot, given only the speed of the motorcade, the ambient temperature, the ambient humidity, and the known fps of the bullet upon leaving the rifle. “

Could you place three shots( two in Kennedy,one in Connaly ) with a bolt action rifle which is (although with a scope ) very poorly adjusted in six seconds ?In real life conditions?With a moving target ?
Can a copper jacketed led bullet that caused a back entrance wound,exiting through the throat only to hit another human target through all the tissue and the fabric be found in a pristine condition ?

”If so, this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. The bullet was found on a gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas ... ” -Wikipedia- Single bullet theory

”Even at his best, Oswald had never been as good a shot as the experts from the army and the FBI. Oswald’s most recent test score in the Marines was barely above the minimum qualifying level. He was officially “a rather poor shot” (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.19, p.18) in 1959, and was hardly likely to have improved over the next four years.”
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by HeraTeleia
Gravity, the fps rate at which the bullet leaves the chamber, ...

Your use of imperial units confused the hell out of my background (long time ago) in video